S'task, a Vulcan poet and former disciple of Surak, argues in favor of strength, while Surak's increasingly popular beliefs favor pacifism and logic. (Star Trek: The Magazine Volume 2, Issue 12, p. 26), Although the Romulan genealogical tie to Vulcans was unspecified by TNG's writers when the Romulans were brought back – with "Balance of Terror" having introduced the species merely as a likely Vulcan offshoot – the opinion of the show's writers regarding the nature of this relationship had changed by the series' fifth season, as had personnel in the TNG writers' room. (TOS: "The Enterprise Incident"; TNG: "The Neutral Zone"). See more ideas about star trek, trek, star trek universe. Planets: Romulus and Remus (aka Romii). (Star Trek: Communicator issue 137, p. 53) The Romulans had become fan favorites by the end of TNG's first season. The Romulans (/ˈrɒmjʊlənz, -jə-/) are an extraterrestrial race in the American science fiction franchise Star Trek. ), Romulans lacked the rigorous mental disciplines developed by the followers of Surak. [4] Initial thoughts by the script-writers had proposed a multi-episode storyline in which the Federation and Romulan governments would co-operate to fight the Borg; ultimately only certain elements of this idea entered "The Neutral Zone" and the Borg would be introduced not in the first season, but in the second-season episode "Q Who". (ENT: "Kir'Shara"; TOS: "Balance of Terror"), In 2387, the Romulan sun went supernova. Spacedock breaks down five of the iconic Warbirds of the Romulan Star Empire. "When my episode first aired," remarked Jack Donner, regarding "The Enterprise Incident", "I got a letter from a fan named Lori Carlson in Denver, Colo. She was the president of the Leonard Nimoy/Vulcan club there, but she wrote to me and said that the club was switching their interests around. Due to their shared ancestry, Vulcans and Romulans possessed very similar physiology, including varied skin color. Bait and Switch [edit | edit source] Big shoulder pads, the quilting, I just loathed it. He said of the restyled Romulans, "I gave them a little wedge to the center of the hair on their forehead instead of the Vulcans' straight-across bang." Eric Bana stated, "The prosthetics only underwent very minor changes, just for comfort and actability. Describing that, between the two, there were "subtle differences… too many of them." Stewart continued, "I think it is a deadly idea to have even an 'overhauled' Romulan villain. The Romulan heart was also gray in color, and they had a much faster heart rate than humans, at an average rate of 2… The Scimitar, featured in Star Trek: Nemesis, is a Reman warbird made specifically to overthrow the Romulan government and destroy the Federation, so it comes with a little extra firepower. (TOS: "Balance of Terror") However, while the military played an important role in Romulan society, it was the Romulan Senate that controlled the government. ("Balance of Terror" Starfleet Access, TOS Season 1 Blu-ray), Lots of experience with Vulcan ear and eyebrow prosthetics, as worn by Leonard Nimoy in the role of Spock, stood makeup artist Fred Phillips in good stead for dealing with the Romulans in Star Trek: The Original Series. Their life signs registered distinctly enough on the scanners of the USS Enterprise in 2268 that officer Pavel Chekov was able to distinguish his crewmate Spock from the crew complement of a Romulan starship, though he did note the difficulty of the task. (TNG: "The Enemy"), The Terothka virus was a disease unique to Romulan physiology. (Star Trek Magazine issue 146, p. 24) On the other hand, according to Star Trek Magazine issue 146 (p. 24), the Romulans on set seemed distinctly intimidating. "It's all going to have to do with his time – he has three huge movies that he is working on now. As such, they were written into the first draft script for the latter of those two episodes, then entitled "Mission Into Chaos". Archer will have a very lethal brush with the Romulans early on." In an article from Star Trek: The Magazine Volume 2, Issue 11 (p. 20), Star Trek: The Original Series writing staffer John D.F. The Tal Shiar was known for its brutal tactics, which included routine kidnapping, torture, and assassination. [17] The film's Romulans lacked the 'V'-shaped ridges on the foreheads, which had been present in all of their depictions outside the original series. Infiltrating the highest levels of the Vulcan High Command, the Romulans were impressed and seemingly confused by Humans. Unlike most of the highly evolved species in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants, Romulans still practiced slavery, in this case of the Remans, which they used for slave labor and as shock troops. The Romulans have been purposely excluded from featuring in Star Trek: Discovery. (Star Trek Nemesis hardback ed., pp. Likewise, they named their new homeworlds ch'Rihan ("of the Declared") and ch'Havran ("of the Travelers"); the names Romulus and