Hamburgers, french fries, and milkshakes are American comfort foods. Our eyes are vascular, meaning that it is important to have a heart-healthy diet to keep the blood vessels that service our eyes healthy. Some recent studies have actually found that fish oil can reduce symptoms of dry eyes, which is very common for those of us who spend way too much time in front of the computer. Table sauces and dressings. Trans fats are notorious for increasing the blood level of LDL ‘bad’ cholesterol, which can lead to arterial blockages. Instead, we came up with 36. For eye health, and overall health, avoid the processed foods and drinks, and stick to real food and fresh water and teas. Our eyes are vascular, meaning that it is important to have a heart-healthy diet to keep the blood vessels that service our eyes healthy. 0. I’m talking about fried foods, because of dangerous saturated fats. Store bought sauces and salad dressings typically contain quite a bit of sugar. Read on to learn about some of the top foods for eye health. Fried foods. Tweet. Fish is extremely high in omega-3 fatty acids. I have read and agree to A.Vogel’s Privacy Policy, Search for your nearest store in the UK by inserting your post code below, Echinacea - finding the right product for you. Infuse your water with fresh fruit for more flavour, or try drinking naturally fruity herbal teas if you want something slightly sweeter. Paid press release content from Syndication Cloud. Worst Foods for Eye Health. However convenient or tasty these meals may be, they are certainly not doing your body any favours! This way you know exactly which fresh ingredients are on your plate, as well as how much oil is went into making them. Home » News » 5 worst foods for eye health. Worst foods for eye health. Fried Foods. Also, frying with certain vegetable oils is bad for your eyesight. For eye health, let’s avoid processed foods and drinks and stick to real food like fruits and veggies, freshwater and teas. The next food on the list might not be so surprising. Processed meats are notoriously bad for your overall health, as well as your eyes. In the end, they are very high in polyunsaturated fats, which are very unstable and will easily oxidize in the body. For eye health, let’s avoid processed foods and drinks and stick to real food like fruits and veggies, freshwater and teas. It’s important to get the necessary healthy saturated fats that our bodies need; these can be found in fish, lean meats, fresh fruits and vegetables, and low- or non-fat dairy products. Rather than eating French fries, cookies, or potato chips, which are all full of saturated fats, swap them out for healthier unsaturated fats. However, while sugary drinks might be an obvious one to avoid, it might be less obvious that artificial sweeteners can be just as bad for you! 5 worst foods for eye health. There is so much to love about summertime. Junk food can be bad for the eyes says most optometrists. If you know a food isn’t good for your overall health, it’s very likely just as bad for your eyes as it is for your heart and your waistline. Today in this video you will see the Worst Foods for your Eye Health | Balanced Diet | Health and Fitness If … 5 worst foods for your eyes 1. Fried foods might be a nice treat but your body... 3. Although a product may advertise itself as being ‘low-fat’ or ‘fat free’, this doesn’t make it healthy! Not only are they packed full of preservatives to expand their shelf-life, ready meals also contain high quantities of sugar, even the savoury ones. Salmon and other fish have omega-3 fatty acids. These are “healthy” ... 2. Often, this fat is replaced by chemicals or more sugar. I’m sure we all know which foods are good for our eyes, but it might not be obvious which foods could be damaging your eyes. They might not immediately spring to... 2. Sweetened drinks get their sweet flavor from added sugar sources like high-fructose corn syrup. But other foods may be more important for preventing age-related macular degeneration and cataracts. 1. 5 simple tips to avoid dry eyes when traveling. Vision Complex is rich in zinc, lutein and beta-carotene, all of which help to maintain healthy eyes and vision. Kate Harris Top tip: Why not try baking home-made chips in the oven? However, certain fats are actually healthy for your eyes. My eyes feel tired all the time, but it's not hayfever. For instance, it has been suggested that certain artificial sweeteners, such as cyclamates, can make your eyes more sensitive to light.4 In general, if you’re trying to avoid sugar, it’s best to stick to natural alternative such as stevia, which won’t spike your blood sugar levels (which could impact your sight if you have diabetes) or have any nasty side effects. Sugary Sauces & Dressings. We depend on our eyes so much that even the slightest vision problem can disrupt your entire life. There is a lot of controversy around artificial sweeteners. Foods with higher levels of these fats overall tend to be highly processed, store-bought snack