33. Every frustration in my life, become a bridge to my miracles, in the name of Jesus. They will no longer plague the minds of God’s servants. Leave a reply. POWERFUL WARFARE PRAYER AGAINST INCREASED DEMONIC ATTACKS. Thou power of God, destroy every trouble in my life, in Jesus’ name. I command every agent of depression to loose its hold over my life now, in the name of Jesus. Oh Lord! 39. I vomit every satanic poison in my life, in the name of Jesus. I thank You for sending Your Holy Spirit Who empowers me, guides me, and leads me into fullness of life. Lastly, Prayer Against Oppression by Father Chad Ripperger. 29). 41. 18. It’s difficult using your own word’s even with a prayer or other issues went the mind is being bombarded by the distraction that surrounds us. I rebuke and cast out all spirits of poverty that would oppress me (Ecclesiastes 5:8). Dear Heavenly Father, I thank You because You are a God of justice. Pray this biblical prayer of … Let all satanic computers set in motion to monitor my life be roasted, in the name of Jesus. I am grateful for your protection over this job. Prayers Against Oppression At Workplace PRAYER POINTS (Ps 35) INSTRUCTION: Embark on 3 days fasting and prayers between 6am to 3pm. I pray, Lord, may all evil agents of injustice projected against my life and destiny lose their strength and seize operation in Jesus name. Every oppressor in your life shall be crushed today in Jesus name. Warfare prayer points against sicknesses and diseases. I shall not regret; I will become great, in the name of Jesus. 8. For laying your life down while I was yet a sinner. 27. All my trials, become gateways to my promotions, in the name of Jesus. Prayers; Watch Us Live; Give Now; Bless the Lord all my soul and all that is within me, bless Your Holy Name, Jesus. Today we are going to be engaging dangerous prayer points against your oppressors. By relinquishing what belongs to us into the hands of the Blessed Virgin, Satan cannot touch them. Prayer against Satan himself and his demons of depression, anxiety, fear and appathy. Offering both scriptures and prayers, Prayer against Satanic Oppression will empower you to take on an offensive rather than a defensive stance against the enemy. 35. Click this link to join Now, https://t.me/joinchat/RPiiPhlAYaXzRRscZ6vTXQ . Also I will love to Invite You to join our Powerful 24 Hours Prayer Group on Telegram. It takes aggressive force to tame the enemies of your destiny. This is a prayer to lift oppression that I use to help me when I am heavily oppressed. Oppression: Prayers Against Jump to: Nave's • Library • Subtopics • Resources. 26). I thank You, Jesus, for coming to destroy the devil’s’ work of oppression. 44. 30 Midnight Prayer Points For Financial Breakthrough, 50 Fasting Prayer Points For Breakthrough. Click this link to join Now, https://t.me/joinchat/RPiiPhlAYaXzRRscZ6vTXQ . I separate myself from every ancestral connections to evil pstterns in the name of Jesus. Also I will love to Invite You to join our Powerful 24 Hours Prayer Group on Telegram. 11. 40. Nave's Topical Index. I strip all power from spirits that would oppress me by the Blood of Jesus (Eccl.4:1). I can go on and on but today, every enemy in your life must be defeated in Jesus name. Thou King of glory, arise, visit me and turn around my captivity in the name of Jesus. This prayer has come about as a result of more specific and direct attacks from satan and his forces that my family and I have experienced very recently. Every agent of oppression, i oppressbyou today by the piwer of the holy ghost in Jesus name. Psalm 17:9 From the wicked that oppress me, from my deadly enemies, who compass me about. Oh Lord, those who trust in you do not lose battles, I shall never lose in the battles of life in Jesus name. 11. 6. Every chapter of sorrow and slavery in my life, close forever, in the name of Jesus. 2. 8. Cleanse my mind, my body, my soul, of all lustful desires. I reject every spirit of near success syndrome in the name of Jesus. Let every agent of oppression experience God as a mighty terrible one, in the name of Jesus. The devil is not moved by who you are but rather he is moved by what you can do to him. Isaiah 49:26 And I will feed them that oppress thee with their own flesh; and they shall be drunken with their own blood, as with sweet wine: and all flesh shall know that I the LORD am thy Saviour and thy Redeemer, the mighty One of Jacob. It will remove oppressing spirits and engage your free will in worship. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Holy Spirit, empower me to pray destiny-changing prayers, in the name of Jesus. Psalm 44:24 Why hide you your face, and forget our affliction and our oppression? 50 Warfare Prayer Points against forces of darkness. You will never forsake Your people. 4. 30 Midnight Prayer Points For Financial Breakthrough. An aggressive Spiritual warfare prayer against spiritual oppression. 