Remus were pinned on their worlds by the Federation exploration vessel that first entered their star system – according to Duane, those Rihannsu who learned about the names used for them by the Federation were puzzled, more than anything else, by the myth from which the names originated (twin brothers being raised and suckled by a wolf). A group of Vulcans led by Sarek infiltrate Romulus and attempt to avenge their homeworld by detonating red matter recovered from Vulcan. (Star Trek: The Magazine Volume 2, Issue 2, pp. (TOS: "The Enterprise Incident"), In Romulan society, military/political rank influences social standing. Star Trek: 10 Best Romulan Episodes. (TNG: "The Neutral Zone"), During the 23rd century, Romulans practiced the death penalty on criminals by means both painful and unpleasant. Elke dag verschijnen er wel nieuwe foto's of video's voor een van de meest geanticipeerde series van dit jaar. [15] The film's writers, Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman, thought that it would feel backward to demonize the Klingons as villains again after they had been presented heroically in later Star Trek series; they also wanted to use Spock as a central character in the film and believed that the Romulan presence would continue Spock's story from his last chronological appearance in "Unification". Coming more than a season after the pivotal two-parter Unification, Face of the … (Star Trek: The Next Generation - The Continuing Mission, p. 66), Star Trek novels scribe Susan Schwartz also approved of the Romulans. No commercial exhibition or distribution is permitted. [10](X), The interest in seeing the Romulans on the series of Enterprise continued, however. 215, 217 & 219), In the first edition of the Star Trek: The Next Generation Writer'/Directors' Guide, Gene Roddenberry declared that no stories concerning warfare with Romulans would be accepted for the new series. [4], New costumes were designed for the actors playing Romulans, created by the show's costume designer William Theiss. [2] In the episode, which is set in the year 2364, the Starfleet ship USS Enterprise-D—whose crew are the series' main protagonists—responds to the disappearance of Federation colonies along the Neutral Zone, fearing that it reflects growing Romulan activity in the region. Writer Ronald D. Moore, who joined the show in its third season, expressed, "I hated the foreheads on the Romulans. [6](X) In Star Trek: The Magazine Volume 1, Issue 23 (p. 10), he further hinted about the Romulans, "They are part of the villainy, but not in the way that some might think! "And so they came up with this ingenious idea of putting helmets on, so you could hide the fact that these actors did not have pointed ears on." (Star Trek: Communicator issue 137, p. 53), The Romulans were originally meant to be the villains in Star Trek III: The Search for Spock. Benjamin Sisko, posing as his mirror universe counterpart, indicated to Jennifer Sisko that he was going to visit the Romulans to see if he could get their support. They have appeared in most subsequent Star Trek releases, including The Animated Series, The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Voyager, Enterprise and Picard. The Romulans are playable characters in the 2013 Online expansion pack Legacy of Romulus. "I did some early designs for the Romulans in my shop, but when my workload became too heavy, I hired Joel Harlow to come in and handle them. Romulan Jim Pedd, 7 januari 2020 om 07:06. ("Balance of Terror" Starfleet Access, TOS Season 1 Blu-ray) (Note that Gene Coon has not yet been part of the Star Trek creative staff when "Balance of Terror" was written and filmed. (VOY: "The Q and the Grey") By the 23rd century, the highest position of power was held by the Praetor, who presided over the Romulan Senate. Chang invoiced Desilu for this payment on 26 July 1966 and the price was paid in the following month (on either 10 or 13 August). (The Art of Star Trek, pp. There were subtle alterations made to the Romulan prosthetics (at least for the Nero character) before filming, making it easier to perform on long shooting days. "We knew it wasn't allowed to use the Romulans as the 'bad guys,' so we found different way to use them," explained Bailey. In Star Trek: Picard episode 2, "Maps and Legends", Soji revealed exactly what the Romulans are doing with the Borg's technology: they're selling it for profit. They left Vulcan and found the twin planets of Romulus and Remus; founding the Romulan Star Empire. Admiral Jean-Luc Picard would lead a fleet of rescue ships to Romulus in an attempt to evacuate as many Romulans as possible but the rescue ships were attacked and destroyed by a group of rogue synthetic life forms during their attack on Mars. "We needed to be true to continuity and this was a way to do it." (Star Trek: Communicator issue 145, p. 32), The Earth-Romulan War was, however, intended to be explored in the fifth season of Star Trek: Enterprise and the film Star