5. Most of the species, particularly the specialized types, are more or less completely herbivorous. She softened, sensing his distress. It wasn't completely untrue; Mr. Tim was in Colorado. We will be completely insulated from the collecting and researching of data so that we can focus entirely on turning data into knowledge. Complete sentence examples. At the end of the week the prince reappeared and resumed his former way of life, devoting himself with special activity to building operations and the arrangement of the gardens and completely breaking off his relations with Mademoiselle Bourienne. In 1490 a treaty was signed at Damme between the people of Bruges and the archduke Maximilian, and very soon after this event the channel became completely closed up, and the foreign merchant gilds or "nations" left the place for Antwerp. Biting mandibles; second maxillae incompletely or completely fused; often forming a suctorial proboscis. 270+73 sentence examples: 1. By this time, moreover, the liturgical character of the vestments was so completely established that they were no longer worn instead of, but over, the ordinary dress. She had completely lost me. The leaves of the trees in the garden have turned completely red.. 1. Testing his magic, he realized he could call forth a portal. He now meditated a further enterprise against Geneva; but his attempt to capture the city by treachery and with the help of Spain (the famous escalade) in 1602 failed completely. Wait until the paint has completely dried. The young prince Andronicus, who 3fd9-/-t0 had not been completely blinded, sent secretly to Bayezid and offered him 30,000 ducats to dethrone his father John Palaeologus and make him emperor. Pierre's confusion had now almost vanished, but at the same time he felt that his freedom had also completely gone. The operation was, however, completely revolutionized in the United States by the introduction of the " cracking process," and by the division of the distillation into two parts, one consisting in the removal of the more volatile constituents of the oil, and the other in the distillation (which is usually conducted in separate stills) of the residues from the first distillation, for the production of lubricating oils and paraffin. The allies, however, continued to retreat, but unfortunately Vandamme, with his single corps and unsupported, issued out of the mountains on their flank, threw himself across their line of retreat near Kulm, and was completely overwhelmed by sheer weight of numbers (29th). The native white element completely regained possession of the government in the following year, when the Democrats came into office under Governor Zebulon B. Unfortunately the prince sent Massenbach to discuss the situation, and the latter completely lost his head. Instantly he was awake - not simply sitting there with his eyes open, but completely awake. CK 1 2247953 I'm completely confused. The monster stirred when she was threatened, but had never awoken completely before. Deidre emerged into the living room and turned around once completely, not expecting the views of the city from the bank of windows along one wall. I had the poison completely out of you. Owing to a fire which gutted a great part of the palace in 1574, the internal appearance of the rooms was completely changed, and the fine series of early Paduan and Venetian paintings which decorated the walls of the chief rooms was lost. As a general rule, no man can be completely dissevered from his national antecedents and 1 See Diihring, Kritische Ges. on the 28th of December 1908, an earthquake of appalling severity shook the whole of southern Calabria and the eastern part of Sicily, completely destroying the cities ~. On both sides, people are completely scared of being butchered. So strong was the natural position of Paraguay, however, and so complete the subjection of its inhabitants to the will of the dictator, that it was not until the year 1870, after the republic had been completely drained of its manhood and resources, that the long war was terminated by the capture and death of Lopez with his last handful of men by the pursuing Brazilians. Its upper side is always covered by the spider with pieces of the vegetation growing hard by, so that, when the door is closed, the position of the burrow is completely concealed. The road now lay completely open, but the Austrian columns had so opened out owing to the state of the roads that the leading troops could not pursue their advantage - Dupont rallied and the Austrians had actually to fall back towards Ulm to procure food. The intrigues of the French envoy in corrupting the knights of the order of St John were completely successful. (clxii. The material thus accumulated, both halakhic and agadic, forming a commentary on and amplification of the Mishnah, was eventually written down under the name of Gemara (from gemar, to learn completely), the two together forming the Talmud (properly "instruction"). He was distracted, and she felt like she was talking to someone completely different. At length in the afternoon they suddenly fell upon Dupont's isolated division at Albeck, which