Sure enough, Krishna took it away. So it is actually you who does not understand Gaudiya Philosophy. I was to brain washed by them to think for myself then. It makes me so angry when i hear these stories of Devotees who have suffered so much pain. That’s what I encourage you to do. My body was ill and I awaited surgery before I returned to China. Chant Hare Krishna Hare Ram. Eventually i know you’ll be able to reach out to Him. God!!! It was first time for me. They just made a mockery of the scriptures and this isnt new to the society, this used to be a practice in olden days when such so called Gurujis and Brahmacharis were treated as godsent and since ages Prominent people in ISKCON have been indulged in protecting these culprits of Krishna. acchedya das, thats a really good idea as a start at least to put up a website with all their names and faces so that at least women interacting with them or still probably trusting their children with them can know what they are up against. wonderful advice! He grow up in different culture and didnt have much knowledge on material issues , but he left free way to some psychos and fucking pedophiles to hang on to his few statements and to base their crime on it. The eligibility to enroll for the course is graduation. I just need so badly to be HEARD for things to change and for JUSTICE….. It is a question of being in illusion or being free from the illusion. Main thing is what we learn from life because that will decide your path of life. 7. Krishna Consciousness means doing things for Krishna and keeping Krishna in mind whatever you do. Do good deeds to get good results For wrong deeds face results in this janma or future janmas and get up for what is right. ISKCON Kolkata. Not only he got out of that situation and is serving in temple (his wife is not favourable to Krishna Conciousness), also he completed ALL HIS ROUNDS of chanting that he couldn’t do during that time. I hope all of you gets your answer. ??!!? So many envious demons joined ISKCON and tortured the children of sincere devotees of Krishna because they could not bear to see the devotees worshiping and glorifying Krishna. ok. some say, everything is in krishnas control, and we suffer from past karma. I am of the first generation also, but left the movement after experiencing was a verbal attack by another devotee. Make the best out of the life given to you by Krishna. I gave-up everything to become a devotee, & they treated me like garbage knowing full-well that i had no place to go.When i got sick they were only concerned that i wasn’t able to do my services. The Lord won’t let them go with it, but He is waiting for us to take action for Him. My heart goes out to children who are victims of other’s frustration. i am just in so much pain and doing all I can to make sense of everything. i just want to die. It happens even in Child protective services where children are being abused by the very people who are hired to help them. However to advance in spiritual life we need to renounce material sense gratification. A friend of mine, who is a true Prabhupada disciple told me Haryashva accused me of using him for a free place to stay behind my back. How many new comers stay for 6 months. I urge you to safely continue this journey toward healing. Let us pray that the Supreme Personality of Godhead will bless her and be merciful unto her in view of her seeking His pathway in the development of consciousness.She could try chanting his name and praying earnestly to Him for guidance, and direction. Somewhere in your heart you have to come to terms and learn to forgive as painful as that sounds, it will be YOU who will benefit. Oh this is really terrible Don’t know were you are but it seems that when such groups go to America it all gos sour.. India full of this too please Listen this is not the vedas this is sick men, who are control freaks totally anti Dharma anti cosmos Krishna is not a man but a wonderful force, as is Shiva Durga ect, please be strong your part of the cosmic oneness and loved, these people who hurt cause harm are anti dharma anti society, and in maharbarta would have been destroyed! Visnu had killed his brother Hiranyaksa so he considered Lord Visnu his enemy so when his son Prahlada became a devotee of Lord Visnu he could not bear it, so he tortured his son. 5.Restaurants serving cool drinks since devotee should be soft as a flower, and hard and just as a thunderbolt. Mataji, Please accept my obeisances. Skip to main content. For sake of yourself and each girl suffering or suffered like you plz!!!!!!! The course contains 10 lessons with over 60 videos to ensure the graduates learn the practical application of the Bhagavad Gita … The abusers will have a time when they have to answer for the crimes. ALL GLORIES TO prabhupada. In this way you will gradually become a pure devotee of Krishna and get the potency so when you speak to someone about Krishna they will become Krishna conscious. When I arrived he threw me out. Crime against