1. 31. I come to You, my Lord, as the Father who holds all things: past, present and future. Let my hands become an instrument of divine prosperity, in the name of Jesus. Jesus, I come to You as my High Priest asking and believing that Your blood covers all of my sin. 12. O Lord, I give you thanks for giving me a place to work, in the name of Jesus. I strip all power from spirits that would oppress me (Ecclesiastes. I prophesy that I will get to my promised inheritance, in the name of Jesus. 32. The question then arises regarding what influence/power a demon can have over a Christian. servant. Bless the Lord all my soul and all that is within me, bless Your Holy Name, Jesus. Oh Lord, anoint me with power, to destroy all foundational covenants, in the name of Jesus. 25). Prayer Against Lust Exalted Creator, I bless Your holy name. Take advantage of these prayer points against oppression of the devil and put the devil under your feet permanently. Every enemy, exploring devastating strategies against my progress in life, be disgraced, in the name of Jesus. I paralyse all evil powers delaying my miracles, in Jesus’ name. 38. PRAYERS THAT DESTROY OPPRESSION I disannul and cast out any spirit that would attempt to oppress me in the name of Jesus Jesus, You went about doing good and healing all those oppressed of the devil because God is with You (Acts 10:38). Any power that wants to keep me in want in the midst of plenty, die, in Jesus’ name. Reply. Every sickness is an oppression of the devil. Let all evil men from my fathers house gathered against me begin to scatter and never regroup again, in the name of Jesus. 9. 15. Let all wicked oppressors against me begin to stumble and fall, in the name of Jesus. I come to You, my Lord, as the Father who holds all things: past, present and future. For further information or counseling, you can contact me at chinedumadmob@gmail.com or Chat me up on WhatsApp And Telegram at +2347032533703. You have entered an incorrect email address! 6. O Lord, station and establish me in Your favour. Lord Jesus, evil is such a harsh word, and yet Your Word uses it frequently to describe the opposite of good. 45. 4. You have to be angry in the spirit as you engage this prayers, the devil is very wicked, and he will continue to oppress you until you resist him by force. Deliver me from the evil… Read More. Thank you. I pray that each and every child that experiences some form of persecution against their faith, will be kept and protected by You, and brought at last into Your everlasting kingdom, where every tear and all pain will be wiped away, forever. Holy Spirit, empower me to pray destiny-changing prayers, in the name of Jesus. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. There is additional information in the comments to Prayer Against Demonic Oppression and Prayer Against Witchcraft. 14. My name is Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum, i am a Man of God, Who Is passionate about the move of God in this last days. 50. Let all satanic satellites and cameras being used to observe my spiritual life be roasted, in the name of Jesus. Acts10:38. 7. Most Blessed Trinity, by the authority given to me by the natural law and by Thy giving these things & rights to me, I claim authority, rights and power over my N. (income, finances, possessions, etc.) 30. Oh Lord, activate Your high calling in my life, in the name of Jesus. 5. For further information or counseling, you can contact me at chinedumadmob@gmail.com or Chat me up on WhatsApp And Telegram at +2347032533703. 40. A Prayer Against Depression “Heavenly Father, please strengthen our hearts, and remind us to encourage one another when the troubles of life start to overwhelm us. Every obstacle in my life, give way to miracles, in Jesus’ name. Post Sep 17, 2012 #1 2012-09-17T13:47. 13. Thank-you, my Lord Jesus Christ for your sacrifice. These prayers are war themselves. I give You all the praise, honor and glory You deserve, for You are Holy and Righteous. I have compiled 50 aggressive prayer points against enemies at work. Every sinner is under the oppression of the devil, likewise a lot of Christian are also under the oppression of the devil. Every anti-victory spirit, loose your hold upon my life, in the name of Jesus. Every habitation of humiliation and demotion, fashioned against me, be battered, shattered and swallowed up by the power of God. Oh Lord, I depend on you to protect and fight my battles in Jesus name. 42. 21). Your enemies are at work to stop you, but you shall resist them in Jesus name. Father in any satanic coven where my name is mentioned, answer them by fire in Jesus name. An oppressor is someone who is sitting on your breakthrough, someone who has vowed that you will never make progress in life. Father, i release the angels to strike with blindness anyone that seek to harm me or my family members in Jesus name. 3. 