All maps, graphics, flags, photos and original descriptions © 2021 Mueller holds a Bachelor of Arts in political science from the University of North Carolina at Asheville and a Juris Doctor from Indiana University Maurer School of Law. Portugal The Portuguese had the least impact on Southeast Asia. There were, however, some large conquering empires: the Bugandan Empire in Uganda; the Zulus in South Africa; the Mwene Mutapa Empire of the Shona people in Zambia, or Great Zimbabwe; the Benin Empire; the kingdoms of the Yoruba (Ife, Oyo, and Ibadan); the Ashanti in Ghana; the Fulani Empire in northern Nigeria, which even tried to extend into regions of Sierra Leone; the Kanem-Bo… These were all places Britain wanted to dominate for access to goods such as rubber, salt, gold, ivory, and other natural products. Based on the Word Net lexical database for the English Language. The last province to join since the 1867 confederation was Newfoundland and Labrador in 1949 and the last territory was Nunavut in 1999. The countries represented at the time included Austria-Hungary, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Sweden-Norway (unified … These countries had been part of the Ottoman Empire until World War I. In 1780, these people began to form a colony in New South Wales. Given the vast size and complexity of the empire, Great Britain made no effort to rule it as a single political unit. British influence in India has been longlasting, and English is commonly used as a lingua franca in the country. British settlers landed in New Zealand in 1840. In part, this may have been due to a transfer of British ideas about the separation of classes to their overseas colonies. Like in Africa, many western and central African countries were colonized by other European powers. Egypt, the bordering country of Sudan, was one of them. Great Britain ruled present day Sudan, Kenya, Botswana,Lesotho, Egypt, Northern Somalia, Eastern Ghana,Benin,Gambia and Niger Great Britain used indirect rule to control their colonies. Colonies are territories that have no independent representation and are under the political control of a state. During the First Opium War between China and Britain in 1839, China temporarily gave Hong Kong Island over to the British. Britain expanded to Africa and India both full of resources, and both full of people with different cultures, customs, and religions. Great Britain annexed Aden in 1839 and established colonies in South Africa in 1843. In the sixteenth century, “England was a backward country”, says Robertson. © 2020 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. Then the British people also established other colonies in many parts of Australia. Syria: Colonized by France in 1918, became independent in 1946. Thus, many European countries, such as Italy, Portugal, Greece, Spain, England and Germany, began acquiring colonies, leading to the colonial division of the world. After more conflict, Burma became part of the empire in the 1880s. In this case, the 13 colonies were located in North America, and they were controlled by Great Britain. A … Thus, Britain did not attempt … The Berlin Conference awarded large portions of East Africa to Great Britain. South Australia was established in 1836, Victoria in 1851 and Queensland in 1859. Germany had only been unified in … He dug into the history of almost 200 … In British North America, clashes with the United States during the War of 1812 and growing concerns about possible American annexation during the Civil War (1861-1865) led to the creation of the independent Dominion of Canada by Act of Confederation in 1867. The British government did not officially rule Iran, but it did affect most of the government's policy because it owned the country's most valuable resource. 1 … 1 Countries Colonized by Britain. Britain advanced the land and the territories greatly in terms of technology and society, it came at the expense of the native peoples. After protracted conflict, governance of India was officially transferred to the British crown in 1877 with Queen Victoria acquiring the title of Empress of India. Britain ruled Hong Kong with an agreement that the empire would give Hong Kong back to China 99 years after signing the deal, on July 1 1997, which it did. THE LIGHTLY COLONIZED COUNTRIES OF THE FERTILE CRESCENT. Britain did not want to be paternalistic like the French colonialists, and it did not practice the assimilation policies of the French. Different territories had different official statuses, and not all were governed directly by the British. Six countries: Portugal, Spain, the Netherlands, Great Britain, France, and the United States, had colonies in Southeast Asia. Jamaica was obtained by conquest in 1655, and the Hudson’s Bay Company established itself in what became northwestern Canada from the 1670s on. 4 The Sun Never Set. Classroom is the educational resource for people of all ages. Today, the US is not governed by the UK, and Canada is a sovereign nation but a constitutional monarchy with the Queen of Canada (Queen Elizabeth) as the head of state. In the early 17th century, says Mill, Britain was, “oppressed by … Source: Colonization in Africa. These areas became prosperous economically and many people living in them began to wonder at one point why they needed to pay taxes to leaders back in England. Britain had no right to rule people who did not want to be ruled by Britain. Both British and Russian forces were interested in controlling present-day Iran (then the Persian Empire). 