krishna’s children . Other than that, the rape and abuse of its own children will take center stage. What they did to u can never be justified ,and must be prosecuted , not in another lifetime ,but in THIS ONE. She needs a closure.Support. my nightmares and daymares is all I have now… people completely PHUCKED ME! ISKCON, 3C,Albert Road, Near Birla High School. So we can not be enjoying sense gratification and making spiritual advancement at the the same time. I was brainwashed because I was too submissive. Temple presidentssp are scared to deal with resident devotees. Worshipping from afar, not daring to show my hurt and anger. It means men are like dogs in ISKCON and can fuck anyone under any bush and still remain pure. So most of the gurus now including most of the gurus in ISKCON are like this, they are in the “guru business” for some personal benefit. He, just to show that he is a saintly man, went back to that bitch again. Ravindra Svarupa physically assaulted a woman devotee a few years ago. You are a gifted person because even after you have suffered alot , you have not lost your wisdom . I had written him a letter and asked him what happened to him. [also at the end of this article] She is a victim of ISKCON’s pedophilia protection racket, and should be given our full support. She also survived, and is scarred, but she carried her guilt for years and has only recently found a way to forgive herself. And if they were good devotees they would have treated you with the same respect and sweetness Prabhupada always treated kids with. Hari Bol! good gracious, this movement needs again badly, a strict discipline and law & order.! They also poisoned Prabhupadato death. Please don’t lose faith in the holy name. When Dushasana attempted to molest Draupadi and disrobed her she prayed to Krsna for protection and he did but when she asked him if it was her fault, or karma he said NO. that are designed to help every one grow and mature in Sanatan Dharma sastra. You have seriously a pure heart . At the misuse of your gods name and of his supposed pure devotees….and the need to sound respectful towards them now….is so hard for me…..confusing…..impossible…. By saying that she did not deserve it, you are disowning the teachings of gaudīya-vaiṣṇava sampradāya regarding karma. The way he never let me too. Demons dont deserve to live. The children courses (divided into various modules) are designed to give them a rich experience of our great culture and inculcate in children a feeling of respect and pride for our Vedic heritage: through inspiring stories, prayer, meditation, values, games, group work and other fun filled activities. Astha ji namaskar.I am63 years old pensioner.l went to vrindavan on 25march,16.the widowers from west Bengal and Ukrainians are ina very much distress. In bhagwat Gita Krishna killed thousands of demons and bad people and encourage Arjuna to fight against evil people and assure him that he (Arjuna) wii win .greatest lesson of Krishna is to fight against evil people because it will make society peace full. Iskon have become the place of buissness, where in the name of GOD they all are making money. Leave or you will never experience a shadow of love for Krishna. It will eat you up and leave you to die. He told it is my life and I can do with my life what I want. Sister please forgive me if i’ve made any offences against you i just wanted to relate to you a little of my experience and try as pitifully as i can to be supportive. I couldn’t understand why i was filled with guilt and anger, i couldnt get why being supposedly immersed in Krsna consciousness i was losing my faith.I was told by other women that suffering was necessary because it would make me more humble. A marriage is going on in our family and my wife’s uncle and aunt are literally getting hold of people and getting them to promise listening to a version of GIta that is narrated by the UNCLE and then forcing us to SELL copies to others and make them listen. The GBC are Putana’s trying to destroy Krishna’s love for them. This composition as compiled by the great sage Vyasadeva has been endearing to all those who seek Truth, who look for perfection, who are interested in a complete science of everything irrespective of … They actually arent devotees but just wolves in sheep skin. Noone cared. I FOUND SHELTER NOW AND AM MAKING ADVANCEMENT. I am not sure who you have been talking to about Krishna consciousness but you seem to have got the wrong impression. Is this all true or not….. Yes. The Holy Name will save us by taking shelter of a bona fide Guru. You have been abused! !1Krishna is all with us evertime even after millions of mistakes he is alwys there to help us …….gita teaches only the message of fearlessnes and self-capablity all based solely on krishna!!!!!!! Learn online at your own pace, whenever and wherever it's convenient for you. But we can not. Millions of billions of lifetime we did Sense Gratification STILL we want more Sense Gratification, how Rascals are we and