I remember reading on your site about finding the proper lighting for it, well i moved it in an it did better but than I did something stupid, I used some of the fertilizer that i use on my outside plants and repeatedly misted it. Find 140mm Assorted Bromeliad - Guzmania cultivar at Bunnings Warehouse. Is it OK to cut off the flower once it has turned mostly brown??? Air circulation can be improved in a home by simply opening a window on days that are not too cold or by turning on a fan at low speed for most of the day. Silver Plum is one of the few true full sun bromeliads, easily capable of growing in all day direct sun. It is very red in centre and would like to know what to do when colored leaves dry up, can I cut dry leaves? I also would appreciate all the information you can give. The other names ? Feeding is not really required, but if you are using soil, time release pellets will boost appearance and blooming. Moisture can be supplied to these plants by misting or dousing them in a container of water daily. Bromeliads are easy to care for and feature an array of unique patterns, colours and textures which will enhance any style of living space. I had a Silver Vase, which I did remove pups from and they are growing nicely. We also have hundreds of different varieties of Bromeliads in full colour bloom at the moment. In their natural habitat they are often found perched on … I am trying to salvage it so I transplanted it into a gallon pot with some commercial potting soil. I found it in the green house of my horticulture class in high school and have had it since. This is a grey/green leaf…outdoors in GA now but will come in when it gets cool. We are currently updating information on this product.For more details about this item, please call 0420 493 944. Thanks. My 2-tone has a red flower that has been on it for 3 months, is turning green and has not opened. I came to this listing hoping to get some answers. Bromeliads require a very well drained watering. It can take ten years for these giants to flower and produce spikes like the … I received a very large, thick-leaved, dark-green, red-flowered bromeliad as a gift last weekend. One part peat, one part bark, one part coarse sand, One part peat, one part bark, one part perlite, One part peat, one-half part leaf mold, one part coarse sand. Distribution and habitat: Aechmea fasciata is a species of flowering plant in the bromeliad family, native to Brazil where was found in mountain forests at about 550m (1,800 feet) above sea level.Aechmea fasciata is epiphytic plant, which means that in the wild it grow on other plants – usually trees – but is not parasitic upon them. thank you. This also naturally emits ethylene gas so- worth a try. It was in the window for two days and some of the leaves (both the green and the pink ones) seem to be burnt. The rest of the plant seems fine, just browning a little in a few select places. I purchased a Tillandsia Cyanea which is a member of the Bromelaid family. Labor is also reduced because controlled-release fertilizer application frequency is less than for rapid-release fertilizers. This dark-red giant can span over 1.5 meters in ten years. Should I have planted the broken rosette back into some soil to save it. @ Diana. Most bromeliads adapt so well to culture in a pot that they absorb the needed moisture and nutrients through their root systems. Oh, there is blinds also I could partially close. Plants in the genera Guzmania, Neoregelia, Nidularium, Cryptanthus and Vrieseas can grow under lower light levels. I’m not sure if this is due to overwatering or the small size of the pot it came in. is there anything you can do to increase the “pups” the bromeliad produces? Typically, browning is attributed to the growing conditions, environment and possibly even insects or disease. I will be moving into my new home in Jan. My neighbor I received my plant about 3 weeks ago and I noticed that the leaves are turning brown so I flushed out the water in the cup and gave it more sun light, but I do not know what I did for it to start turning brown If you have any suggestions I would appreciate it! QUESTION? What can I do to fix it? Troy, MI 7:00 PM map location. Do I just put it in or tie it on some how. Oh well, i guess only time will tell.. I’m so glad I finally found some info. My porch is shaded, so the bromeliad will have low light-no direct sun. Thankyou. Bromeliads are denizens of tropical rainforests. It is important, however, to keep their root system alive and in good health. Bromeliad plants provide an exotic touch to the home and bring a sense of the tropics and sun-kissed climates. One looks like the pic on this page that’s under the word “we recommend” and the pther like the pic that says “bromeliad books”. What do I do, cut it off or let it die back on the plant. What can I do about that? Can you give me some helpful hints to take care of this beautiful plant, so it will remain healthy? You can force them to bloom with an apple/plastic bag. Does this plant need to be transplated, watered more or less, HELP, I really love this plant. now tips and middle leaves turning brown? I call it monkey cause of how goofy it grows. Any info you can give me would be helpful! I live in the Piedmont area of South Carolina, I sell a lot of Bromeliads, I am a floral manager for a grocery store chain. I’ve been watering it every other day by adding water to the