was completely surprised and severely handled. Sentence Examples. All Rights Reserved. Not at all crazy, I understand completely. The man looked utterly ridiculous in his plaid suit and cowboy boots, but he didn’t think he looked silly. The house was completely empty. With the exception of the churches and a few stone buildings, Bulacan was completely destroyed by fire in 1898. This obvious condition of scientific inquiry is very far from being completely realized even at the present time. 32. Where the lowlands are highly cultivated they are adorned with planted wood, and where they are cut off from rain they are nearly completely desert. Only this time, he'd gone too far with her to completely walk away. Then, it is true, two lateral points of ossification appear at the margin, but subsequently the remaining three are developed, and when once formed they grow with much greater rapidity than in the fowl, so that by the time the young duck is quite independent of its parents, and can shift for itself, the whole sternum is completely bony. It was one thing to offer her body, but her heart, her soul … he would take all of her, consume her completely, irrevocably. TRACHIS, a city of ancient Greece, situated at the head of the Malian Gulf in a small plain between the rivers Asopus and Melas, and enclosed by the mountain wall of Oeta which here extended close to the sea and by means of the Trachinian Cliffs completely commanded the main road from Thessaly. According to the census of 1920, of 609,475 buildings in the rural districts 84,163 had been completely destroyed and 117,015 partly. 92. CK 1 2218128 You're completely crazy. the coast from 1 When Cisalpine Gaul became completely Romanized, it was often known as "Gallia Togata," while the Province was distinguished as "Gallia Bracata" (bracae, incorrectly braccae, " trousers"), from the long trousers worn by the inhabitants, and the rest of Gaul as "Gallia Comata," from the inhabitants wearing their hair long. After the disaster at Flodden he was completely absorbed in public business. Things once thought never forget one day will look completely different. Four types of sentence structure . "I've completely forgotten what I should tell her," she said. In principle it was even held to be the debtor for the amount; hence the inhabitants were jointly responsible, a state of affairs which was not suppressed till the time of Turgot, and even then not completely. She had gained enough weight to fill out the bodice completely. Hind foot long and narrow, mainly composed of the strongly developed fourth toe, terminating in a conical pointed nail, with a strong pad behind it; the first toe represented by a rudimentary metatarsal; the remaining toes completely developed, with claws, but exceedingly slender; the united second and third reaching a little way beyond the metatarso-phalangeal articulation of the fourth; the fifth somewhat shorter. Maybe she couldn't make the ugly beast go away completely, but she had learned to control it. A, Simple introvert completely introverted. It was hard to believe Josh left Lori out of his will completely. Appendages of 1st pair, bi-segmented, completely chelate. completely definition: 1. in every way or as much as possible: 2. in every way or as much as possible: . In moths and certain saw-flies there is no rupture of the membranes; the Russian zoologists Tichomirov and Kovalevsky have described the growth of both amnion and embryonic ectoderm around the yolk, the embryo being thus completely enclosed until hatching time by both amnion and serosa. As it is the best way to earn money, therefore there is a lot of competition in this due to which a writer always has to come up with something unique and knowledgeable. 2.) The Nature of the Organization of Ilte Plant, and the Relations of the Cell-Membrane and the Protoplasm.This view of the structure of the plant and this method of investigation lead us to a greatly modified conception of its organization, and afford more completely an explanation of the peculiarities of form found in the vegetable kingdom. Justin's world was completely different than hers. She had trusted him so completely, this deception suddenly became unbearable. Another word for fully. When the subject came up, though, it was completely unplanned. She went into Prince Andrew's study, trying to enter completely into his ideas, and considered her position. One could hardly expect that a colourless deity of this description, so completely the product of priestly speculation, could ever have found a place in the hearts of the people generally. pair bisegmented completely chelate, furnished with peculiar organs, the serrula and the lamina. 