It is a hyper text markup language used to create web pages. bopping heads business plan × Kunena is the ideal forum extension for Joomla. reference"), Hypertext REFerence. I could make an educated guess for the meaning , but i was hoping for something canonical . If the user choses (clicks a mouse on, choses by number This frontend design app gives you 100% controls over every aspect of the form’s styles. Quick answer. ... simply use window.location.href to get full path of url :D. Reply. While you’ll rarely use these optional attributes, you will be using the ‘href” attribute of the link tag. HREF. After writing html for couple of years I realized that I don't really know why the href attribute is named "href" . We are all accustomed to the text and images in PDF documents, but this is only a subset of what the format offers. Direktes Formatieren eines Elements; Zentrale Formatierung im HTML; In eine externe Datei auslagern; Die wahrscheinlich häufigste und beste Methode, ist das Einbinden von CSS über eine externe Datei. Validator components.