Bedding displays are generally based on a combination of different varieties of Begonia, but these can also be complemented with other bedding plants. Glenda Taylor, 10 Home Gym Must-Haves to Help You Lose the Quarantine Weight, Your Easiest-Ever Garden: 7 Planters That Do All the Work, Count On These 25 Indoor Plants for Easy Color Year-Round, How to Sell Your House in a Sluggish Market, Get Built-in Bathroom Storage With These 10 Shower Niche Ideas. By Naomi Jones. They are easy to care for and all grow well in partial shade. Many offered under the name of the breeder or originator, by a choice of colors, or according to flower forms like rose or camellia. Species of rhizomatous and fibrous begonias are among the easiest to overwinter, since both types can be dug up and brought indoors to overwinter as houseplants. Early morning sun in an east window works well. Caring For Begonias. This species can grow up to 18 inches. Tuberous begonias come in two forms, either upright or trailing, and have green or burgundy leaves. When filling out your flower bed, you can either purchase blooming begonias from any garden center in late spring or grow these bedding plants from seeds, rhizomes, tubers, or roots. The leaves on this type of begonia can be quite colorful, ranging from near-white and soft yellow to deep purple, green, and red, often in exotic combinations and patterns. There are two main types of begonias commonly grown in the UK. But many other types, effective either hanging or climbing, are decorative the year round – indoors in the East and North, outdoors in the South and Southwest. Early morning and late afternoon midsummer sun are necessary for flowering; strong daylight from dawn to dark keeps growth healthy and compact. Trailing Begonias. Soil should be light, water to keep soil constantly moist, but never soggy. They endure the elements of wind and rain and greatly enhance your garden from June through October. An area that receives lots of direct morning sunlight and some afternoon shade is ideal. Many are rhizomatous, but not all species are. The begonia tuberhybrida comes in all shades of green, and many other colors; eye-catching patterns or variegation are frequent; and leaves may be round, oval, star-shaped, palmlike – their texture rough-hairy, soft-velvety, glossy-smooth. While they enjoy humid conditions, they don’t like “wet feet;” soggy soil can cause their roots to rot. When the top growth has two full-sized leaves, the tubers are planted in light, porous, well-drained soil in flats or pots, or hanging baskets (three to a six-inch basket, for fuller display). Remove the dormant tuber from the soil and treat it with a garden fungicide powder before storing it in a dry indoor location between 55 and 65 degrees warm until late winter. Soil mixture should be light, porous, moderately rich in organic matter, and slightly acid or neutral. Like tuberous begonias, most fibrous begonias cannot survive temperatures below 45 °F (7 °C). Bottom heat also speeds rooting of stem, rhizome, and leaf cuttings. The name is taken from their growth habit, "trailing" meaning to grow to some length over the ground, and scandent meaning climbing. These hanging-basket begonias are certainly in a class by themselves. Tuberous begonias require a long period of winter dormancy to store energy in the tubers for healthy growth and blooming during the next year's growing season. If your trailing begonias are not trailing over the sides of the container, they may need more light. Bewildered by Begonias? In cool climates, they can be brought indoors and treated like houseplants through winter. Keep the soil of overwintering begonias damp but not saturated, and water them from the bottom to keep their leaves dry. Trailing begonias need strong light to produce a full, multi-stemmed plant with lots of flowers. By Glenda Taylor. Tuberous begonias These … Outdoor Begonia Care. If you want impressively big basket displays, trailing begonias are the way forward. For the best chance at saving the tubers in your garden, transplant them into pots and bring them indoors before frost. Under proper care, Begonia Thelmae is a vigorously growing plant. Keep a close eye on the weather forecast during the fall and be ready to move your begonia pots indoors when the … Ideal begonia care requires well-drained soil that has been amended by the addition of organic matter, such as compost and peat moss. Without those cool night temperatures and the moist air, these are admittedly not the easiest plants to grow; but their magnificent performance is worth any effort. Prized for their prolific blooms in a rainbow of colors—from creamy white and soft pink to shades of deep rose and crimson red—begonias are favorites of home gardeners everywhere. Cultural problems in general, and poor flowering, in particular, can often be traced to the fact that people take the term “shade plant” too literally. A potting mix soil is a great option for hang basket plants. They have many leaf and flower styles, and make perfect overflowing container gardens. So, take care to keep the plant under observation and fulfill the requirements accordingly. Use begonia plants decoratively indoors to blend garden plantings or to act as an accent. Likewise, the thelmae will also be mentioned as an evergreen flowering plant. The Rieger begonia is also known as the Begonia x hiemalis or hiemalis begonia. Another plant that enjoys “cool” is the handing Strawberry begonia, which is not a begonia at all! Innumerable others can be induced to droop attractively by allowing the plant to dry out to the point of wilting; then attach clothespins or some other weights to the stem tips, to hold them down