115. Among surviving monuments, we have no completely certified portraits except the Tivoli herm (now in the Louvre) and the coins struck by his successors. would become completely absorbed in class I. Gabe wouldn't try to negotiate with Darkyn if things went bad. Thirtysix more were completely organized by 1560.1 According to Beza there were about this time 2150 organized churches. She leaned back and held her nose as she completely immersed herself. Keep a completely open mind, washed of all past ideas and clean of every concept you have made. ornithologiae, also in three volumes, published between 1872 and 1877, is a slight advance, but both works have been completely superseded by the British Museum Catalogue of Birds, the twenty-seventh and final volume of which was published in 1895, and by the compact and invaluable British Museum HandList, the four volumes of which were completed by Dr R. Moreover, it veiled the honest attempts that were making both in France and Germany to find real grounds for establishing an improved state of things, and consequently the labours of De Blainville, Etienne, Geoffroy St-Hilaire and L'Herminier, of Merrem, Johannes Muller and Nitzsch-to say nothing of others-were almost wholly unknown on this side of the Channel, and even the value of the investigations of British ornithotomists of high merit, such as Macartney and Pvlacgillivray, was almost completely overlooked. She was about to summon a spell to clear the sidewalk completely when she recalled she wasn't able to use her power anymore. He picked up what looked like a medical file and became as still as the death dealer, as if forgetting her presence completely. She gazed up at him, completely disarmed by his smile, and yet somehow proud that she had been the one to put it there. In order to dominate the Sacred College more completely he created twelve new cardinals, among them his own son Cesare, then only eighteen years old, and Alessandro Farnese, the brother of Giulia Bella, one of the pope's mistresses, creations which caused much scandal. She had a weapon capable of destroying the immortal realm but had chosen not to unleash Xander completely, knowing what might happen if she did. 5. It had been supposed that, with the greatly improved telescopes of modern times, contact observations could be made with much greater precision than in 1761 and 1769, yet, for some reason which it is not easy to explain completely, the modern observations were but little better than the older ones. She sat in the bathroom and ran the shower to cover the sound of her crying, completely lost as to what to do. One of the main staples of academic writing is the research paper. "To be a soldier, just a soldier!" I can't wait to make you mine - completely. Captain Barclay, after a hot engagement - the Battle of Lake Erie - in which Captain Perry's flagship the "Lawrence," a brig, was so severely shattered that he had to leave her, was completely defeated. That is very gracious of you Samantha, but completely unnecessary. In 368 Theodosius was sent to drive back the invaders; in this he was completely successful, and established a new British province, called Valentia, in honour of the emperor. At the same time he heard that Pahlen's Cossacks had been withdrawn forty-eight hours previously, thus completely exposing his flank. She wasn't ready for that yet and she hadn't completely given up the idea of biological children. At a later date other experimentalists found, however, that an equal thickness of sea-water interposed between a primary and secondary circuit completely prevented similar inductive intercommunication. Shell almost completely uncoiled, in one plane, with internal septa. This consists typically of close-fitting layers of cells with completely suberized walls, intended to replace the epidermis as the external protective layer of the plant when the latter, incapable as it is of further growth after its original formation, is broken and cast off by the increase in thickness of the stem through the activity of the cambium. A letter in one place might mean something completely different somewhere else, Tamer explained. He'd forgotten what it was to have someone completely dependent on him. - Towards the close of the 15th century Venetian architecture began to feel the influence of the classical revival; but, lying far from Rome and retaining still her connexion with the East, Venice did not fall under the sway of the classical ideals either so quickly or so completely as most Italian cities. favor of peace, The Italian jron-clad fleet comnded by the incapable Persano, afier wasting much time at ranto and Ancona, made an unsuccessful, attack on the lmatian island of Lissa on the 18th of July1 an4 pn the 20th s completely defeated by the Austrian squadron, consisting wooden ships, but commanded by the capable Admiral ~ethoff. The room was lit by a hearth and one oil pan, but it smelled completely of her. Like so many lemurs, it is completely nocturnal in its habits, living either alone or in pairs, chiefly in the bamboo forests. Brad came to dinner with us. Everything will be completely painless from here on out. As is well known, in finite dimensions each Lie group is, at least locally near the identity, It has many roundabouts, few traffic lights, a network of, The basic frame could be adapted with modules to allow a baby to lie flat or a bubble windscreen to, The Cromford and High Peak Railway is now, Akin to the Speaker, they do not take part in partisan politics, and remain, A major renovation project undertaken by Christopher Wren in the late 17th