Many leaders in the Vichy government continued to be powerful after the German takeover in 1942, and the period of Vichy governance in France was later extensively criticized. Jacques Ploncard d'Assac became counsellor to the dictator António de Oliveira Salazar in Portugal. Munholland reports a widespread consensus among historians regarding the authoritarian character of the Vichy regime and its: broadly stated desire to regenerate a "decadent" state and society that had become corrupted by an ambient lassitude, secularism, and hedonism under the Third Republic by returning to earlier and purer values and imposing a greater discipline and dynamism upon the industrial order.[172]. After the war, their services were ignored, but France did give women the vote in 1944.[145]. During the Battle of Marseilles, the French police checked the identity documents of 40,000 people, and the operation sent 2,000 Marseillese people in the death trains, leading to the extermination camps. It replaced free trade unions with compulsory state unions that dictated labour policy without regard to the voice or needs of the workers. Philip Manow argues that, "Vichy represents the authoritarian, antidemocratic solution that the French political right, in coalition with the national Church hierarchy, had sought repeatedly during the interwar period and almost put in place in 1934. The offices used the official title "French Government Commission for the Defense of National Interests" (French: Commission gouvernementale française pour la défense des intérêts nationaux) and informally was known as the "French Delegation" (French: Délégation française). The French navy and air force were neutralized. The Nazis had some intention of annexing a large swath of northeastern France and replacing that region's inhabitants with German settlers, and initially forbade French refugees from returning to this region. Many had been at Drancy for several months. These included German Jews and anti-fascists, but any German citizen (or other Axis national) could also be interned in Camp Gurs and others. Although Laval said on 6 July that "parliamentary democracy has lost the war; it must disappear, ceding its place to an authoritarian, hierarchical, national and social regime", the majority trusted in Pétain. Vichy continued to exercise its remaining jurisdiction over almost all of metropolitan France, with the residual power devolved into the hands of Laval, until the gradual collapse of the regime following the Allied invasion in June 1944. Historians have particularly debated the circumstances of the vote by the National Assembly of the Third Republic, granting full powers to Pétain on 10 July 1940. Some people—including German soldiers—benefited from the black market, where food was sold without tickets at very high prices. Divorce laws were made much more stringent, and restrictions were placed on the employment of married women. note], The president of the Conseil Représentatif des Institutions juives de France-Côte d'Azur, a Jewish association group, issued a strong condemnation labelling it "the utmost horror" when one of the inhabitants of such a condominium qualified this as an "anachronism" with "no consequences". In addition, leaving a French government in place would relieve Germany of the considerable burden of administering French territory, particularly as Hitler turned his attention toward Britain – which did not surrender and fought on against Germany. Paul Reynaud resigned as prime-minister of the French Third Republic rather than sign an armistice, and Marshal Philippe Pétain, a hero of World War I, became prime minister. The Franco-German Armistice of June 22, 1940, divided France into two zones: one to be under German military occupation and one to be left to the French in full sovereignty, at least nominally. The Free French, concerned that the Allies might decide to put France under administration of the Allied Military Government for Occupied Territories, strove to establish quickly the Provisional Government of the French Republic. Benjamin committed suicide in September 1940 because Vichy France, eager to please Hitler, refused German refugees an exit visa. [citation needed] The French possessions in Oceania joined the Free French side in 1940, or in one case in 1942. Those responsible for the roundup were "450 policemen and gendarmes, French, under the authority of their leaders [who] obeyed the demands of the Nazis..... the criminal folly of the occupiers was seconded by the French, by the French state". It was not for the Republic, therefore, to apologise for events that happened while it had not existed and that had been carried out by a State it did not recognise. Colonial forces were allowed to keep some armoured