26. 20. Let all satanic records keeping the steps of my progress be roasted, in the name of Jesus. I know I have inundated you with Father Chad Ripperger videos on Spiritual Warfare. I declare that Divine favour of God, shall overshadow my life from now and forever, in Jesus’ name. Oh Lord, if I have fallen behind in any area of my life, empower me to recover all lost opportunities and wasted years, in the name of Jesus. I destroy every demonic opposition to my breakthroughs, in the name of Jesus. 14. Let God break the backbone of all my enemies gathered against me, in the name of Jesus. I declare that all the instruments of failure, against me by my enemies be roasted in my life, in Jesus’ name. Enemies are real, they are demonic agents whose primary mission is to resist you and bring you down in life. 43. 38. Thou power of God, usher me out of the balcony of disgrace by fire, in the name of Jesus. I destroy and cast out all spirits of poverty that would … 12. Let every agent of oppression, be punished and tormented unto submission, in the name of Jesus. 10. Every residential permit for me to stay in the valley of defeat, be revoked, in the name of Jesus. Every habitation of cruelty, fashioned against my destiny, become desolate, in the name of Jesus. I thank You for sending Your Son Jesus Who won victory over sin and death for my salvation. Let the anointing of the more than conqueror fall mightily upon my life, in the name of Jesus. These dangerous prayer points is a warfare prayer points. Deuteronomy 28:7 The LORD shall cause thine enemies that rise up against thee to be smitten before thy face: they shall come out against thee one way, and flee before thee seven ways. Let the foundation of my life be repaired and begin to carry divine prosperity, in the name of Jesus. O Lord, let Your presence begin a glorious story in my life. Oh Lord, anoint me to recover the wasted years in every area of my life, in Jesus’ name. Good Morning Disciples of Jesus Christ. Oppression, Prayers Against . I break the power of any demonic spell issued against my life, in the name of Jesus. 16. 2. The devil is the chief oppressor of humanity. I declare that all satanic weapons of attack against my life be roasted, in the name of Jesus. Don’t be a passive believer, be an active one, only spiritually active and battle ready Christians have what it takes to overcome the enemy. Therefore refuse to be oppressed by the devil. DEMONIC OPPRESSION UPON A CHRISTIAN LIFE AND PRAYER TO HELP BE SET FREE There is strong biblical evidence that a Christian cannot be demon possessed. As you engage in this dangerous prayer points, God will begin to oppress all your oppressors in Jesus name. 15. I command every agent of demonic delays to loose its hold over my life now, in the name of Jesus. 37. Pray this prayers with faith today and receive your freedom. 5. Let all my prayers in this programme arrest divine attention, in the name of Jesus. God of restoration, restore my glory, in the name of Jesus. Any power that wants to draw me away from the presence of the Lord to destroy me, die, in the name of Jesus. 49. Psalm 59, for protection against thieves, assaults, and all types of oppression. The Power Of Serenity Prayer In Our Everyday Life. 3. Colossians 1:10, That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God; If you are dealing with oppression or false accusation at workplace, you should know that you have enemies that are planning to … A Prayer for Protection Against Evil. Let every witch flying for my sake receive the arrow of fire, in the name of Jesus. 20. Let every agent of oppression experience God as a mighty terrible one, in the name of Jesus. Demons sent to oppress will not set foot on God’s territory. Prayers that Destroy Oppression: I rebuke and cast out any spirit that would attempt to oppress me in the name of Jesus. 24. O Lord, I speak against every deci… But today we have compiled 40 prayer points against oppression. Fr. Do not allow yourself to be a victim or a prey to the devil, pray him out of your life,body, business and family. God bless you. PRAYER AGAINST EVERY EVIL - Very Powerful H eavenly Father, I love You, I praise You, and I worship You. God bless you. 19. © Everydayprayerguide 2019 | All rights reserved, 30 Dangerous Prayer Points Against Your Oppressors, 30 Prayer Points On Revival With Bible Verses, 50 Prayer Points Against Reproach And Shame, 30 Prayers Against Hindrances To The Fulfillment Of My Destiny, Daily bible reading plan for November 9th 2018, 20 Prayer Points Against Spiritual Attack. 