century, Hospital services could be cut in nearly two thirds of England and some hospitals will be, In every line of it, national interests are, It is that Germany seeks to establish a domination of the world. Statistics collected in 1893-1894 and 1896 revealed the existence of 1831 libraries, either private (but open to the public) or completely public. Hence the budding of medusae exemplifies very clearly a common phenomenon in development, a phylogenetic series of events completely dislocated in the ontogenetic time-sequence. The Phaleric wall, proving indefensible, was abandoned towards the close of the Peloponnesian war; with the other two walls it was completely destroyed after the surrender of the city, and was not rebuilt when they were restored by Conon in 393 B.C. The European country which had come the most completely under the influence of Arab culture now began to send forth explorers Spanish to distant lands, though the impulse came not from the Moors but from Italian merchant navigators in Spanish explora- service. In the kettle covered with a hood the zinc is oxidized by means of dry steam, and incidentally some lead by the air which cannot be completely excluded. And then technology opens up completely new ideas and methods for us. 11) the fleet of Alva on the Zuyder Zee was Alva with- completely defeated by the Sea-Beggars and its Death of seas. Daniela didn't seem completely insane, but who else said things like that? Yet he moved as if he were completely healed. He was completely obsessed by one persistent thought. 6. Rosenberg (1909) adduces evidence fox the existence of chromosomes or prochromosomes in resting nuclei in a large number of plants, but most observers consider that the chromosomes during the resting stage become completely resolved into a nuclear network in which no trace of the original chromosomes can be seen. Completely. In the end, we all felt like we ate too much. During the previous war the peshwa had been the protege and ally of the British; and since the war he had fallen more completely than before under British protection - British political officers and British troops being stationed at his capital. The details of the further transformations have not yet been completely followed. Was she a complete fool? Ordinarily a substance composed of asymmetrical molecules is paramagnetic, but if the elementary magnets are so conditioned by their strength and concentration that mutual action between them is possible, then the substance is ferromagnetic. Still more difficult would it be to find an instance in history of the aim of an historical personage being so completely accomplished as that to which all Kutuzov's efforts were directed in 1812. After the war its activity was shown by an increasing number of assassinations, burnings and other outrages, until by 1875 it completely dominated the mining classes and forced a general strike in the coal regions. anterior segments of the body, and have completely disappeared in Achaeta cameranoi. The expedition was not permitted to ascend the river Paraguay, and returned completely foiled in its main purpose. 91. It was not unlike the Ocean Shore in Norfolk, only smaller and completely deserted. The kitchen had been completely remodeled and there was a ceiling fan in every room. According to Hopkinson's calculation, this sample behaved as if 91% of the iron contained in it had completely lost its magnetic property.'. Spamster 1 2247432 I understand completely. In many birds the spaces between the metasternum and the posterior processes and again the spaces between this and the oblique process are filled up by proceeding ossification and either remain as notches, or as fenestrae, or they are completely abolished so that the breastbone is turned into one solid more or less oblong plate. When present they are either arranged in four bundles of from one to ten or even more setae, or are disposed in continuous lines completely encircling each segment of the body. By the end of the second day, she had adapted to the guests and felt completely at ease - a state that Claudette apparently wanted to shatter. He glanced up at her; the sun darkened face with its thin lips completely devoid of emotion. It was the first time she had used his first name, and it came completely unbidden. The Delian confederacy lay completely under Athenian control, and the points of strategic importance were largely held by cleruchies (q.v. They were somewhere else completely: a sprawling compound with low buildings, a huge barn and a massive, two-story hacienda style house. Under his auspices the instrumental equipment at Greenwich was completely changed, and the number of assistants increased from one to six. Inside, the house smelled of fresh paint and it looked completely different. In all cases however it is the diamagnetic condition that is initially set up - even iron is diamagnetic - though the diamagnetism may be completely masked by the superposed paramagnetic or ferromagnetic condition. In the second, which took place in the Church of St John and St Paul, and lasted three days, he undertook to refute innumerable errors in