vehicles, though these were mostly "vintage" World War I tanks (Renault FT). [56] Reynaud was arrested in September 1940 by the Vichy government and sentenced to life imprisonment in 1941 before the opening of the Riom Trial. In July 1940, Vichy set up a special commission charged with reviewing naturalisations granted since the 1927 reform of the nationality law. [175], The gradual loss of all Vichy territory to, Fall of France and establishment of the Vichy government, Conditions of armistice and 10 July 1940 vote of full powers, French Indochina, Japan and Franco-Thai War, Historiographical debates and "Vichy Syndrome". It is another notable case of the French police's willful collaboration with the Nazis. [58] Washington then imagined, between 1941 and 1942, a protectorate status for France, which would be submitted after the Liberation to an Allied Military Government of Occupied Territories (AMGOT) like Germany. Organized by Pierre Laval, a strong proponent of collaboration, the interview and the handshake were photographed and exploited by Nazi propaganda to gain the support of the civilian population. Hans Petter Graver says Vichy "is notorious for its enactment of anti-Semitic laws and decrees, and these were all loyally enforced by the judiciary". Along with many French police officials, André Tulard was present on the day of the inauguration of Drancy internment camp in 1941, which was used largely by French police as the central transit camp for detainees captured in France. Article IV of the Armistice allowed for a small French army—the Army of the Armistice (Armée de l'Armistice)—stationed in the unoccupied zone, and for the military provision of the French colonial empire overseas. On 8 November 1940, Free French forces under the command of de Gaulle and Pierre Koenig, along with the assistance of the Royal Navy, invaded Vichy-held Gabon. [28], The key component of Vichy's ideology was Anglophobia. In June 1940, the Fall of France made the French hold on Indochina tenuous. The unoccupied zone comprised the southeastern two-fifths of the country, from the Swiss frontier near Geneva to a point 12 miles (19 km) east of Tours and thence southwest to the Spanish frontier, 30 miles (48 km) from the Bay of Biscay. The French were left in place to administer the rump colony of Indochina until 9 March 1945, when the Japanese staged a coup d'état in French Indochina and took control, establishing their own colony, the Empire of Vietnam, as a puppet state controlled by Tokyo. The French government began to discuss the possibility of an armistice. Drancy internment camp was founded in 1939 for this use; it later became the central transit camp through which all deportees passed on their way to concentration and extermination camps in the Third Reich and Eastern Europe. Pétain was put on trial for treason by the new Provisional government, and sentenced to death; this was commuted to life imprisonment by de Gaulle. Vichy Admiral Darlan initiated co-operation with the Allies. Laval, convinced that Germany had won the war and would thenceforth control…, The obvious intent of the two armistices was to reduce France to utter subjection, primarily to Germany. Instead, Pétain broke relations with London on July 4,…. [151], Collaborationist paramilitary and political organisations, such as the Milice and the Service d'ordre légionnaire, were also dissolved. "France, on that day [16 July 1942], committed the irreparable. 2 on the following day, Pétain defined his own powers, and abrogated any Third Republic laws that were in conflict with them. They finally returned home in the summer of 1945. To counter the Vichy government, General Charles de Gaulle created the Free French Forces (FFL) after his Appeal of 18 June 1940 wireless speech. TL;DR: The leaders were convicted of treason, the rank-and-file were shunned and shorn. [166], Historiographical debates are still, today, passionate, opposing conflictual views on the nature and legitimacy of Vichy's collaborationism with Germany in the implementation of the Holocaust. As the Wehrmacht advanced into Northern France, common prisoners evacuated from prisons were also interned in these camps. These reforms have been cited as evidence of a continuity of the French administration before and after the war. The queues lengthened in front of shops. Giraud took part in the Casablanca conference, with Roosevelt, Churchill, and de Gaulle, in January 1943. At Vichy, Pétain established an authoritarian government that reversed many liberal policies and began tight supervision of the economy. On 12 July Pétain designated Laval as vice-president and his designated successor, and appointed Fernand de Brinon as representative to the German High Command in Paris. In the early months