Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g.. Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done. I know you're all starting to settle in here, and keep up the fat lives you got used to up in the hall. There are two possibilities: if you tell the truth, you will be exiled from the Thirsk (but despite the Nord's threat, you will be able to return there and complete side missions). He will reward you with a paltry five gold septims. Don't let her begging for mercy fool you - it's just a trick (she will turn on you even if you decide not to kill her). This mission will be cancelled if you accept The Chief of Thirsk Hall! Didn't help that we'd grown a little too comfortable up there. You can agree with Bujold and tell her that you will lie to the villagers in Thirsk Hall (see: further part of this chapter) or... oppose her and follow the will of the ghost (see: Defeat Bujold). I helped the warriors of Thirsk Mead Hall retake their home from the infestation of Rieklings. Bring Items to Elynea. If you don't want to run to Hrotmund's Barrow on your own feet, use the fast travel option and wait for an hour or two there by setting a camp. I've searched for the ID of the quest on the Internet but I guess the problem is that the ID is not in hexadecimal. The Nords from the camp will help you in the fight, but let's face the truth - they're not good warriors. So let's get up there and kill us some Rieklings!". You will have to choose which side to support. Completing this quest in favor of the Nords will provide you with the availability of four more favor quests, each offering a leveled amount of gold as reward. Thirsk Mead Hall Side Quests . 1 Locations; 2 NPCs; 3 Objectives; 4 Opposing Quest; 5 Rewards; Locations . After the warrior calls in the spirit, the Thirsk guardian will deny giving her his blessing - regardless of the Hall being recaptured. Where is Bujold?" You will have to make an uneasy decision - if you tell the truth (i.e. Agreeing with the leader will end the current mission, but will not mark the end of your adventure. I'm sure Bujold can straighten it out for us.." He will then seek out Bujold and demand to hear the truth. When you then join the assault with Bujold, no rieklings will be waiting outside, and the chief will only have eight warriors inside to help him fight off the attackers. Like Kuvar, she will be painfully honest: "What's going on here is that we've been kicked out of our home." Regardless of your choice, you still can complete side mission for the villagers in the Hall: If you have opposed Bujold and decided to follow the will of the Thirsk spirit, you will have to kill the warrior. But look here. Joined: Aug 29, 2012 Messages: 626 Likes Received: 285 Reputation: 230 I sided with the Rieklings. Pretty much any meat will do. When the warrior arrived at the destination, you will learn that you will meet with the ghost-guardian of Thirsk inside the tomb. 286. Hrothmund: "You allowed your fellow warriors to grow weak while the dangers around you mounted." I was forced to kill her to defend myself. Skyrim Dragonborn DLC Walkthrough: Retaking Thirsk - YouTube Side Missions-Others. She will tell you that the former Nord settlement on Solstheim - Thirsk Hall - has been taken over by Rieklings. Spoiler To help Reiklins at Thirsk, or to help the Nords? Bujold will lead you to a Nordic ruin called Hrothmund's Barrow, southwest of Benkongerike. The ID I'm using is "DLC2MH01" (retaking Thirsk) which I converted to "44:4c:43:32:4d:48:30:31". Their leader, Bujold, has asked me to accompany her to Hrothmund's Barrow, where she hopes to receive the blessing of Thirsk's founder to continue her leadership. Whether we succeed or not, it'll stir up some of the old blood in this crowd." But I wouldn't show my face in here again, if I were you. This outsider has more fire than any of you. When you visit Thirsk Mead Hall, it is clear that the mead hall has seen better days, as it is currently inhabited by rieklings, without a single proud Nord in sight. He will ask you to collect more Juniper Berries. All I had to do was mention our little infestation, and he/she volunteered in a second! Obviously, these won't be available if you side with the Rieklings. Walkthrough: written by Krusty, not checked. 284. Retaking Thirsk: Help Bujold the Unworthy retake Thirsk Mead Hall. One way or another, you won't receive any prize. It's also a good time to save your game - there won't be time for that later on. Head out and on to the Sleeping Giant Inn in Riverwood. This is a serious accusation. 286. Was it... did Hrothmund recognize anyone else? They're camped on the eastern shore of the island, waiting for an opportunity to attack and take back their home. You will have to choose which side to support. You don't even need to lie... just don't tell anyone else what you heard here.". 287. Retaking Thirsk ; Served Cold ; Telvanni Research ; The Chief of Thirsk Hall ; The Final Descent ; Unearthed ... Lucan will thank you for your foresight and give you the same reward as if you'd gone on his quest formally. Their leader, Bujold, asked me to accompany her to Hrothmund's Barrow, where she was denied the blessings of Thirsk's founder. We used to be proud warriors of Thirsk Mead Hall. The fight itself won't be hard - her weapon (a common axe) doesn't inflict large damage and she's rather weak herself. Retaking Thirsk. Deathbrand. She expressed a desire to lead the hall anyway, and when I opposed her fraud, she attacked me. 288. Head into Hrotmund's Barrow together with Bujold and go to the other side of the room (the water will move away from your feet as you move). Overview World Interactions World Encounters Dawnguard World Interactions Dawnguard World Encounters Dragonborn World Interactions Dragonborn World Encounters The Atlas. Thirsk Mead Hall Regional Activities World Interactions and Encounters. Before volunteering to assist the Nords in retaking the Hall, you can kill all of the rieklings that currently inhabit it save the chief, who is flagged as essential at this point. I..." I know you're all starting to settle in here, and keep up the fat lives you got used to up in the hall. There, up on the hill. He will then continue his daily routine and will offer training. The woman will be mad and decide to keep the position, despite what her ancestors think. A return to the now cleaned-up mead hall will net you a concerned Kuvar who demands to know what happened to his wife: "How did things go out there? Hrothmund knows strength, in this world and the next." Their leader, Bujold, asked me to accompany her to Hrothmund's Barrow, where she was denied the blessings of Thirsk's founder. And I'm still the best person for that." He is less than gracious, musing that maybe you broke it. Clear the Temples Tomb of Ash Spawn. You can either tell him the truth, that she was rejected by Hrothmund, or lie, saying that it was an honor to accompany her. If you kill the rieklings too quickly before the Nords arrive, the quest may be stuck on the "Kill the Rieklings" objective while Bujold's group stands around in the hall with their weapons drawn.
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