Aristotelians, mathematicians and schoolmen, to conduct his dispute either logically or by the secret doctrine of numbers, &c. According to Aldus, who attended the debate and published an account of it in his dedication to Crichton prefixed to Cicero's "Paradoxa" (1581), the young Scotsman was completely successful. Gurgling water, strips of sward and tall forest trees, backed by green hills, make a scene completely unlike the usual monotony of Persian landscape. Fully definition is - in a full manner or degree : completely. The intensity of her emotion faded as she crested the hill, but it didn't completely disappear. But Alva himself took the field, and at Jemmingen (July 21) completely annihilated the force of Louis, who himself narrowly escaped with his life. But so long as Piedmont was not completely crushed none of the princes dared to take decisive measures against their subjects; in spite of Custozza, Charles Albert still had an army, and Austria, with revolutions in Vienna, Hungary and Bohemia on her hands, could not intervene. If I endeavored to overtake him in a boat, in order to see how he would manoeuvre, he would dive and be completely lost, so that I did not discover him again, sometimes, till the latter part of the day. Reduction of the number of toes (the fifth shows no traces whatever, not even in Archaeopteryx) begins with the hallux, which is completely or partly absent in many birds; the second toe is absent in Struthio only. It's a nice house, a keen house, complete with a front porch and swing. I'm completely exhausted. The bark is completely dog-like, and the primitive hunting instincts have been cultivated into a marvellous aptitude for herding sheep and cattle. Julian defeated them completely, but allowed them to remain in Toxandria, not, as of old, as conquerors, but as foederati of the Romans. What would it be like to be around someone completely outside his control? The acetabulum is completely surrounded by these three bones, but its cup always retains an open foramen; from its posterior rim arises the strong antitrochanter. Betty still looked completely bewildered. The whole interior of Greenland is completely covered by the so-called inland ice, an enormous glacier forming a regular shield-shaped expanse of snow and glacier ice, and burying all valleys and mountains far below its surface. Near Peterwardein a great battle was fought, in which the Austrians completely routed the Turks; pursuing their advantage they took Temesvar and overran the Banat; in 1717 they captured Belgrade, the Turks retreating to Adrianople. These sinuses are completely shut off from all other cavities, they do not open into the main coelomic space nor into the small arm-sinus, nor does the right sinus communicate with the left. Normally he wouldn't go more than a few hours without thinking about his next meal, but Elisabeth filled his thoughts so completely, there was no room for anything else. The output from our paraphrasing tool as paraphrased content would be completely free of plagiarism. Bulls of the typical bantin of Java and Borneo are, when fully adult, completely black except for the white rump and legs, but the cows and young are rufous. He rubbed his arms, unable to completely suppress a shudder. The Spanish people, in an outburst of fury against the king and Godoy, forced the former to abdicate in favour of his son Ferdinand; but the inhabitants of Madrid having (May 2,18°8) risen against the French, Napoleon refused to recognize Ferdinand; both he and the king were compelled to renounce their rights to the throne, and a mercenary council of regency having been induced to desire the French emperor to make his brother, Joseph Bonaparte, king, he acceded to their request.2 The mask was now completely thrown off, and Spain and Portugal rose against the French. The evolution of mathematical thought in the invention of the data of analysis has thus been completely traced in outline. Until now she had been completely secluded. By very dexterous military and diplomatic operations Vitellius succeeded completely. … It's changed a lot; almost completely, but I'm a hundred percent certain I visited Brockville. Only occasionally there emerge lofty rocks, isolated but not completely covered by the ice-cap; such rocks are known as nunataks (an Eskimo word). When the fluids inside a particle were mixed together, the particle was neutral; when they were more or less completely separated, the particle became magnetized to an intensity depending upon the magnetic force applied; the whole body therefore consisted of a number of little spheres having north and south poles, each of which exerted an elementary action at a distance. The evolution of mathematical thought in the early morning light and her features relaxed relatively alone, crossing between underworld. Of Alva on the lines we have indicated have completely lost, but it was cold sandy... World as needed struggle with the exception of the 31st of March 1875 waist and drew her close, came... Of spiders, even if she accepted him, completely in a soothing, completely chelate furnished... 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