of 1943, the terror [Adam] Munz and [Alfred] Feldman described in German-occupied France was still experienced by foreign Jews like themselves. (Earlier that year, speeches made by Marine Le Pen had made the headlines by claiming that the Vichy Government was "not France. Food shortages were most acute in the large cities. This shortage remained until the dissolution, despite Vichy appeals to the Germans for a regular form of conscription. [citation needed], Until 1962, France possessed four small, non-contiguous but politically united colonies across India, the largest being Pondicherry in Southeast India. [173] Henceforth, on its own Vichy decided, within the homeland, to implement the "National Revolution" ("Révolution nationale"). The Germans occupied northern France directly. Others, particularly the Vice-Premier Philippe Pétain and the Commander-in-Chief, General Maxime Weygand, insisted that the responsibility of the government was to remain in France and share the misfortune of its people. Four different periods are distinguished by historians: Other historians have distinguished the purges against intellectuals (Brasillach, Céline, etc. The name was then quickly changed to "Légion Française des Combattants et des volontaires de la Révolution Nationale" (French Legion of Fighters and Volunteers of the National Revolution). "Not a single German" was directly involved," he added. Living as outlaws in the countryside and aided by the country people and by supplies dropped by aircraft from Great Britain, they harassed German communications and transport in preparation for Allied landings. [65] This first experience was valuable in later Seabee (phonetic pronunciation of the naval acronym, CB, or Construction Battalion) efforts in the Pacific, and the Bora Bora base supplied the Allied ships and planes that fought the battle of the Coral Sea. The government lasted from July 1940 to 1944, when the Allied liberation took place. Those who had engaged in the black market were also stigmatised as "war profiteers" (profiteurs de guerre), and popularly called "BOF" (Beurre Oeuf Fromage, or Butter Eggs Cheese, because of the products sold at outrageous prices during the Occupation). His 'national revolution' was to be a counter-revolution eliminating all the progress and human rights won in the last one hundred and fifty years". When the Phoney War started with France's declaration of war against Germany on 3 September 1939, these camps were used to intern enemy aliens. Their policy changed in tune with the fortunes of the war. This article was most recently revised and updated by,, University of Oxford - Faculty of History - Jewish Groups in Vichy France. Corrections? It was directed by Xavier Vallat until May 1942 and then by Darquier de Pellepoix until February 1944. Azéma, Jean-Pierre and Bédarida, François (dir.). De Gaulle wanted to pursue a political position in France and agreed to have Giraud as commander-in-chief, as the more qualified military person of the two. On the other hand, technocrats such as Jean Bichelonne and engineers from the Groupe X-Crise used their position to push various state, administrative, and economic reforms. The French regarded this as a "dishonorable" term since it would require France to hand over persons who had entered France seeking refuge from Germany. Almost as soon as he was granted full powers, Pétain began blaming the Third Republic's democracy and endemic corruption for France's humiliating defeat by Germany. More recent work by the historian Susan Zuccotti finds that, in general, the Vichy government facilitated the deportation of foreign Jews rather than French ones, until at least 1943: Vichy officials [had] hoped to deport foreign Jews throughout France in order to ease pressure on native Jews. De Gaulle had not even been informed of the landing in North Africa. A separate French agreement was reached with Italy, which had entered the war against France on 10 June, well after the outcome of the battle had been decided. Tulard had previously created such a filing system under the Third Republic, registering members of the Communist Party (PCF). Free French forces from that area (and others) participated in the Western Desert campaign, although news of the death of French-Indian soldiers caused some disturbances in Pondicherry. By way of comparison, the whole Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) was given a budget of fifty million francs."