STILL we desire respect. But it is a tough challenge to keep the promise that the cloth wants one to keep. Now He’s in the next life i look back on the time we spent together and i love him. WOW Thank you for the honesty and sharing. Devotees are killed by banditsrapes and no responsibity taken. We are all imperfect and seeking to move towards ascension to the Mahatma consciousness. We all get what we deserve. After the "Understand Gita in 18 Days" course the seed of Bhakti yoga has been planted in the heart. Read the songs of the Vaisnava Acaryas, you will sense what is the humble mood of an actual devotee and you will see the actual devotees are thinking they are lower than the worms in the stool. Bhakti Courses The Bhakti Courses are a spectrum of online courses ranging from the fundamentals of spirituality to the advanced concepts of Gaudiya Vaishnavism. For girls to have no education? So I am telling FUCK OFF to ISKCON and all his devotees from today onwards! To me, that’s the heart of a true Vaisnava. Trains did not run as often. Devotees believe that they are some kind of special human beings, different from everyone else. We always desire respect, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura Prabhupada said this is the most difficult desire to give up. I faced a bad temple experience myself and found myself soured on the Holy Name…it connotated brainwash and hostility.i hated that they did this to me. It no longer stands for what Prabhupada’s teachings,which is ur compass. He was tortured by his demonic father because his father was envious of Lord Visnu. Thanks, I am just shocked at it… The so called “ISCKON Devotees” could be such demons…. i will not fail him. Dont let them fool you into thinking you can do nothing and are weak. He gave me his exs names. And he told he wanted to know me more. Radhee, Dear Krishna lover…always remember devotion & love can never be taught. This is the nature of taking birth. Tell the world that those bunch of demons are hiding in the disguise of monks!!! Srila Prabhupada is living in his books. Course fee – No charges, free of cost. Krishna has a plan for their hell. I’m convinced of that. How easy is to blind people, to make mass hysteria ,mass slavery , to make parent give their kids away , some of them to believe abusers over their children’e word!!! Krishna is the supreme , but he also understands her rage . Why this happened to you i cant possibly imagine. I am a firm believer of a balance in everything. Look my dear sister, stay strong and God will give you the strength to get through this.remember that these Filthy Beasts are only using religion to furthur their vested interests,THEY ARE NOT TRUE DEVOTEES OR GURUS. A devotee practicing Krishna consciousness is enjoying a higher pleasure, a higher taste. It doesn’t make Krishna’s message less important or true. All i founded in Iskcon temples were Chapter wise, shloka wise. Bhaktivinoda Thakura has said that .. ‘kali-cela’.. pseudo vaisnava… he is just a disciple of Kali-yuga.. pranams Hare Krishna. When I said yes she asked me to tell her my mantra. Indian men think that for all women having sex is just a fun and they can use anyone. Judgement Criteria: Clarity in pronunciation , Proper tune/meter of shloka, Translation ( From Bhagvad Gita As It Is – ISKCON : available ONLINE ) Language for translation can be English, Hindi or Kannada. I was abused by my mother, emotionally not physically. To tell you that you need to be hurt to burn off your karma is against Gods very nature. The GBC keeps promoting themselves as qualified and Ravindra Svarupa took drug money from New Vrindavan as a payoff for power. Many other people I know, bless everything they reach, get, and live a life without renouncing success, because they do not sink into excess and compulsion. This is a wonderful thing for those who have chosem this path, and I respect it, but to discourage the rest of the world by proselytizing is wrong. Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare. Whatever happened with us is our results of past and present pious and impious activities. He thinks he is a regular fallen human being. Did u just compared your strict father in raising with her brutal rape and abuse from fucking “saintly” devotees ,all in the name of god ???? When I tell you that I can not even hear/see or smell anything devotional because I become physically ill, like nausea, cold sweats and crying lots of crying…. These gurus are evidently not true guides AND DO NOT MANIFEST THE CORRECT TRANSFORMATIONAL APPROACH TO THEIR CHELA..The woman has manifested tremendous fortitude despite her experiences and I am glad that she withdrew her commentaries concerning Krishna, and Prabhupada. The course will consist of 18 sessions covering each chapter in each session. I thought I found an ideal devotee to create a family. child molesters should feel the pain they are You are right in saying that we should be honest with ourselves. If we continue committing sinful activities