0000.999.37240. New research shows that practically everyone has been invaded by British troops at one point or another. Britain colonized India from 1757 to 1947. One of the last British colonies to gain its independence was Zimbabwe in 1980. By the end of Queen Victoria's reign, the list of British colonies in the British West Indies included the island nations of Anguilla, Antigua, the Bahamas, Barbados, Barbuda, Belize, the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, Montserrat, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines and Turks and Caicos. These included what are now Kenya, Sudan, Lesotho, Botswana, Northern Somalia, Egypt, Eastern Ghana, Gambia, Niger, and Benin. Britain had an extensive history of colonization, and it wanted colonies in North America for multiple reasons, including to increase their trading opportunities, create new jobs, and bring in revenue from colonial workers and goods. British North America and Colonial America. It remains to be seen if any one power will again dominate over such a large portion of the globe, but history does have a tendency to repeat itself. European countries with interest in Africa met in Berlin in 1884 to divide the continent among themselves. All of them speak Arabic. Jennifer Mueller began writing and editing professionally in 1995, when she became sports editor of her university's newspaper while also writing a bi-monthly general interest column for an independent tourist publication. The colonized the following territories; Sudan Lesotho Benin Kenya Tanzania Somalia Eastern Ghana Cameroons Egypt Gambia Nigeria South Africa The country already had officially laid claim to Western Australia in 1829 as one of the British colonies. Interestingly, 18 African countries that were formerly British colonies have chosen to remain connected to Great Britain as members of the British Commonwealth. The British Empire was massive and was created with crafty, creative, and domineering ways of thinking. Britain did not have the amount of people to use direct control over all of their colonies, especially Africa. Much of Europe, a continent that had dominated the world for several centuries, was in ruins, and host to the armies of the United States and the Soviet Union, who now held the balance of global power. Britain had an extensive history of colonization, and it wanted colonies in North America for multiple reasons, including to increase their trading opportunities, create new jobs, and bring in revenue from colonial workers and goods. Gilbert and Ellice Islands (Kiribati and Tuvalu), 1997 (Now a Chinese special administrative region), 1965 (self governing island state in free association with New Zealand), Mandatory Palestine (Israel, Jordanian annexation of the West Bank, Palestine Protectorate), 1860 (now part of Nicaragua and Honduras), 1846 (became a US territory, then a state), 1783 (became a Spanish colony, later a US territory, Province of Nova Scotia (one of the founding provinces of Canada), Province of Quebec (one of the founding provinces of Canada), 1869 (became part of the Canadian confederation), 1963 (became a state of Malaysia, then separated in 1965), Straits Settlements (Singapore, Malaysia, Borneo), 1946 (Separated and passed to other nations), Swan River Colony (Western Australia, state in Australia). Here are some interesting facts about British Colonization of Australia below: The British Empire was the largest of its kind in history, and once covered about one quarter of all the land on Earth. A … So many countries were colonized by the British, but there are many countries that weren't colonized by the British either. In 1842, this temporary set up became a permanent deal with the Treaty of Nanjing. The primary motive was to become a planetary superpower and dominate the world. At its height in 1921, this empire had become a refined worldwide network, ruling approximately one quarter of all the land on Earth. During the Victorian era, Asia and India were the primary focus for expanding the British empire. What happened to the rest? Rwanda. The British Empire ruled over many countries in Africa, beginning in 1870. Facts about British Colonization of Australia talk about the history of Australia in 1780 until 1859. This was done with the 1841 Convention of Chuenpi. In 1780, these people began to form a colony in New South Wales. By 1914, most of the countries in the world had been colonized by Europe. An empire is a group of colonies that are ruled by a single power, and while Britain itself has always been quite small in land mass and located far away from many of the places it has governed, it somehow succeeded in growing the largest empire in history. They captured Malacca in 1511, holding it until the Dutch seized it in 1641. The history of colonization began when the First Fleet of Britain arrived in Sydney. The British empire ruled over British North America in what is now Canada, beginning in about 1860. Lesson Summary. In 1935, Britain consented to separate Burma from India and this was put into force in 1937 (Wilson). Of these England, the tardiest on the scene, finally took control of the beginnings of what is now the United States. It began with the overseas possessions and trading posts established by England between the late 16th and early 18th centuries. A List of Countries Colonized by the British in the Victorian Era. India. The history of colonization began when the First Fleet of Britain arrived in Sydney. Britain began colonizing the world back in the 16th century and spread its power through a strong army and by partnering with local authorities to conduct business. At this time, these included New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, and “Canada” which was comprised of Upper and Lower Canada, today the provinces of Ontario and Quebec. See disclaimer. The British in Africa. By Victoria Simpson on September 8 2020 in World Facts. It all began back in the 1600s when Britain first set up the East India Company in order to ... Hong Kong. The colonization was orchestrated by the East India Company, a British corporation that traded cotton, silk, spices and tea. The first attempt at colonization came from their bordering country of Egypt. Great Britain