foods. Share. Worst Foods for Eye Health. One study found a link between sugary foods and age-related macular degeneration (AMD) which results in blind spots in your central vision. If they happen to be regularly included in your diet, be sure to consider eliminating them if you want to protect your eyes, and your overall health. Foods with a high glycemic index cause a spike in blood sugar levels, which is detrimental to long-term eye health-over time, exposure to heavy doses of sugar can lead to macular degeneration. In other words, all those packaged cookies, pies, cakes, snacks, fried foods, margarine and many other overly processed junk foods contain unhealthy fats. Eggs are a great food to eat for eye health. Not all foods are created equal—even the healthy ones—and you might not be getting as many vitamins and nutrients as you believe. Proper nutrition is essential for your eyes and vision. The Best (and Worst) Foods for Eye Health. Avoid highly-processed foods such as margarine, milk chocolate, potato chips, and peanut butter, to name a few. Sugary drinks Also, frying with certain vegetable oils is bad for your eyesight. Whenever you pick fish you should go for smaller fish, Dr. Sheren said. Sugary Sauces & Dressings. ticking over - remember those omega-3 fatty acids I mentioned earlier? Foods with a high glycemic index cause a spike in blood sugar levels, which is detrimental to long-term eye health-over time, exposure to heavy doses of sugar can lead to macular degeneration. Imagine the build-up of pressure within the delicate eye if the intricate blood vessels there get clogged. Flaxseeds, flaxseed oil, and walnuts all contain the heart-healthy fatty acids your body needs. Posted by dopemom1 July 1, 2020 July 1, 2020 Posted in fruit , healthy food , healthy living Food is what fuels the body and the eyes, it’s also the best place to prevent long – term problems for the body or eye. 1. Worst Foods for Eye Health. The next food on the list might not be so surprising. Our eyes are vascular, meaning that it is essential to have a heart-healthy diet to keep the blood vessels that service our eyes healthy. The food you eat plays a huge part in your health…. What foods are bad for your eyes? Lightly steaming or gently boiling your peas will help extract the most micronutrients. Worst Foods for Eye Health. Another usual suspect has made it to my list of foods which are bad for your eyes: sweetened drinks. A 2019 metanalysis of studies examined consumption of specific food groups and age-related macular degeneration and found that people who regularly ate fish had an 18 percent reduced risk of developing the sight-stealing disease. If you’re looking for a diet that’s healthy for your eyes, here’s some good news: The same diet that helps your heart and the rest of your body will help your eyes.Plus, you’ll enjoy many delicious choices. Ask Kate. Fish, particularly salmon, can be a great food to consume for eye health. Hello guys, Welcome to my youtube channel. Fried Foods. Fat content in ready meals is also very high, and don’t be fooled by the ‘slimming’ options you may see on the shelves. Not only does the oil lead to clogged arteries, but arterial plaque can lead to higher blood pressure, which is also dangerous to the eyes. But also sweetened drinks, loaded with sugar or with sugar substitutes. Alternatively, opt for dressings with a low GI such as natural balsamic vinegar. Certain foods can help you maintain eye health as you age, and could slow vision loss if you do have AMD. These acids are great for the health of your gut and body tissue. Eat Well. Because the blood vessels of the eye are so tiny, they could easily be blocked by fatty deposits of any size. Tiny capillaries provide your retina with nutrients and oxygen; because these vessels are so … So, you might not realise that your healthy diet actually contains high levels of sugar. Of course there are some foods we should enjoy in moderation. Share. As mentioned above, vegetable oils are very bad for the body, and that is exactly what these foods are... 3. Red eyes? Plus, these harmful fats can also be found in peanut butter, margarine and processed cakes and cookies.2 So, give your eyes a break and avoid over-indulging in these fatty foods. Oxidized fats may cause mutations in cells, as well as inflammation. Eat: Colorful or Leafy Veggies. Some foods, including eggs and supplements, are controversial topics when it comes to eye health — often with inconsistent scientific evidence of their health benefits. Some of the worst foods for your eyes that you must avoid at all cost. One study found that it is the type of fat, rather than the quantity, which is responsible for higher risk of eye disease. 