cups. I received a thin leafed bromelaid in December and about a month ago the flower turned brown and dry. I PLAN TO REMOVE THE PUPS, WISH ME LUCK. Is this really really true? I got a Bromeliads as a going away gift from my old job. But I don’t remember a note about Pups, and how/when to plant. You will find lots of useful info on bromeliads.info to point you in the right direction. It has a well/cup and turns red in the summer. Thank You. It is absolutely beautiful. Does this mean the whole plant will now die or is this cyclical? The rest of the plant seems to be doing fine, but will another red head grow where the old one was broke off? Any suggestions? Native to Eastern Brazil, Alcantarea gets its name from Dom Pedro d'Alcântara, the second Emperor or Brazil. Unfortunately, in an indoor situation, where the humidity is usually very low, they are unable to obtain adequate moisture from the air. Put your plant im a plastic bag with a ripe apple fir a fee days, the ethylene gas makes it flOwer again. I received a combination potted orchid and bromeliad potted plant (both in colorful full bloom) as a father’s day gift. How do you transplant and when should I put into a larger pot? Last year I received my first bromeliad. I got my first Bromelia, back in September. The tough, leathery leaves tinge a deep red in bright light. Otherwise it is best to use organics like fish emulsion. And what do I do with the leaves that aren’t looking so good? I live in Zephyrhills Fl. Help, my son gave me a beautiful red and gold bromelaid that is starting to fade in color plus the leaves are starting to droop and curl inward. Thanks from A Jersey girl! Thanks for the article. Plants grown in pots should be watered thoroughly, until water runs out of the bottom of the pot and then not watered until the medium surface feels dry. 2415 Musgrove Rd Ste 203, Silver Spring, MD. One of the light leaved flowers is open and doing fine. I live in Murfreesboro, TN and love the plant so much, I recently purchased a second one, only it is a broad leaf. © 2019 bromeliads.info. Required fields are marked *. If the plant is supplied with moisture by wetting the soil around its roots, it is not necessary to keep the cup filled with water. I have only fertilized it once since purchasing almost six months ago. As soon as I got home I put it inside, watered it and spritized the leaves. they were doing quite well { only keep water in center as directions said, larger one started giving a little more water then let drie , everyother day approx. } It grows in almost a stalk with segments, has shoots or runners that grow looking for dirt, it has flowered once in all these years and cam easily root in just water. This variety features striking silver foliage. These handsome plants make a perfect statement gift for someone - or why not get a few for yourself to freshen up the garden? She told me I can take as many as I want. I’ve had one bromeliad for about 7 years, lots of pups, none have bloomed, other than the initial mother plant. Which is it? can i do anything. In a home environment, however, bromeliads do best at 70-75°F during the day and between 60 and 65°F at night. The stunning foliage has thick leathery deep purple red strap leaves that form a rosette and bring great colour to the landscape. When the flower on the plant dies should I cut it out or just leave it alone? Can I trim off the flower without ruining any chance of it not flowering in the future? It sits on a table about 5 feet from a SW window and is under a skylight. If the cup is kept filled with water, it should be flushed out with plenty of water periodically to prevent possible stagnation. silver plum image 2 . Will the plant grow out pups after we cutted the decayed bloom? How do I know if these are kitt…err…pups or older adults? The mother plants are all alive; should I plan to remove? Please help with your experiance with flowering. Anyone know what to do? Please help.. I’m an absentminded college student, and I may have over-watered or forgot to water my bromeliad. @Lorie – Make sure that the roots are not in sitting water. (note)i’ve only watered once a week but not fertilized. I read that excess salt left behind after watering could be a possible cause. Most are on the Lanai, and I’ve been wondering what to do with the brown, dried up flowers from the original plants. A general recommendation is to grow bromeliads where the light level is approximately 1,500 foot candles or where orchids grow well. I am addicted. They are epiphytic in nature and reproduce vegetatively by forming offsets or pups. At one point it was about a foot and a half tall, but the entire top half died, so i cut it off. Its been about 2 weeks now and the remaining leaves seem to have regained some flexibility, so I’m seeing signs of life. In a home, a window with a southern, eastern or western exposure is satisfactory for bromeliad growth, but most species must not be exposed to the direct rays of the sun. What else do I need to do to ensure my plant gets healty? There's no need to prepare soil as the best way to plant a bromeliad is to place the plant, pot and all, inside a gravel-lined hole in the ground. Some bromeliads thrive best when grown in a medium composed only of osmunda fiber. My son came for a visit and he accidently broke off the red top. I live in Northwest Georgia. Bap. Im a jewish mother, probably watering it too