participated in economic imperialism in India. Here is a brief look at some former British Colonies and how they came to be. The nations conquered were linked in trade as well as in politics, and this lasted for quite a while. By 1914, most of the countries in the world had been colonized by Europe. ... British colonies, including Africa and India, made a significant contribution to the war effort. By the end of her 64-year reign, the United Kingdom (U.K.) controlled more than 14 million square miles of territory and produced around 30 percent of the world's total industrial output. They are mainly Sunni Muslim. This is what British historian Stuart Laycock learned after his son asked him how many countries Britain had invaded. Let’s find out more in our British Empire facts… British Empire facts. The French also had colonies in Africa, from the ROC to modern-day Morocco, among other colonies worldwide. Spanning over 400 years, historians continue to research and discover new things about the British Empire.And today more than ever, people are recognising, questioning and understanding the full story behind this important part of world history. As far as current British overseas territories go, these include land in the Antarctic as well as Anguilla, Bermuda, British Indian Ocean territory, the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, the Falkland Islands, Gibraltar, Montserrat, the Pitcairn Islands, St Helena and its Dependencies, South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands, the Sovereign Base Areas of Akrotiri and Dhekelia, and the Turks & Caicos Islands. Historians debate exactly how this happened. Before proceeding to look at how the British rule shattered the Indian economy, it will be useful to consider the respective macro-economic situations that prevailed in Britain and India before the Indian subjugation.It should be noted that the British, during the 16th and 17th centuries, were in a bad shape. The British started colonizing Africa from the 1870s. The British government watched the East India Company, who ruled India. The other country was Great Britain, who happened to colonize many countries besides Sudan (Benjamin 1060). He dug into the history of almost 200 … When the British colonized these new lands, they changed things. List of countries that have gained independence from the United Kingdom. However, the British Empire controlled a substantial amount of territory in Africa from the 16th century to the 18th century, from what is now South Africa to what is now Egypt. Fourteen countries were represented by a plethora of ambassadors when the conference opened in Berlin on November 15, 1884. In what is now the eastern US, thirteen British colonies were set up during the 17th and 18th centuries. In this case, the 13 colonies were located in North America, and they were controlled by Great Britain. Former British Colonies. In the mid- to late-1800s, European powers became obsessed with obtaining territory and British colonies on the ... 2 Spices and Tea. Thus, many European countries, such as Italy, Portugal, Greece, Spain, England and Germany, began acquiring colonies, leading to the colonial division of the world. India was a colony of Britain from 1858 to 1947. By 1894 the list of colonies included Rhodesia, Nyasaland, British East Africa, Somaliland and the Sudan under British control. T he other countries must feel so left out. India was a colony of Britain from 1858 to 1947. The primary motive was to become a planetary superpower and dominate the world. The few colonies Britain maintained in West Africa primarily provided support for the British navy. Following World War II, Britain lost much of its wealth and authority which led to granting India its independence as dissatisfaction with British rule was growing in the colony. The colonies originally were administered by New South Wales, but in 1841 New Zealand became a British colony in its own right. Nonetheless, British colonials held themselves apart from local people more than other Europeans did, hiring locals as domestic help, but rarely intermarrying with them. This means … The end of an era, which began in the 16th century, finally came around in 1997 when Hong Kong, one of the empire’s most prominent territories, was transferred back to China. In the mid- to late-1800s, European powers became obsessed with obtaining territory and British colonies on the African continent. By the 1750s until 1947, Britain ruled the Subcontinent. I will let you figure out the countries in the map below for yourself. The Central African Republic. The New South Wales colony on Australia's east coast was divided into separate colonies during the mid-1800s. Canada’s road to independence has been long and winding. Likewise, China was never colonized formally, but the Opium Wars were fought to ensure that British opium merchants had access to Chinese markets. 3 The Land Down Under. The other chief colonisers were France, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Portugal and Spain. Right now, Hong Kong is a special administrative region (SAR) of China, but that will change in 2047, when China will likely take complete control of the region. The British Empire of the 19th century is best known for its queen, Victoria (1837-1901). Follow Africa is Home to learn more. But it took a couple of decades for the European colonialism to fully collapse; France was fighting for Algeria until 1962 and Portugal did not abandon its African colonies until 1974. It all began back in the 1600s when Britain first set up the East India Company in order to bring silk, spices, tea, and salt from India to Europe. Who will be next? British bronze medal (1834) commemorating the end of slavery in the British colonies under King William IV (1830-1837). Russia was successful in capturing some of the northern areas of the Empire (present-day Turkmenistan, for