because of Maya’s grip on us, they will go away eventually as we continue to practice Krishna consciousness and recondition our minds for Krishna. Everyone is sad in the material world but when you take to Krishna consciousness you enter an ever-increasing ocean of transcendental bliss. Please do not equate your abuse with Krishna. That is a 100% garbage. I believe it is our life’s purpose as devotees to be true to ourselves, and to be sincere, this includes honesty with our selves in regard to our own pain, suffering, and even doubting of our own faith as a result. I am lost of words at your strength . It is not easy to follow the path of spirituality in the face of stubborn stance of Maya or the attraction of material world. Later u got that krishna gave u those parents and u realized thats mercy ….. are u implying that she should realize that its mercy to pay of her karma? i suggest to get help in the west outside of iskcon and bring these abusers to proper justice, like the christian church ministers are now receving. Those asses who posed as devotees and then abused kids are pure shit of this world. and remember, you are not alone, and only together we are strong.! Human beings are “Greatest Shameless beings”. There is no devotee care… providing basic life support where devotees can live close to the temple and to each other. Certificate COURSE in the Upanishads and Srimad Bhagavad Gita For the first time ever, Panjab University Chandigarh is now offering a 1 year certificate COURSE in the Upanishads and Srimad Bhagavad Gita. This is wrong. Duration 3 minutes. Is it like ISCKON just started and ended with Srila Prabhupada in real terms. I called him from China and asked him if I could stay there for a couple weeks. ISKCON Bhagavata Mahavidyalaya, Govardhan is coming up with the 2nd batch of on-site residential courses offering the study of Srimad Bhagavatam, Sandharbhas, and Sanskrit. i wish i could take some of your pain but only KRSNA can do that. What happened in the end was that Dushasana was killed by Draupadi’s husband extremely brutally. It was a real shock for me. So they want to become the leader of the group, give the classes, become the guru, etc. Krishna tells us to rise above the models and be free from anxiety. NO ONE DESERVES TO GET RAPED THAT ISN’T HOW KARMA WORKS. That is a material thing. There is only frustration and repeated birth and death in the material world. Both are blameless! Course Materials: A 400-page text book based on the teachings of the Bhagavad-gita As It Is with discourses and exercises. If we never experienced misery we would never be motivated to take shelter in RadhaKrishna. so please don’t hurt your self, it only makes the molesters and control freaks stronger. Gita Jayanti 2020. Yes. And moreover, there’s a time a person spends in hell before taking rebirth where he washes of his sins. Frightful disclosures abound and right here in Jamaica, the land of the most churches, according to the Guiness Book of Records, certain Ministers have been found wanting..and this at the top of the leadership levels of the Moravian Church whic has enjoyed considerable respect for numerous decades. I will tell all you brothers and sisters. We must meditate as often as possible in order to avoid disconnect and aimless wandering. for a comment above : I was exploited by a bogus Pranhupada disciple. Everyone is the same. It’s helping me heal. The LU has decided to start an online Bhagavad Gita certificate course for the faculty members from Thursday. According to gaudīya-vaiṣṇava philosophy, she deserved it. Oh my God!!! They provide very easy and free sex to indians and so on. In 700 succinct verses it summarises the conclusions of the Vedas, the ancient scriptures written approximately 5000 years ago in the Sanskrit language. I was a virgin. Iskconbcame bogus religious cult like Charles Manson. My heart breaks whenevr another of these incidences are revealed. Hope Krishna helps you heal. i hated him for the way that he treated me and for the path that i took in my teens and early adult life. Unlike how i was raised. It demands integrity– oneness among what one thinks, what one speaks and what one does. This is not as per Vaishnava cult. There was nobody to preach him or tell him it was his karma. But, Why this lady got entangled into physical relationship without marriage? Gurukul Vetren’s article continues below this note: Readers should be informed that this young lady has already apologized for her strong language against Sri Krsna and Srila Prabhupada (read comments: “Iskcon files for bankruptcy” 11/2/02). l can understand because I am an Indian. I was shicked to learn of it…and saddened because I couldn’t protect her. I’m not going to encourage you to expose these monsters, as you might be ready, but just know that they will suffer for their actions. Trust him. The faculty would comprise of devotees from Iskcon Temple, Chandigarh. I for one will need a lot more convincing to even listen to them again, Hare Krishna It