Trek: The Beginning, neither of which were produced. Soon after their emergence from a century of isolation in the mid 2260s, they had established at least two embassies with the Federation. (Cinefex, no. In the mirror universe, the Romulans appeared to be uninvolved in the conflict between the Terran Rebellion and the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance. (TOS: "The Enterprise Incident"), Reluctance to rely on overt hostility generally led the Romulans to play a waiting game with their opponents, attempting to manipulate an adversary into breaking – or appearing to break – an agreement so as to give them a solid justification for striking. The show's designers gave the Romulans new costumes and added a V-shaped ridge on the foreheads of most Romulan characters, though with indications that Romulans without the ridges also existed. (Star Trek Nemesis hardback ed., p. xx), Although the Remans are clearly the main villainous species in Nemesis, Rick Berman was repeatedly reported as stating, in an interview on a UPN station local to Los Angeles, that the Romulans would be the major villain in the film. The Romulans have returned to their ancestral homeworld (since renamed Ni'Var) and reunified with their Vulcan cousins. A Romulan character, T'Rul (Martha Hackett), was included to oversee the device's use aboard the Defiant. (Star Trek Magazine issue 149, p. 13) In reality, baldness of Nero and his crew was used to set the Romulans apart, physically, from the Vulcans in the movie, due to both species having slanted eyebrows and pointed ears. The extermination of the Romulan people would have left a mystery for Picard as to how they had managed to defeat the Borg ship before it had wiped them all out. (Star Trek), Just prior to the destruction of Romulus, the Romulans reached out to the Federation, which accepted their request for help. During development of the 2009 film Star Trek, the writers of the movie's script, Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci, chose the Romulans as the villains because the film was a continuation of Spock's story from "Unification". Later in the series, Section 31 allies with the Romulans to start a war with the Klingons, in a successful ploy to regain the last piece of red matter. … Capt. [18](X), Prior to the initial airing of Enterprise's season 2 finale "The Expanse", many fans at first incorrectly speculated that the Romulans were responsible for the attack on Earth depicted in that episode – thought to be the initial volley in the Romulans' previously established war with Earth – and would be the focus of the series' third season, rather than the multi-species Xindi. In fact, Soji's work with the Romulan Reclamation Project directly helps the Romulans harvest the Borg's cybernetics. [14](X) It was merely days later, on Tuesday 16 July 2002, that Brannon Braga finally announced the upcoming Season 2 Romulan episode, hinting, "I think I can say without getting into too much trouble that very early in the season we will have our first brush with the Romulans. We all decided it would be best if Joel took over the task of creating the Romulans on set close to [Director] J.J. [Abrams] so he could see and direct their progress each day. [9], For "The Search", the opening two-part episode of the third season of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, a Romulan link was introduced. 15-16) A Writers Guild strike nixed this plan and the introduction of the Borg had to wait. In contrast to the Vulcans, who were presented as peaceful and logic-oriented, the Romulans were depicted as militaristic, having founded an interstellar empire. The impact of Romulus' destruction forms a plot-theme in the series Star Trek: Picard. It's very expensive, it's time," commented Denise Okuda. In keeping with their xenophobic attitudes, the Romulans tend to conquer species rather than form alliances with them, and individual Romulans tend to treat other species with varying degrees of disdain. "The morning make-up routine consisted of me going into hair and getting my head wrapped – they make your hair all pin-curled and they put your head in a wig cap, so all your hair is pulled off your face. There have certainly been episodes that dealt with Romulans, but nothing like the Klingons, Cardassians, and Ferengi." (Star Trek: The Original Series 365, p. 277) Applying a pair of the Romulan ear prosthetics during production on "The Enterprise Incident" typically took forty-five minutes. (TNG: "Unification I", "Gambit, Part I"), Romulans had pointed ears, eyebrows that were arched and up-swept, varied skin color, and copper-based blood that appeared green when oxygenated in the arteries, or copper or rust-colored when deoxygenated in the veins. In the Vulcan's Soul trilogy, the Romulans' ancestors left Vulcan as a contingency plan approved by Surak, should the wars on Vulcan have completely destroyed their civilization.

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