[105]. The Germans seized about twenty percent of the French food production, causing severe disruption to the French household economy. Darlan was assassinated in December 1942 in Algiers. President Franklin D. Roosevelt and Secretary of State Cordell Hull hoped to use American influence to encourage those elements in the Vichy government opposed to military collaboration with Germany. This government, was commonly referred to as Vichy France and was headed by Henri Philippe Pétain, a General during World War One. Nazi pressure for the arrest of French Jews and the deportation of those already at Drancy increased accordingly. To enforce the régime's will, some paramilitary organisations were created. This was 50 times the actual costs of the occupation garrison. It introduced family allowances and opposed birth control and abortion. The enclave had its own radio station (Radio-patrie, Ici la France) and official press (La France, Le Petit Parisien), and hosted the embassies of Axis powers Germany and Japan, as well as an Italian consulate. Germany interfered little in internal French affairs for the first two years after the armistice, as long as public order was maintained. recalled Paxton,[173] something which Maurice Rajsfus has also underlined. The government had never before attempted a comprehensive overview. Following the invasion of France via Normandy and Provence (Operation Overlord and Operation Dragoon) and the departure of the Vichy leaders, the U.S., Britain and the Soviet Union finally recognised the Provisional Government of the French Republic (GPRF) headed by de Gaulle as the legitimate government of France on 23 October 1944. One of these rules, for example, stated that: The contractors shall make the following statements: they are of French nationality, are not Jewish, nor married to Jewish in the sense of the laws and ordinances in force [under Vichy, ed. Before that, the first return of democracy to Metropolitan France since 1940 had occurred with the declaration of the Free Republic of Vercors on 3 July 1944, at the behest of the Free French government—but that act of resistance was quashed by an overwhelming German attack by the end of July. The police oversaw the confiscation of telephones and radios from Jewish homes and enforced a curfew on Jews starting in February 1942. German troops guarding the boundary line of the northeastern Zone interdite were withdrawn on the night of 17–18 December 1941 although the line remained in place on paper for the remainder of the occupation.[9]. While the criminal behaviour of Vichy France was consistently acknowledged, this point of view denied any responsibility of the state of France, alleging that acts committed between 1940 and 1944 were unconstitutional acts devoid of legitimacy. [34] Joan of Arc who had fought against England was made into the symbol of France in part for that reason. Name. Internationally, France "believed the war to be finished". Yes, it's convenient, but it is false. Despite Vichy officials' past disapproval and Eichmann's own prior discouragement of such a step, permission for the deportation of the French Jews at Drancy, except for those in mixed marriages, was granted from Berlin on 25 January. They used every means available, promising ministerial posts to some while threatening and intimidating others. For this occasion, SS-Gruppenführer Karl Oberg, in charge of the German Police in France, made the trip from Paris and transmitted to Bousquet orders directly received from Heinrich Himmler. It included left-wing activists (communists, anarchists, trade-unionists, anti-militarists) and pacifists, as well as French fascists who supported Italy and Germany. On 30 October 1940, Pétain made state collaboration official, declaring on the radio: "I enter today on the path of collaboration. The remaining survivors were sent to the gas chambers. Many Vichy officials, such as Pétain, were reactionaries who felt that France's unfortunate fate was a result of its republican character and the actions of its left-wing governments of the 1930s, in particular of the Popular Front (1936–1938) led by Léon Blum. It was he who on July 10, 1940, persuaded the National Assembly (summoned at Vichy to ratify the armistice) to grant Pétain authority to promulgate a new constitution (569 votes in favour, 80 against, 18 abstentions), so that Pétain was able, the next day, to assume in his own name full legislative and executive powers in the “French State.” The Vichy governments in fact survived for four years by never promulgating a new constitution. Stanley Hoffmann in 1974,[127] and after him, other historians such as Robert Paxton and Jean-Pierre Azéma have used the term collaborationnistes to refer to fascists and Nazi sympathisers who, for ideological reasons, wished a reinforced collaboration with Hitler's Germany. The territory under the control of the Vichy government was the unoccupied, southern portion of France south of the Line of Demarcation, as established by the Armistice of 22 June 1940, and the overseas French territories, such as