depends on the authority. Crime needs jail .. Bloody sad reading sweetheart you move on. Thus in a new life it is almost impossible to pay for previous life’s mistakes. Its every mans duty too protect women and children not child molesting vermin in the guise of a Devotee. Then he told me to visit India for Gaura Purnima and go to Mayapur with him. I did not see him in 10 years+ and as an old friend wanted to say hello. This is a descending process where we beg for the mercy of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu because we can not eradicate our sinful condition through our own endeavors. What happened to the hospitality that ISKCON use to offer when all devotees were welcome very nicely? So I think normal parents should keep their children away from this society. Whatever we do we’ll get the results, good or bad. Learn Bhagavad Gita Course Online in English - Visit Learn Gita Live Gita official website to learn Iskcon Bhagavad Gita Courses in English Online. I sympathize with you. You can also take the help of local women police station & non government organisations for women groups to fight for justice. Institution religion and politic hand by hand fuck it up for many of sincere devotees. To much pain…. Published on November 24th, 2020 | You are correct. They love to be cheated. i have nothing but you and all your tortures to keep me crazy…. However, either way, its over and you are safe now, if it is all true, you have nothing more to fear. Prabhu: You can feel the sufferings as a vaishnava of evey iva from a worm in stool to the demigods. cause thats all i think about is just ENDING my miserable life…. So there are regulative principles: no illicit sex, no meat eating, no gambling and no intoxication. The virus can not survive and without blood as its host so a knife can not spread it to another human. I am 29 years old. I love Krishna very much. It is like us believing Putana breat fed Gopala Krishna out of love when her only motive was to kill Krishna. Hang in,there grit your teeth, remember this too shall pass. You please move ahead in life, be strong and don’t cling to bad part of your life. When he wanted he left her and went to others. I really said dear,because I try to send you love within my message. And arranged his marriage without his concent although he desired to remain a brahamchari. Whether it is being sexually molested, exploited beaten up or cheated by bogus gurus, it’s all varieties of misery. The International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), known colloquially as the Hare Krishna movement or Hare Krishnas, is a Gaudiya Vaishnava religious organisation. Anybody would succumb to the almost unassailable allurement of lust (sex) and greed (money). dandavats. However Srila Prabhupada is not like this, Srila Prabhupada is a pure devotee of Krishna. And Ravindra Svarupa continues to be leader in ISKCON after he kicking a good vaishnavi in the ass. Your email address will not be published. Please stay strong. Please organize kc communities. You are a blessing. So please take your dear ones away from ISKCON. ‘ISKCON Vedic Courses’ is dedicated to His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, the Founder-Acharya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), whose life’s purpose was teaching the world about the ancient spiritual wisdom based on Bhagavad Gita, Upanishads, Srimad Bhagavatam and other Vedic literatures. “Gita Made Easy”, a course designed and facilitated by Amarendra Gaura Das and his wife Sukirti Madhavi Dasi from ISKCON Chennai was an attempt to deliver the Bhagavad Gita to 2020’s disturbed population at large. From Jayanti Maloney BRISBANE AUSTRALIA unafrId in exposing my identity proud to be a hard Krishna!! Please be healed and know that you are divinely loved now and forever. Remember pedophiles and psychopaths are always gravitating toward groups with easy access to children and women. i think its in Romans where Pual says{paraphrasing} we’re looking through a glass half full but someday we’ll know,even as we’re known, FULLY. If prabhupada would be physically alive, this wouldn’t have happened. Many Indians have unfortunately created havoc in ISKCON. Srila Prabhupada made Isckon for this purpose only. May the Supreme Lord offer her true solace and a purposeful life. The GBC has commited the most abominable crime in the universe. Please file a case and help us get free from the clutches of such criminals. But this is NOT the devotees karma. ... Hare Krishna. Following your duties without thinking its result is karma yoga , greatest teaching of Krishna….. So dear , please hold on , i know i will remember you for life cuz you are a surviver ,even i dont now who u are. If this is all true, its really sad and unfortunate. The times I spent in cared for by devotee is the only thing that kept me alive, now I speak to krishna who touched my heart when I nearly did from electricusion. Log in . So this types of bitches teach men such a moral. He was not promoting