much, but if water is not present in the center cup am i correct to put in more? This practice will prevent cold damage which appears as a brown line across each leaf at the water level. Humidity in the vicinity of plants can be improved by placing potted plants on a 2 or 3-inch bed of wet gravel. My plant is about 2 and a half tall with a red bloom in the middle. I “rescued” a bromi (also a couple cats but we won’t go there) and it has about 6 or 7 plants in the pot. And what kind you grow in your home? I will search the article. I just got interested in Bromaliads. Keep the plants moist but not soggy in well draining soil. Do I leave them alone or should I cut them off and replant them individually? i see from earlier post that you discourage fertilizing. Bromeliad can handle its “soil” being quite dry, so don’t panic if it dries out. 12211 Plum Orchard Dr, Silver Spring, MD. I live in Oregon and the weather has been rainy and gray. Plants in the genera Dyckia, Puyas, Hechtias, Ananas and the hard-leaved species in Aechmea and Billbergia grow best at high light levels. I have heard that you keep water in the cups of the blooms, well, mone doesn’t have a cup, it’s more of a spiky type flower. Bromeliads usually grow much better with a continuous nutrient supply. My question. I have a south american Bromeliad and one of the leaves has gone brown. When this happens, it’s important to give them adequite time to mature (about six months, or when they reach approxamitly one third the size of the mother. I’m unsure what a pup is, but I think I have some! It is in the window sill for most of the day and is exposed to minimal direct sunlight. I got a Bromeliad as a gift and I’m not sure how to take care of it! The flower is pink and the leaves are green with with lines. A general purpose, liquid houseplant fertilizer can be applied to the potting mix at 1/3 to ½ of the recommended dosage every 1 to 2 months. The leaves are still healthy. Stick to the following tips to raise a healthy bromeliad: Cut off the flower when it turns brown. Find your next job opportunity near you & 1-Click Apply! I have had this plant for years and do not wish to loose it. The saleslady said not to re-pot but just set the small plastic container it is in, into a larger pot, which I did. Thanks for any help you can give me. I have so many little pups growing. Is there a way to revive it. How big do the pups need to be before removing them and how do I do it so that I don’t hurt the plant? Roma Street Parkland in central Brisbane is looking as beautiful as ever, but one bed is … Got my first bromeliad as a reject from the reception flower display. Visit our nursery to get inspired! The plant was a gift while I was in the hospital and had no instructions with it. Bromeliad: Flowers: Yes, early spring to late summer. –Thanks. I love my bromeliads. All are healthy but no blooms but have only had it about 6 months. I hope this information was able to help. Thanks! Beth. As far as what kind of medium to with your pups, orchid potting soil or a bromeliad mix work great! It has a “cup” in the center. Thank you! We do not exactly know if the mother plant will grow out pups. The leaves are green and healthy just not the flower. My question is can I plant the top that was broke off, it seems to be rooting in water? I’m having a very very hard TIME classifying a bromeliad I’ve had for almost 30 years. Bromeliads also make the perfect gift, as they are ideal for growing indoors and outdoors, suiting a variety of lifestyles and are very easy to care for. Thanks for the interesting comments, I’ll keep trying to grow this plant and hope for some pups, maybe this summer when it goes outdoors. I hope my posts have been able to help people and keep them informed on this wonderful plant! Based on about 5 min of reading here it sounds like I should just resume/continue watering & maybe get a tray of gravel with water under it to build humidity. It is beautiful but very top heavy. Water once every week or two. My question is will I still get pups if the bottom layer of leaves have been cut off? Perhaps people should reply to each other’s posts, if they know the answer. There is no one potting mix which is better than any other, however, the following mixes are suggested: Osmunda fiber, unshredded sphagnum moss or tree-fern fiber may substituted for peat moss in these mixes. I live on the gulf coast of Texas, so it stays humid all of the time here. For 2, 3, or more of each variety, order additional samplers. The following generalizations can be used as a guideline, however, when selecting bromeliads for a particular site. they are house plants. Submit your photo to be featured on the blog! Low maintenance. (But if i had to, id try and get atleast some of the roots if i didn’t or couldn’t wait), my mother plant has had 5 pups and i cut close to the mother plant biy about 3 weeks after i cut the pups off i was getting more pups and the mother plant is still a live. Has many bromeliads are formed of a thousand tails bottom 2 layers long. Uniformly throughout the potting mix is essential, as wet soggy roots are not in direct light fertilizer! A west-facing porch that gets several hours of afternoon sun tinge a red. Tolerating heavy clay soil bromeliad grows best in a container of water each. Cup is kept filled with water at and it seems to be are... 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