for a day or two after the plant is watered. Mature plants of wax or semperflorens begonias will fill out and overflow a basket. Dormant tubers are pre-rooted in early spring, partially sunk – cupped side up – in a moist rooting medium over bottom heat, if possible. To know how to care for your begonia over the winter, you really need to know what kind of begonia you’re growing. In most of the U.S., however, begonias are treated as annuals (planted for a single growing season) or indoor specimen plants. In more densely shaded spots, flowering tuberous and fibrous begonias tend to develop more leaves than blooms, though Rhizomatous begonias (which are grown for their foliage) will flourish. They require a spot near a window where they receive filtered light during the winter months. Begonia tuberhybrida Trailing or Climbing Begonias. are available in many different varieties, including Rex, wax, tuberous and cane-stemmed types. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to, How To Grow And Care For Hydrangea In Pots, Cape Jasmine Care: Tips on Growing Gardenia Jasminoides. Those which are annual and grown from seeds / plug plants and those grown from corms, small bulbs. Begonia plants, regardless of type, cannot withstand freezing cold temperatures and require appropriate winter care. If you choose the latter method, start them indoors in late winter so that they have time to mature before you transplant outside in warm weather. Begonia hanging baskets means one thing to many people – time for the summer-flowering Tuberous Begonia hanging basket hybrids (begonia x tuberhybrida) with tender, drooping stems, wing-shaped leaves, and gigantic flowers in glowing colors and blooms shaped like the Christmas cactus, camellia, and rose. With more than 1,200 known species, the Begoniaceae family is one of the largest flowering plant groups. Wax Begonia varieties don’t need quite as much room to grow; you can space them six to eight inches apart. Most bloom in early spring, with cloudlike clusters of dainty begonia flowers on tall, thin stems high above the foliage. It is perfect for vertical gardens with its elegant cascades of vivid, elongated flowers resembling fuchsias. Most begonias are easy to raise from seed, easy to care for, and easy to love. Begonias respond better to fertilizer solutions poured around their base rather than sprayed directly on the plant; the tender leaves and stems of some species can be injured by direct contact with strong fertilizer sprays. White Sticky Stuff On Plants: What Causes The White Fuzz? This begonia care practice, known as “forcing blooms,” will ensure that your begonias begin flowering just as soon as you plant them in the garden. If you grow the plant outdoors, keep it in a spot that gets some filtered sun in the morning, but avoid full sun at midday or during the hot afternoon hours because this could burn the plant. They can be used as bedding plants, in window boxes and in baskets and other containers. Prepare the soil by tilling it well to break up any clods before planting. Trailing Begonias. Known better for striking foliage than blooms (although some species are flowering), rhizomatous begonias are characterized by roots resembling knobby, horizontal stems that creep along the surface of the soil. They fill baskets, window boxes, and flower beds with non-fussy blooms all summer long. While they enjoy humid conditions, they don’t like … Begonias thrive in a … Pellionia repens (recently reclassified to Procris repens) is a gorgeous and super easy to grow terrarium plant.It’s often called the “Trailing Watermelon Begonia” despite not being a begonia at all (or a watermelon for that matter) for it’s begonia like asymmetrical leaf … Place your hanging begonia in partial sunlight. While begonias can’t tolerate hours of direct sunlight, these plants bloom in a combination of partial shade and soft light. Once they develop roots, they can be overwintered (as described below) for replanting in your garden again next summer. They are also sometimes called elatior begonias, although this is the same plant as the Rieger begonia. Place in a dry, cool storage area (a basement or garage) and allow the tubers to cure for several weeks. Plant indoor begonias in a good indoor potting soil. Copyright © 2021 Acton Media Inc. All rights reserved. As their name might indicate, these tend to drape over the sides of containers quite well. Indoors, most basket begonias will accept average temperatures with average humidity, although some will have livelier leaf texture if the humidity remains above 50%. This group of begonias can trail or be trained upright. They range in height from a few inches to over a foot, and they produce single or double blooms—some reaching up to 6 inches in diameter, depending on the species. When planting Begonias outside, space them about 12 inches apart to allow for adequate growing room. Fibrous and rhizomatous begonias are easy to grow as house plants, but tuberous begonias need to be stored as bulbs over the winter, and hardy begonias should just be left outside. However, many factors can affect the growing frequency of the plant, including the humidity, light, soil type, and weather. But in the Northeast, they will not grow or bloom properly in shade. Display them in window flower baskets or wall brackets. Begonia boliviensis – A plant discovered in the Bolivian Andes. Try them as specimens or blenders in container gardens or planters. Make neighbors jealous with the addition of your own this season. Begonias can be transplanted to the flower garden in late spring as soon as the danger of frost has passed; they will thrive—even bloom, depending on the variety—from then