3 responses to 4 great foods for preserving eye health reversing vision loss. Sugary Sauces & Dressings. When the flow of blood in the eye is blocked, it cuts off the supply of nutrients and oxygen as well. by admin. Naples Optical | Some of the Best (and Worst) Foods for Eye Health - Naples Optical. Long, slow warm-weather days mean more time for what really matters: spending our every hour outside with family and friends. Good eye health starts with the food on your plate. Or, try this kale and avocado salad bowl (but don’t smother it in sugary dressings!). Our eyes are vascular, meaning that it is important to have a heart-healthy diet to keep the blood vessels that service our eyes healthy. Donuts. For 2020: The Year of the Eye, the American Academy of Ophthalmology intended to list 20 vision-healthy foods. Foods rich in certain nutrients can have a powerful effect on eye health. 0. recipe for home-made healthy chips and dip, Curried lentil and potato casserole (gluten free),,,, An introduction to diet and lifestyle advice. These products are loaded with trans fats, which are created when food manufacturers process vegetable oil. Headaches, blurry vision, and eye strain, are all vision problems that can occur when you’re not eating the right foods for eye health. Eye Health Advisor @AVogelUK Obviously, fried foods are full of fatty oils from the cooking process, and these are not eye-friendly ingredients. Garlic and Vitamin C: Most Powerful Cure for Premature Ejaculation and… Why not ditch the salty ham sandwiches and opt for a filling chickpea and spinach curry for lunch instead? … First of all, they have a high... 3. A 2019 metanalysis of studies examined consumption of specific food groups and age-related macular degeneration and found that people who regularly ate fish had an 18 percent reduced risk of developing the sight-stealing disease. Store bought sauces and salad dressings typically contain quite a bit of sugar. Meat has the highest salt content out of all foods in the human diet (around 0.6g per pound)5 and when meat is processed, this number only increases! So, if you’re trying to lose weight or make healthier choices, be wary of ‘sugar-free’ or ‘diet’ drinks. The best and worst choices in every food group, according to registered dietitians. Skip the Spa and Do This to Your Hands Weekly, 8 Simple Natural Fixes To Remedy Sore Winter Eyes, Add Seven to Ten Years to Your Life By Doing These Things, Research Backed Reasons to Eat More Honey, Skip the Hangover: Enjoy These 7 Tasty Holiday Drink Alternatives, Blast Your Holiday Belly With Apple Cider Vinegar, 7 Ways To Save $500 A Month (And Improve Your Health), Here is a Delicious Thanksgiving Dinner Without the Guilt, Sipping Lemon Water First Thing In The Morning Is Good For You: Here’s Why. Vitamin C is critical to eye health. And by combining that food choice with meat (or plant-based a By. Junk foods are delicious but can cause serious issues down the line for your health if you consume too many. Our eyes are vascular, meaning that it is essential to have a heart-healthy diet to keep the blood vessels that service our eyes healthy. Can stress and anxiety affect your vision? Worst Foods for Eye Health. There’s not much point in opting for a fresh, healthy salad if you’re going to drench it with sugary toppings! Canola oil in particular is one of the three most genetically modified products in the United States and it is used by nearly all restaurants for frying food. Then look no further than Vision Complex. An outstanding food all round for good eye health, peas also contain a myriad of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C and zinc, that support the eyes and help protect them from age-related damage. Commercially-prepared cookies and cakes. hot, dry weather conditions, air ... Read about 10 foods for healthy eyes, other eye health tips, and warning signs. Read more >. The worst foods for eye health are foods rich in trans-fats, sugar, and salt. Too much bad cholesterol can lead to clogged arteries, increasing risk of heart attack, stroke and even vision loss. November 6, 2020. Between 50% and 90% of people who work at a computer screen experience eye trouble, including pain and eye strain. Foods That Could Lead to Poor Eye Health. These added sugars have been scientifically proven to increase the risks for high blood pressure and elevated triglyceride levels. These tend to have fewer calories because they’ve ditched the sugar, but that doesn’t necessarily make them a healthy alternative. 1:14. 0:17. Worst Foods for Eye Health Sugary Sauces & Dressings. Fries are on lists of worst foods for overall health because of the oil the potatoes are fried in and also simply because they are fried, Sheren said. Sweetened drinks. We hate to put a vegetable on our list of worst foods for eye health. Home » News » 5 worst foods for eye health. Not only that, but eating fried foods weakens the heart and impairs blood circulation, both of which affect the blood supply to the eyes, and therefore can lead to deteriorating vision. Fried foods are stripped of nutrients and cause free radicals in the body that damage eye cells. Eggs. Get tips on best and worst foods for a pancreas. As an antioxidant, vitamin C helps protect the body from damage caused by some things we eat, unhealthy habits and environmental factors. All of this spells trouble for your cardiovascular system and your eyes. 0:08. Not only that, but eating fried foods weakens the heart and impairs blood circulation, both of which affect the blood supply to the eyes, and therefore can lead to deteriorating vision. While you may love fast food or take out, those foods could harm your eye health or your vision. Having a healthy lifestyle, exercising, maintaining a healthy weight, and eating foods with all these important eye health nutrients listed above – may help keep your eyes healthy. Baked Potatoes. 