50 Warfare Prayer Points against forces of darkness. Every satanic case-file opened against my life, be closed forever by the blood of Jesus. Anyone that says you shall not succeed, shall be destroyed by the fire of God in Jesus name. Father has spoken to us that we are to be aggressive in pushing back the enemy, using the power and authority given to us by Yahushua. But today, everyone standing on your way to success must be moved by force in Jesus name. All iniquities that Our God, The Great I AM cannot look upon. Any power that says I will not go forward, be arrested, in the name of Jesus. 4:1). Daily Pray the Following Two Prayers . These prayer points is for those who are suffering from an evil strongman in their family. Lord, I declare sevenfold restoration of all the devil and his agents have stolen from me in Jesus name. Nave's Topical Index. 17. Richard Reyna Jr says: 3 Feb 2018 at 15:56. Anyone that says you shall not succeed, shall be destroyed by the fire of God in Jesus … Let my tongue become an instrument of the glory of God, in the name of Jesus. You anger of God, write the obituary of all my oppressors, in the name of Jesus. I believe that God has empowered every believer with strange order of grace to manifest the power of the Holy Ghost. I prophesy that bitter life shall not be my portion; better life shall be my testimony, in the name of Jesus. But today, everyone standing on your way to success must be moved by force in Jesus name. I separate myself from every connection from ancestral forces in the name of Jesus. I believe that no Christian should be oppressed by the devil, we have the Power to live and walk in dominion through Prayers and the Word. 30). Oh Lord, use my substance for the furtherance of the gospel, in the name of Jesus. Enemies are like Pharoah, Exodus 9:12, they will never let you go until you resist them with an aggressive force, your enemies are like Haman, Esther 3, they will want you to worship them or they kill you, your enemies are like tobias and sanballat, Nehemiah 4, they will always mock you and put up devices and schemes to stop your progress, and your enemies are like korah, dathan and abiram, Numbers 16, they will always challenge your authority, and threaten your success. 24). I prophesy that every enchanter, nicromanser ,false prophets, witches or wizards, and powers of darkness who go about in order to inquire about me and my house hold shall be greatly dissapointed in Jesus name. This prayer points are for believers who are under severe enemy attack, people who are been oppressed at work, in the house or from their village. All those oppressors shall be judged today in Jesus name. 10. I command every agent of slow progress to loose its hold over my life now, in the name of Jesus. This warfare prayer points against sicknesses and diseases is going to guide you as you engage in spiritual warfare. 1. Oh Lord, protect me and my household as the apple of your eye and hide me under the shadow of your wings in Jesus name. Thou power of liberty and dignity, manifest in my life, in the name of Jesus. Jesus, You went about doing good and healing all those oppressed of the devil (Acts 10:38). Oh Lord, I decree supernatural protection for me and my family in our going out and coming in in Jesus name. 36. I refuse to reap any evil harvest, in the name of Jesus. I come against any demon that was sent to oppress me. Tonight you shall be resisting the enemy and the oppressors by force in the name of Jesus. 39. I come before You, gentle Saviour, seeking Your help in battling temptations. Oh Lord, by the Power of Your Name, I divert every evil coming my direction today in Jesus name. Are you suffering from any human oppression?, then this prayers are for you, as you engage in this aggressive prayer points God will arise and oppress those who oppress you, He shall remove all those who attempt to remove you. Amen. Let all evil pattern against my life be scattered by the thunder of God and never regroup against me again, in the name of Jesus. Prayer against Oppression. The devil only responds to force, he does not have respect for dialogue, neither does he have regard for title. You preserve us always and keep our soul from harm. O God, arise and attack every lack in my life, in the name of Jesus. 16. much share! 18. I thank You, Jesus, for coming to destroy the devil’s’ work of oppression. Father, I pray today that You thwart all forms of injustice meted out against me and my family members in the past and bring us justice, in Jesus name. 48. I acknowledge every demon of oppression and cancel every assignment that was given. It can be prayed as often as necessary. 1. 22). 25 powerful prayer points for the fruit of the womb, 60 Deliverance Prayer Using The Blood Of Jesus, 50 Warfare Prayer points against sicknesses and diseases. 27). Oppressive demons will no longer torment God’s people. I believe that God has empowered every believer with strange order of grace to manifest the power of the Holy Ghost. as you engage this aggressive prayer points against enemies at work today, all your enemies shall bow before you in Jesus name. servant. 