until fall when overnight lows dip below freezing. I’m a bit obsessed with them. Tuberous begonias crisp and burn in hot, dry air, but may rot or mildew in long periods of dark, humid weather. With a wide variety of colours to suit any garden scheme and long lasting flowers, they … Rex Begonia | Care & info | Houseplant Central April 4, 2020 - 9:47 am Tip: Rex Begonias can also be propagated using stem and leaf cuttings. There are the angel wing begonias with arching stems that drip outrageously large clusters of brilliant flowers at intervals through the year and the Dragon wing begonia as well. When the weather is consistently warm, put the plants outdoors in semi-sun or lath house to bloom their heads off until fall. Begonias can be used in mass plantings, or they can be mixed with other annuals. We'll respect your privacy and unsubscribe at any time. Replant the tuber as described above to force blooms in time for spring. These … If you’d like to learn more about the various ways to multiply this species, have a look at the full Begonia propagation guide. When potting your begonias, you should keep three factors in mind: the type of soil, the size of pot, and the amount of soil you use. In the lath house of a California specialist, the effect of their flamboyant flowering display is overwhelming. The “picotees” are large-flowered camellia types with an edging of contrasting color on each petal. Many hanging-basket container varieties propagate easily by layering. A spot under a widely-branched tree that provides shifting sun and partial shade is ideal. Begonia On Top Pink Halo The tubers may be listed or sold as Begonia pendula, or simply as “hanging-basket begonias.”. If you’re looking for blooms to plant in (shaded) window boxes and hanging baskets, select a species of fibrous begonias that develops long, soft canes; these bamboo-like stems will spill over the edge in a showy burst of color. Used in containers, hanging baskets and bedding schemes, begonias provide continuous colour throughout the summer until the first frosts. Indoors, keep a houseplant in a bright spot, such as in an east window where it gets some morning sun. Take the following steps to save your potted tuberous begonia tubers: Remove plant from pot before hard frosts occur. Pinch out the tips of long, drooping begonia stems to promote branching and fuller growth. Trailing-Type: Shrimp begonia (B. limmingheiana) is a spreading plant often used in hanging baskets to provide color in winter when the more popular basket begonias are dormant.Culture: Flowering houseplant begonias should be located in a bright spot and receive some direct sunlight. Plant them as soon as possible after purchase. Cut back most of the top of the plant, leaving the ball of roots and soil intact. Tuberous begonias, on the other hand, can be difficult to overwinter, because the tubers can rot or die if they get too warm or too cold, or if they develop fungus—don’t feel bad if yours don’t survive indoors for the season. The soil should not be soggy wet or very dry. Tuberous begonias, which are grown from potato-like tubers, make popular bedding plants (or first-choice options for the flower bed) due to the fast growth of their showy blooms that last from early summer to late fall. In dry weather, supplement Mother Nature’s begonia care with a rejuvenating fine mist via the sprinkler for 15 minutes in the heat of the afternoon and sufficient bottom watering—remember, just enough to keep the soil lightly damp but not waterlogged. The roots of a fibrous begonia look like your typical plant roots that extend downward into the soil. Begonia glabra has trailing stems to 3 feet long, with heart-shaped, bright green leaves and profuse white flowers in winter and spring. Choose your hanging or climbing begonias for any of many decorative virtues. Hanging and creeping begonias are among the easiest and most adaptable of all tender plants. Fibrous begonias are the easiest of the three begonia types to start from cuttings, but you may also have success taking cuttings from some other types of begonias. There is a large and varied group with long, lax stems, and another type with a creeping rhizome that is picturesque either in baskets or climbing a totem pole. Disclosure: participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for publishers to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. Ideal begonia care requires well-drained soil that has been amended by the addition of organic matter, such as compost and peat moss. Even so, it’s relatively simple to identify begonias because all of its species fall into three main types, sorted by their root systems. Begonia seeds are powder-fine and are not covered with soil in planting. Whether you prefer the big blowsy blooms of double-flowered varieties, or the elegant single-ones, they provide masses of colourful flowers that cascade wonderfully from any container, be it a basket, patio pot or window box.. These easy-to-grow plants prefer warm temperatures, humidity, and moist, well-drained soil. Take a few stem cuttings about 4 inches long each from your favorite plant, dip each in rooting hormone, and plant them in moist peat moss. These attractive flowering plants also come in a wide variety of colors for use as bedding plants or container plants. Most tuberous begonias naturally go dormant during late fall months, and they need this downtime to rest. Fibrous rooted and rhizomatous begonias do not die back once a year like tuberous begonias. In California, begonias need and do well in partial shade and protection against intense heat and dry winds. Non-Tuberous Trailing Begonias. 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