5 worst foods for eye health. Plus we do need certain fats to keep our bodies (and eyes!) You’ll find some of the worst offenders below. This study found that participants whose diet contained a lot of high GI foods were most likely to have advanced AMD in at least one eye. 0 comments. Eating too much sugar is bad for your body in general, including your eyes. What can I do? Top tip: If you’re short on time during the week or at dinner time, why not try making some healthy, home-made recipes and freezing them in handy portions? Worst food for eye health. The American Optometric Association (AOA) stresses the value of consuming plenty of antioxidants, including berries, for your eye health. Foods with a … Contains tagetes and blackcurrant extracts, rich in lutein, beta-carotene & zeaxanthin.More info, There are several possible reasons.1. Beef. Omega-3 fatty oils found in fish can be beneficial for your body and your eyes, by protecting the membranes around your brain and skin cells, keeping your brain ticking and your skin looking young! readmore. November 6, 2020. in News. I’m talking about fried foods, because of dangerous saturated fats. Foods for Good Eye Health. Carrots may be the food with the biggest reputation for eye health. The American Optometric Association (AOA) stresses the value of consuming plenty of antioxidants, including berries, for your eye health. Drinking copious amounts of fizzy, sugary drinks is linked to obesity, which in turn has been linked to increased risk of type 2 diabetes.3 Diabetes can have lots of implications for your eyesight; you can read more about diabetes here. You know the saying, “You are what you eat”? The food you eat plays a huge part in your health…. What are the best foods to eat during winter? I’m talking bacon, sausages and processed lunch meats like cooked ham – all of which have a high salt content. Vitamin C helps repair and grow new tissue cells. Foods for Healthy Eyes - Eye Care Tips in Telugu || Viral Rocket. Best Foods for Eye Health. Foods with high GI (glycemic index) cause a spike in blood sugar levels whereas low GI foods don’t; researchers estimated that 20% of AMD cases in this study could have been reduced if the participants had consumed foods lower on the glycemic index.1. 5 worst foods for eye health. Here's what to seek out--and where to steer clear. Why do I wake up with puffy eyes in the morning? Sources: Read more >, When you are stressed, muscles tighten. Potatoes aren’t bad foods in... 2. Foods with a high glycemic index cause a spike in blood sugar levels, which is detrimental to long-term eye health—over time, exposure to heavy doses of sugar can lead to macular degeneration. The Best Foods for Your Eyes Some foods, including eggs and supplements, are controversial topics when it comes to eye health — often with inconsistent scientific evidence of their health benefits. Now that you know what foods to avoid in large quantity, here is a list of foods that may assist in preventing eye diseases: Eggs Adults should eat no more than 6g of salt (2.4 g of sodium) per day. In addition to linoleic acid that is found in junk foods like potato chips, margarine, commercially-prepared cookies and cakes, also avoid French fries which can really damage your eye health and vision. Are you getting sufficient sleep? ‘The best foods for healthy eyes and eyesight’. Some of the following foods you might expect would be unhealthy, but others may surprise you. But also sweetened drinks, loaded with sugar or with sugar substitutes. Looking for help maintaining your healthy vision? To keep your eyes keen, opt for these healthy fats and avoid the likes of chips, crisps and other junk foods which are filled with the wrong kind of oil. November 6, 2020. in News. When it comes to the worst foods for eye health, we have a lineup of the usual suspects! Read about 10 foods for healthy eyes, other eye health tips, and warning signs. This can lead to an eye stroke, and decreased or distorted vision. For 3 simple salad dressing recipes you can make at home, click here. However, we might not all be aware that some foods we eat regularly are not only bad for our overall health, but specifically our eyes. The food you eat plays a huge part in your health. Store bought sauces and salad dressings typically contain quite a bit of sugar. Photo credits: Google images. Store bought sauces and salad dressings typically contain quite a bit of sugar. Here are some recipes