37. May Your name be glorified in Jesus name. Aleteia-published on 02/01/18. 28. Every agent of oppression, i oppressbyou today by the piwer of the holy ghost in Jesus name. Today we are going to be engaging dangerous prayer points against your oppressors. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnZephZMtqymm3CQnfGjtlg?sub_confirmation=1 7. 28). As darkness gives up before light, O Lord, let all my problems give up before me, in the name of Jesus. 34. I know You see all, and know all, of the things that affect the life You have granted me. 22. My name is Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum, i am a Man of God, Who Is passionate about the move of God in this last days. 17. Please pray for me Im so hurt and I’m trying to be free from this pain I really try to love people but for my love there my enemies and it hurts please pray for my heart, We need prayer the father and family of my grand daughter has kidnap her and won’t return her Plz their very very evil people pray my daughters lawyer hurried and calls her Plz for the devil to leave my family alone plz favor all the way for my daughter plz protection over my five year old plz, Please prayer this evil father and his family are so evil that he molested my other granddaughter in 2013 please Prayer I’m losing faith, Please pray for me… every since i can remember i have been under attack my whole life by family first..i am grateful for what didnt happen to me however .it then became a repeated cycle in my life after that.. i am praying for freedom and i am believing God for his power to vindicate and break the chains in my life..i am so tired but i believe God has a plan for my pain..but sometimes i feel its not fair and i am tired of the pain..please God i know i am a child of God and i need your help.. amen. O Lord, multiply my joy, peace and blessings in Jesus name. I deliver myself from every inherited poverty in my life, in the name of Jesus. Prayer Against Oppression. 23). must watch! Leave a Reply Cancel reply. I know You see all, and know all, of the things that affect the life You have granted me. My Father and My Lord, I will not stop praying until I see your intervention in my life. Please print this as well as … TheDigitalWay | CC0. and anything else that pertains to the oppression. An oppressor is someone who is sitting on your breakthrough, someone who has vowed that you will never make progress in life. 29. Protect my household from armed robbers, rapists and occultists in Jesus name. For Those Suffering Intolerance For Their Faith . By relinquishing what belongs to us into the hands of the Blessed Virgin, Satan cannot touch them. 47. Any power that wants me to fulfil my destiny partially, die, in the name of Jesus. Be thou glorified in Jesus name. during this powerful service, prophetess mattie nottage prays against sabotage, financial oppression & more! I command every person, spirit, entity, and being whether natural or supernatural to leave my mind, body, soul, spirit, home, property, spouse, and children right now in Jesus’ name. Oppression can be defined as applying force against the will of others. Nave's Topical Index. 9. Oh Lord, protect me from those who seek my life in Jesus name. I believe that no Christian should be oppressed by the devil, we have the Power to live and walk in dominion through Prayers and the Word. This is a strong prayer of protection on you and yours): Ripperger's Recommended Prayers for Breaking Oppression and Sending Back Evil Until the Election is Called Consecration of One's Exterior Goods to the Blessed Virgin Mary (This prayer is particularly useful for breaking various forms of oppression. Please join me to pray against all forms of oppression and set ups at my workplace. Consecration of One’s Exterior Goods to the Blessed Virgin Mary (This prayer is particularly useful for breaking various forms of oppression. I encourage you to pray this prayers with faith today and see all your oppressors Judged today in Jesus name. © Everydayprayerguide 2019 | All rights reserved, 50 Aggressive Prayer Points Against Enemies At Work, 30 Midnight Prayer Points Against Witchcraft Powers, 20 Opening Prayer Points For Church Service, 20 Prayer points for breaking stubborn curses. 2. 19. You have entered an incorrect email address! Posts: 283: Senior Member. I command every evil machinations against me, to be frustrated, in Jesus’ name. Many Bible teachers describe demonic influence on a Christian as “demonic oppre 21. 13. 46. I abort every mission with the holy authority of Jesus Christ. Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil and that includes sicknesses and diseases. I cast the spirits behind my problems unto the fire of judgement, in the name of Jesus. 25. 23. Any satanic Poison eaten from the table of the enemy, depart from my life now, in Jesus’ name.

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