example) in the 19th century. The majority of ethnic nations lived in their independent small polities. Further east, the British established control of the Malay peninsula and acquired a lease on Hong Kong from China following the end of the Opium Wars. In doing so, this presence grew to be more than just an element of commerce. A Short History of the Colonization of Palestine Myth: “‘Israel’ was a land without a people for a people without a land.” History: Arab people have lived in Palestine for thousands of years. The Sykes-Picot Agreement partitioned the area between Britain and France. It grew at a unique time in history, and while it has shrunk considerably since it began, the effects of the empire are felt globally to this day. The British Empire was composed of the dominions, colonies, protectorates, mandates, and other territories ruled or administered by the United Kingdom and its predecessor states. Likewise, British forces gained power in the eastern region of the Persian Empire, near present-day Pakistan. British rule extended into the Pacific with the acquisition of the Fiji Islands in 1874 and British New Guinea in 1884. Regardless of how old we are, we never stop learning. The Democratic Republic of the Congo. Many say the British Empire was made possible by conquering the world by sea, investing in a formidable army, and partnering with local people to further its spread. ThoughtCo / Adrian Mangel Countries Represented at the Berlin Conference . With the occupation of Egypt in 1882, Great Britain aimed to annex more territory in East Africa until British territory connected the Cape of Good Hope to Cairo. Within 30 years, both England and France had established colonies in the New World. In West Africa, the British had no pretensions about their attitude toward their colonies and colonial subjects. It had always been Britain's most economically active region but the end of Empire did not see the end of Britain's economic and cultural ties to the region. Today, Queen Elizabeth is still officially the head of state for 16 Commonwealth countries outside the UK. During this time, the vast majority of Iran was under rule by the Qajar Dynasty, … The British maintained Burma as a province of British India, unlike other colonies which kept their ethnic identities. Britain seized control in 1822 when the Egyptian government was in debt to Europe. Early on, it was pretty clear that war-weary Europe would soon be fighting again over the spoils of the New World. The country had colonies in the Western Hemisphere as well, mostly Caribbean islands coveted for their run and sugar production. What is the Difference Between the Vatican City and the Holy See? Colonization by the French and the British had a strong influence on Egyptian society. Eventually, a growing spirit of independence would strip Spain of its New World empire. The company had an army, led by British officers and staffed by Indian soldiers. Britain did not have the amount of people to use direct control over all of their colonies, especially Africa. Ethnic rivalries were not serious in precolonial Africa. Napoleon Bonaparte invaded the country in 1798 and the presence of the French helped secularize and modernize Egypt. One of the last major colonies to be given up by Britain was Hong Kong which was given back to China on July 1st 1997. During Queen Victoria's reign, Great Britain continued to expand its claim to territories in Australia and the Pacific. Why not google the question for yourself? Today, Hong Kong is governed under the “one country, two systems” relationship. Iraq: Occupied by Britain in World War I. Nominally independent after 1932. Who are the indigenous people of Palestine? Whether you’re studying times tables or applying to college, Classroom has the answers. Between 1840 and 1868, the British began phasing out their original practice of shipping convicts to Australia. Colonization and early self-government The opening of the 17th century found three countries— France, Spain, and England —contending for dominion in North America. But it took a couple of decades for the European colonialism to fully collapse; France was fighting for Algeria until 1962 and Portugal did not abandon its African colonies until 1974. Former British Colonies. The British government watched the East India Company, who ruled India. Contents. In 1860, Kowloon was won by the British, and 1898, the modern dividing line between mainland China and Hong Kong was established. New research shows that practically everyone has been invaded by British troops at one point or another. When Queen Victoria ascended to the throne in 1837, she ushered in an era of industrialization and global expansion of the British empire. Though Britain and the empire emerged victorious from the Second World War, the effects of the conflict were profound, both at home and abroad. These two countries fought for the territory and made many influences along the way. These include Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, the Bahamas, Australia, Belize, Barbados, Canada, Grenada, Jamaica, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, St Kitts and Nevis, St Lucia, St Vincent and the Grenadines, Solomon Islands and Tuvalu. It was the period of colonization in the country. Currently, none. By 1670 there were British American colonies in New England, Virginia, and Maryland and settlements in the Bermudas, Honduras, Antigua, Barbados, and Nova Scotia. Togo. The sun figuratively never set on the British empire during the Victorian Era with British colonies on every part of the globe. Senegal. Great Britain waged two wars with Afghanistan to protect the northwest border of India resulting in Afghanistan becoming a semi-protectorate of the crown in 1880. These countries accounted for more than 30% of Africa's population. 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