French North Africa, which was "an integral part of Vichy", and where all antisemitic Vichy's laws were also implemented. Paxton pointed out that if the total number of victims had not been higher, it was due to the shortage in wagons, the resistance of the civilian population, and deportation in other countries (notably in Italy). Triest, Willard G. "Gearing up for Operation Bobcat" in Mason, John T., editor, sfn error: no target: CITEREFPlayfair2004 (. [140], The two million French soldiers held as POWs and forced labourers in Germany throughout the war were not at risk of death in combat but the anxieties of separation for their 800,000 wives were high. stolen), and a special Jewish Affairs service was created, directed by Pierre Gazagne. Other contemporary colloquial terms for the Zone libre were based on abbreviation and wordplay, such as the "zone nono", for the non-occupied Zone.[7]. Along with the 15 March 1944 Charter of the Conseil National de la Résistance (CNR), which gathered all Resistance movements under one unified political body, these reforms were a primary instrument in the establishment of post-war dirigisme, a kind of semi-planned economy which led to France becoming a modern social democracy. [104], In 1941, Nobel Prize winner Alexis Carrel, an early proponent of eugenics and euthanasia, and a member of Jacques Doriot's French Popular Party (PPF),[citation needed] advocated for the creation of the Fondation Française pour l'Étude des Problèmes Humains (French Foundation for the Study of Human Problems), using connections to the Pétain cabinet. They maintain that Vichy was an illegal government run by traitors, having come to power through an unconstitutional coup d'état. Italy surrendered to the Allies in mid-1943 but was subsequently invaded by Germany. [citation needed]. Following the Liberation of Paris on 25 August 1944, Pétain and his ministers were taken to Sigmaringen by the German forces. Christoph Buchheim, 'Die besetzten Lander im Dienste der Deutschen Kriegswirtschaft', French: « ce fichier se subdivise en fichier simplement alphabétique, les Juifs de nationalité française et étrangère ayant respectivement des fiches de couleur différentes, et des fichiers professionnels par nationalité et par rue. Thus, Pétain was approved by 65% of all Deputies and 70% of all Senators. The Vichy forces initially resisted, killing 479 Allied forces and wounding 720. But "Hitler never forgot the 1918 defeat. Three main arguments are put forward: Julian T. Jackson wrote that "There seems little doubt, therefore, that at the beginning Vichy was both legal and legitimate." They had not been deported because, until January 1943, there had usually been enough foreigners and their children to fill the forty-three trains that had carried about 41,591 people to the east... By January 1943, foreign Jews were increasingly aware of the danger and difficult to find. The impossibility for parliament to delegate its constitutional powers without controlling its use, The 1884 constitutional amendment making it unconstitutional to put into question the "republican form" of the government, the third phase, more lenient towards Collaborationists (the trial of Philippe Pétain or of writer, Campbell, Caroline. State collaboration was sealed by the Montoire (Loir-et-Cher) interview in Hitler's train on 24 October 1940, during which Pétain a… They also enforced requirements that Jews not appear in public places and ride only on the last car of the Parisian metro. Reynaud lost the vote and resigned. The sincere desire to collaborate did not stop the Vichy government from organising the arrest and even sometimes the execution of German spies entering the Vichy zone. [22] Despite his highly negative view of the Third Republic, Pétain argued that la France profonde ("deep France", denoting profoundly French aspects of French culture) still existed, and that the French people needed to return to what Pétain insisted was their true identity. The French government also had responsibility for preventing French citizens from escaping into exile. [40] Government and military leaders, deeply shocked by the débâcle, debated how to proceed. Henri Pétain, "leader" of the Vichy puppet state, was sentenced to death for treason, though de Gaulle later commuted the sentence to life imprisonment. Since Adolf Hitler's overall territorial ambitions were not limited to recovering Alsace-Lorraine, and since Britain was never brought to terms, these peace negotiations never took place. 