It is the responsibility of the permit holder to understand the firearm discharge rules in their area. ), black head, and white cheek patch distinguish it from other waterfowl. In some parts of the country, no major changes will be required. The change in status took effect from 9 June 2011 when the species formally transferred from Schedule 1 to Schedule 5. The purpose of a permit issued allowing a landowner to destroy eggs is to temporarily alleviate problems during the summer months, by reducing the number of young flightless goslings present. They are closely related to emperor, snow, blue, Ross's and white-fronted geese, and brants. In many parts of southern Canada, Canada geese exist in large numbers where only 30 years ago they were uncommon, and 55 years ago were considered to be extirpated. This means the species is no longer managed by fish and game councils but is now “not protected” (note this does not mean “pest”). Birds in Canada are protected under provincial and territorial statute in addition to the federal Migratory Birds Convention Act, 1994. Permits cannot be issued to individuals or wildlife control companies that are not the owners or managers of the property where the damage is occurring. Conduct monitoring programs to verify that control efforts are undertaken in accordance with regional population objectives. This combination of factors contributes to consistently high annual production of young birds and increases their ability to survive from year to year. Northern-breeding geese still maintain their historic migratory behaviour nesting in Canada’s sub-arctic regions and wintering in the United States of America (USA). Yes, Canada Geese are protected under the Migratory Birds Convention Act, 1994 (MBCA). Damage refers to the effect of activities of the geese. Both introduced (southern BC, Québec, Maritime provinces) and indigenous (southern Prairie Provinces, southern Ontario) populations have grown at an extraordinary rate to the point where they are causing unacceptable damage and danger in local areas. EC-CWS conducts surveys to evaluate the status of populations of Canada Geese in many parts of the country. Excessive goose droppings in some areas where large numbers of people and geese co-exist, e.g., at golf courses, parks, and beaches can be a concern. Landowners and others requiring geese to be controlled have the option of undertaking control themselves or liaising with local recreational hunters interested in goose hunting opportunities. The extraordinary growth of Canada Geese, like that of many species of geese, has occurred because of their adaptability to environments that have been heavily influenced by human populations. A plan will also help to secure necessary budgets to conduct the management activities. Provide additional hunting opportunities to increase the harvest of Canada Geese. Nesting Canada geese will actively defend their nest sites, and aggressive pairs can sometimes cause injuries, especially to small children or pets. Nest site requirements include proximity to water, cover for the nest, and good visibility for the incubating bird. Canadian Wildlife Health Cooperative (CWHC)’s website, Handbook - Canada and Cackling Geese: Management and Population Control in Southern Canada, The Handbook - Canada and Cackling Geese: Management and Population Control in Southern Canada, the Handbook entitled Canada and Cackling Geese: Management and Population Control in Southern Canada, Inform land managers and land owners about ways they can manage their lands to be less attractive to Canada Geese (. To-date, EC-CWS has not undertaken this analysis for Canada Geese although it may be required in future. Canada Geese nested historically in some parts of southern Canada, particularly in open grassland areas with wetlands. In certain situations and settings a permit may be issued to destroy eggs. To summarize the Act, it is illegal for any person, agency, or … People or organizations intending to use these techniques must determine what their responsibilities are under municipal and provincial laws, in addition to federal permits. The best way to get Canada Geese to leave a property is to take away their food & safety. The Cackling Goose (Branta hutchinsii) is a species of goose that looks very similar to the Canada Goose (Branta canadensis). Many landowners are tolerant of the effects of small numbers of geese on their property and are willing to bear any associated small costs. Environment and Climate Change Canada-Canadian Wildlife Service (EC-CWS)’s primary responsibility is the conservation of migratory birds, which includes Canada Geese, Canada Geese have experienced extraordinary growth in abundance and expanded their geographic range, In particular, those Canada Geese that nest, raise their young and/or moult in the most heavily populated areas of southern Canada have increased rapidly, The population growth is caused by human-induced changes to the landscape that favour Canada Geese, In addition, during the 1970s - 1990s wildlife agencies and individuals introduced Canada Geese to areas they had not inhabited naturally, In parallel with the population growth, the number of serious conflicts between geese and people is growing, The Migratory Birds Convention recognizes that birds may sometimes cause damage and danger, and provides management tools to reduce those conflicts (no migratory birds, their eggs or nests may be harmed without a permit), These tools include permits that may be issued to qualified landowners or managers to scare birds away from the problem area, destroy eggs, relocate problem birds and/or kill birds, Application of the tools is complicated by the wide range of tolerances toward serious damage and danger caused by Canada Geese; this tolerance varies from person to person, and from place to place, depending on the particular circumstances, Most landowners are tolerant of the effects on property caused by small numbers of geese, while at the same time the damage caused by any geese are too serious for some individuals, Hunting at current levels is not enough to stop the population growth and hunting regulations have been liberalized to the extent possible within the limits permitted for hunting seasons under the Migratory Birds Convention Act (MBCA), In many areas, Canada Goose populations have not reached the carrying capacity of the habitat and there is no biological reason to expect that these populations will stop growing in the short-term, In the United States, “resident” Canada Geese have been declared overabundant and as such are currently subject to special take by hunters outside of hunting seasons, At the present time the conservation status of Canada Geese is not threatened; populations in all regions are well above objectives; there is no conservation risk to providing permits to eligible people who need them to reduce damage and danger caused by Canada Geese on their property, EC-CWS monitoring programs will inform management agencies when and if a change in policy and approach is needed to maintain control efforts at the appropriate level in accordance with regional population objectives.

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