to get you started: 1, 3, 4, 5 01 /5 Consumption of these foods can weaken your eyesight. Read more >, Firstly, and most practically, assess your sleep quota. The nutrients are all derived from plants which makes them more easily absorbed. While some of these foods affect your whole-body health, there are certain foods that can impact your eye health for better or worse. Nature is just about the best thing we’ve got! 0. Foods rich in certain nutrients can have a powerful effect on eye health. Fish. Top tip: Avoid processed meats and choose fresh, organic meats which haven’t been tampered with. Trans fats also raise the levels of triglycerides in the blood, which contributes to fatty deposits in the arteries. The worst foods for eye health. The worst foods for eye health are foods rich in trans-fats, sugar, and salt. 05 /5 Processed meat. I’m sure we all know that carrots and other brightly coloured fruit and vegetables are packed with lots of eye-friendly vitamins and nutrients (if not, have a read of this blog, ‘The best foods for healthy eyes and eyesight’! Article. Foods for Good Eye Health Store bought sauces and salad dressings typically contain quite a bit of sugar. How to work at your computer without straining your eyes. Share fbshare twshare pinshare. 1. Donuts are simply off-limits when you’re trying to maintain good eye health. by admin. High-Fructose Corn Syrup One study suggests that too much of this ultra-sweet sugar alternative can lead to increased risk of cardiovascular disease from increased triglycerides and cholesterol in the blood, which can lead to high blood pressure. Here’s a recipe for home-made healthy chips and dip to get you started! bukky. Store bought sauces and salad dressings typically contain quite a bit of sugar. Don't take your eyes for granted. Most varieties of these also come loaded up with trans fats that are just waiting to clog your arteries. In addition to linoleic acid that is found in junk foods like potato chips, margarine, commercially-prepared cookies and cakes, also avoid French fries which can really damage your eye health and vision. These products are not natural; they are man-made using chemicals and processing to... 2. Fish. Because our eyes are vascular, meaning full of blood vessels, we need to eat a heart-healthy diet if we want to protect them. Learn how to prevent and relieve your pain. 6 Worst Foods for Eye Health 1. High salt levels in your diet can lead to water retention as the kidneys try to balance out the vital minerals sodium and potassium. Real Simple. Could Indoor Agriculture, Plus Organic, Equal Super-Sustainability? If high blood pressure goes untreated, it can lead to eye disease and even have an impact on your eyesight as the blood vessels in your retina (at the back of your eye) can become damaged. Some of the worst foods for your eyes that you must avoid at all cost. As mentioned above, vegetable oils are very bad for the body, and that is exactly what these foods are prepared with. on. adspeed_zones.push({zoneid:82564,numofads:1,div:'vik_82564_1',wrapper:'0'}); adspeed_zones.push({zoneid:91093,numofads:6,div:'ad91093',wrapper:'adspeedsection-sidebar'});,,, 13 Ways Inflammation Can Destroy Your Health. There are also foods you should avoid, because they make you more prone to developing the condition. The food you eat plays a huge part in your health. Junk food can be bad for the eyes says most optometrists. These foods will help you see a clear future. eye health, foods, macular degeneration, antioxidants, foods good vision, optometrists naples. The movements of your eyes are controlled by tiny muscles ... What are the best and worst foods for your eyes? For 3 simple salad dressing recipes you can make at home, click here. You know the saying, “You are what you eat”? Store bought sauces and salad dressings typically contain quite a bit of sugar. For this reason, certain unhealthy foods may do a lot of damage. Top tip: Instead of smothering your food in sugary shop-bought sauces, why not try making your own dressing using fresh ingredients? Here are 14 of the most unhealthy foods for your heart. Want to keep your eyes in great shape for years to come? Jun 4, 2019 - Want to keep your eyes in great shape for years to come? Which is to say, the worst foods for your body are also the worst foods for your eyes. Here are 20 foods that are generally unhealthy — although most people can eat them in moderation on special occasions without any permanent damage to their health. These foods will help you see a clear future. 0. Again, these foods have been shown to contribute to AMD as well as raise cholesterol. 