use of dairy products as if the Cow milk is unhealthy and promoted imitation of meat eating by selling mock meat preps. Center should be Prabhupada’s teachings and devotees who strictly follow his instructions. You’v done some evil and just plain Terrorizing things to me and to my godbrothers and sisters. No need to act like a Christian fanatic, who see the evil in everything, only because this person has no self control. Hindu scriptures forbid molesting children, how could they do this to you? This doesnt give a license to anyone specially those people who use this Universal Truth as a sheild to cover up their lustful mentality, their sinful activities and their demonic behavior and unfortunately we have such demons still in the form of ISKCON devotees. Bye,dear princess…God protect you…God bless you…Krishna loves you…many greetings from me and from the community of real devotees…bye,until the next message…please,answer this message from this servant of you…hugs and hugs of calm and human love…. I’m finally looking for initiation, and hope to be an outspoken devotee for those of us hurt in any way by unworthy devotees. please see “OMG” I fell everyone can understand what is “ISKON’ actually is. You are an example of a pure person . We are Krishna’s soldiers. Your email address will not be published. To be married at reaching puberty???? So get all of Prabhupada’s original books AND READ THEM: It is a feeling for someone and if it towards Lord Then it will definitely come in your heart irrespective of if one follow any community like ISKCON or others or you don’t follow any one. everyday i have to find a reason why i should stay. But now; 40 years later they are like hurtful babies crying in the woods. Indians are right in not liking ISKCON. And the situation is such that you cannot refuse them without creating a scene. I feel disappointed with the authority of ISKCON which seems is indifferent. And they got married 1 month ago. All said that it was my fault. And he promised me. Expose them. You are correct. There is demonic perversion and wrongdoing in every religious/spiritual setting. Only a true Guru is qualified for adoration and satisfaction, and this mean that the disciple shows unconditional love for the Guru and his teachings, it has noting to do with physical and sexual satisfaction. Dont depend on mundane protection. it is a responsability of leaders to protect, if there are no true ksatriyas in the society then it is a demoniac society. who is like parashurama and devot’s himself to the service to crush this demons An easy, practical and fast method to systematically introduce and train new people in the teachings of Bhagavad-gita As It Is Easy to do Minimum logistics Short time required 6 Introductory Sessions for newcomers 18 Summarized Study sessions Covers all 18 chapters in 18 weeks Only 1 hour per week In line with Srila Prabhupada’s … Gita for Everyone Program Read More » And today I have decided that I am out of it. I have also suffered enough before I understood that 99% of ISKON are Satans in religious outfit. Real religion is a clean heart. When they punished us or locked me in the dirty kitchen/closets it was Prabhupada’s tape they played behind the door all day till they saw fit to let me out…. I love you all. I can’t compare the physical and emotional torture you went through, to my hurt feelings. Everyday I have to find a reason why I should stay. But Krishna is watching everyone from inside and out, they’ll be punished, Krishna will do the justice. You’re capable of completely changing around your life and doing something great however hard it my seem. They even claim that their mantra is the “MAHA MANTRA” and everything else is bull. He did not discuss the matter with me. That’s why, the Lord will appear in the form of Lord Kalki avatar. Yes. Though you may be skeptical about the existance of Krsna/God i assure you, so many devotees have felt the same way at some point in life…whether before or after they came to the movement. create a better place yourself and help others. His own parents did it to him. 6.selling decomposed ,old sweets .My friend got sick after eating 2 sweets Not by karma nor by maya, nor kali yuga! Annutama is a demon helping these sub human monsters. These demons will get what fate has decided for them, and KRISHNA is the one who decides. You’re doing a great service by expressing the pain from your experience. Guess what he did? Required fields are marked *, I believe every and all thinks you say❤️ Just know God sees all, and walks with you Stay strong, your life is meaningful, and if hasn’t already your story can save others❤️. You have faced a lot . Not that I would criticize you for it. Empower yourself and others. I plead to you to continue your devotion to Krishna and accept that Prabhupad is your one and only Guru. BHAGAVAD-GITA COURSE by ISKCON Bangalore published on 2015-05-12T10:21:04Z. Krishna never would encourage such henious acts.

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