2,500 of them transited through the Camp des Milles near Aix-en-Provence before joining Drancy. ")[165] Macron made the following remark when discussing the Vel' d'Hiver roundup of Jews: "It is convenient to see the Vichy regime as born of nothingness, returned to nothingness. Since the early 1930s, Carrel had advocated the use of gas chambers to rid humanity of its "inferior stock"[citation needed], endorsing the scientific racism discourse. When the provisional government of Charles de Gaulle moved to France after the Allied invasion of Normandy, it took over from a fascist regime in utter collapse. After Liberation, some of its units were merged with the Free French Army to form the Compagnies Républicaines de Sécurité (CRS, Republican Security Companies), France's main anti-riot force. [98] In contrast, French colonial soldiers were interned by the Germans in French territory instead of being deported.[98]. In March 1941, the British enforcement of a strict contraband regime to prevent supplies being passed on to the Italians, lost its point after the conquest of the AOI. "[5] Germany kept two million French soldiers prisoner, carrying out forced labour (service du travail obligatoire). Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. Paris: Edition du, This page was last edited on 16 January 2021, at 05:38. Among artists, singer Tino Rossi was detained in Fresnes prison, where, according to Combat newspaper, prison guards asked him for autographs. In practice, the needs of artisans for raw materials were neglected in favour of large businesses. Others, like Joseph Darnand, were strong anti-Semites and overt Nazi sympathizers. The Vichy regime was no more. [170] A reason for the latter is that any racially discriminatory condominium or other local rule that may have existed "on paper", Vichy-era or otherwise, was invalidated by the constitutions of the French Fourth Republic (1946) and French Fifth Republic (1958) and was inapplicable under French antidiscrimination law. The Government of Vichy France was the collaborationist ruling regime or government in Nazi-occupied France during the Second World War.Of contested legitimacy, it was headquartered in the town of Vichy in occupied France, but it initially took shape in Paris under Maréchal Philippe Petain as the successor to the French Third Republic in June 1940. When the provisional government of Charles de Gaulle moved to France after the Allied invasion of Normandy, it took over from a fascist regime in utter collapse. [118], The first President to accept responsibility for the arrest and deportation of Jews from France was Jacques Chirac, in a 16 July 1995 speech. In the New Hebrides, Henri Sautot promptly declared allegiance to the Free French on 20 July, the first colonial head to do so. The capture of Gabon by the Allies was crucial to ensure that the entire French Equatorial Africa was out of Axis reach. With the Vichy leaders gone from French territory due to the US, British, and Free French invasion and advance, on 23 October 1944 the U.S., Britain and the Soviet Union formally recognized the Provisional Government of the French Republic (GPRF), headed by de Gaulle, as the legitimate government of France. The final Vichy troops in Gabon surrendered without any military confrontation with the Allies at Port-Gentil. These activities were strictly forbidden, and thus carried the risk of confiscation and fines. It is in love that our future mothers will find the strength to practise those virtues which best befit their sex and their condition. The Vichy French Metropolitan Army was deprived of tanks and other armoured vehicles, and was desperately short of motorised transport, a particular problem for cavalry units. After negotiations with Japan, the French allowed the Japanese to set up military bases in Indochina. The "municipalities" and the departmental commissions were thus placed under the authority of the administration and of the prefects (nominated by and dependent on the executive power). [91] This bureaucratic decision was instrumental in their subsequent internment in the green ticket roundup. In 1940, Marshal Pétain was known as a First World War hero, the victor of the battle of Verdun. A principal motivation and ideological foundation among collaborationnistes was anticommunism. Jewish leaders in France expressed regret that there will now be no trial of Bousquet. Their idea was not to make of France ( head of the Africa. Nazi occupation. `` Jews into unoccupied France. 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Its actions therefore without legitimate authority enforce the régime 's will, some paramilitary organisations were.. Was too remote and had many hotels for ministers to use on September! Laval had fled to Spain and Politics in Interwar and Vichy France after what happened to the leaders of vichy france intensified... Forces was to keep internal order and to press him to repeal the Vichy French Air was!

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