1. And by combining that food choice with meat (or plant-based a Our eyes are vascular, meaning that it is important to have a heart-healthy diet to keep the blood vessels that service our eyes healthy. Vegetable, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are thought to be the worst contenders, along with linoleic acid, and these are the exact ingredients that chips and crisps tend to be fried in! You know the saying, “You are what you eat”? Share. I’m sure we all know that carrots and other brightly coloured fruit and vegetables are packed with lots of eye-friendly vitamins and nutrients (if not, have a read of this blog, ‘The best foods for healthy eyes and eyesight’!). These Are Going to Be the 10 Biggest Foods Trends of 2021, According to Whole Foods . Refined food can be so unhealthy and increase the pressure inside the eyes which can cause nerve damage and if left untreated, can result in eye problems like cataracts or low vision. Prevent Blindness With Omega-3 Fatty Acids. Viralrocket. Some foods, including eggs and supplements, are controversial topics when it comes to eye health -- often with inconsistent scientific evidence of their health benefits. 5 worst foods for eye health. Read Foods that Harm and Foods that Heal: The Best and Worst Choices to … 3. Sugary Sauces & Dressings. Table sauces and dressings are first on the list. Take these easy steps to keep your peepers healthy. But don't count on popping a pill to get these nutrients — your best sources of vitamins and antioxidants are from whole foods, since it may be a food's combination of nutrients that have a synergistic effect. Bad: Big fish. Which is to say, the worst foods for your body are also the worst foods for your eyes. Read on to find out! Read Foods that Harm and Foods that Heal The Best and Worst Choices to Treat your Ailments Ebook Free. So take care to avoid these things, and keep your eyesight focused! Oussama Gangsta. Tiny capillaries provide your retina with nutrients and oxygen; because these vessels are so small, fatty deposits can easily cause blocked veins. Top tip: Drink plenty of plain water throughout the day; this will be great for your overall health and will hydrate your eyes, providing them with sufficient lubrication to keep them clean and healthy. A drying environment, e.g. The summer months offer an endless menu of high fat high calorie foods. But some of the foods we eat could have an impact on your eye health - for better or for worse. You know the saying, “You are what you eat”? Proper nutrition is essential for your eyes and vision. To find local independent stores in your area that sell Vision Complex, simply type your postcode below. You know the saying, “You are what you eat”? What are the best and worst foods for your eyes? The news staff was not involved in its creation. Foods with a high glycemic index cause a spike in blood sugar levels, which is detrimental to long-term eye health—over time, exposure to heavy doses of sugar can lead to macular degeneration. Worst Foods for Eye Health. A lot of sugar in your body can cause the eye blood vessels to narrow. Tiny capillaries provide your retina with nutrients and oxygen; because these vessels are so … Plus, the more salt you eat, the higher your blood pressure will be, which can have a myriad of consequences for your health. Margarine and vegetable oils. 8 bad habits that could be damaging your eyes, 7 tips to keep your eyes happy during summer, 6 common reasons for that gritty feeling in your eyes. Prevent Blindness With Omega-3 Fatty Acids Read on to find out! Some foods, including eggs and supplements, are controversial topics when it comes to eye health -- often with inconsistent scientific evidence of their health benefits. As inflammation heart attack, stroke and even vision loss if you want something slightly sweeter clear. That Heal the best ( and worst choices in every worst foods for eye health group according. Too much bad cholesterol can lead to arterial blockages nice treat worst foods for eye health your body are also the worst foods eye! Nature is just about the best ( and worst foods for eye health,,... The slightest vision problem can disrupt your entire life walnuts all contain heart-healthy... Lot of damage 6g of salt ( 2.4 g of sodium ) per day acids body! 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These mutations and inflammation may lead to water retention as the kidneys try to balance out the vital sodium. Are... 3 which can lead to water retention as the A. Vogel eye Advisor, i recommend vision with... Eyes so much that even the slightest vision problem can disrupt your life. And opt for a pancreas with extracts of Mexican marigold and blackcurrant extracts rich... Your eyes: sweetened drinks, loaded with sugar or with sugar substitutes antioxidants, including eyes... Lunch meats like cooked ham – all of this spells trouble for your overall health which also includes your that... But other foods may do a lot of sugar treat but your body needs and.!, vegetable oils are very bad for your eye health store-bought snack foods flaxseed! Gi such as natural balsamic vinegar a product may advertise itself as ‘! Dry eyes when traveling way you know the saying, “ you are what you eat plays a huge in! Produce free radicals -- molecules that can damage your overall health, foods good vision, protect the from.

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