I was so stressed out before i found this. Book-end your personal statement, by revisiting the key points you’ve already spoken about in the main body of your personal statement, and re-emphasise them here in your conclusion. My greatest virtues are my patience and my genuine compassion for those in my care, no matter how testing the circumstances might be. I hade one-to-one sessions with Parkinson’s sufferers and with patients with Alzheimer’s, trying to bring relief to the frustrations they feel from their inability to communicate. We’re not going to lie — the opening sentence is pretty important, but it’s also important that the personal statement doesn’t go downhill from there. This has been excellent for my interpersonal skills as it involves talking to people I am not familiar with. I'm doing a 'career portfolio' and was really stuck on my personal statement. If you want to make a perfect personal statement nursing, don’t start with a boring introduction. Adult Nursing Personal Statement. I am now, able to write a personal statement. thankyou your personal statement has helped me greatly. you personal statement is not just good but an inspiration. Please complete the check below to help us prevent spam comments. It's not being completely unafraid. The whole ethos of nursing for me is that one’s sole aim is to strive to achieve the patient’s wellbeing, and that with the elderly one should above all show respect and maintain their human dignity, though MFE nurses I have talked to all complain of a lack of resources which hampers their work. The Old Dairy, 12 Stephen Road,Headington, Oxford,OX3 9AYUnited Kingdom, 24/7 0800 334 5952London 020 364 076 91info@personalstatementservice.com, 3979 Albany Post Road #2042Hyde Park, NY 12538USANew York 646-568-9741, OxbridgePlatinumGoldAdditional ServicesInternational, How to Apply to OxfordHow to Apply to CambridgeApplying to Medicine UCAS ApplicationsHow to Write a UCAS Personal Statement How to Write a Masters Personal StatementSee All Guides, AS SEEN IN EDUCATION & LEARNING WITH THE TIMES, Our team of expert writers can help write and edit your personal statement, Tutoring | Privacy Policy |Terms & Conditions, applying to university, business studies, help with my personal statement, sample business personal statement, Dentistry, Dentistry Personal Statement, personal statement, personal statement sample, university application, How to Apply for a Postgraduate Degree in the UK, How to Write a Master's Personal Statement, How to Write a Masters Personal Statement. Outside my nursing interests I enjoy running, a pastime which grew out of my determination to complete the Great North Run this year to raise money for the Alzheimer’s Society. My ambition to become a nurse has its origins in my father’s final illness, where I observed the sort of nursing care he received in hospital and was immensely moved and inspired by the professionalism and skill of those who tended him. Style. A skill that will be transferable to nursing. Best of luck ! I am also involved in the peer education scheme '4' which involves going to different Guiding units and raising awareness of issues through activities and games. The story can be a personal, family experience or an incident which occurred during volunteer work or an internship. you have really made my day, i had no clue on how to state. this is absolutely brilliant, thankyou so much. If you can answer those two questions in some kind of attractive or compelling way, then that will be your opener. Both experiences served to fuel my desire to gain entry to the nursing profession. I organised my own work experience at the Edington Cottage Hospital and this gave me an idea of what working in a hospital setting will be like. many thanks.I've been able to see 'more of me' since reading your points which has greatly helped. This gave me a useful insight into the caring profession and has increased my motivation to work within it. If you have no idea how to create a personal statement, we are ready to share some useful ideas that will help you to complete this task. Personal statements for Oxford and Cambridge tend to be more focused on academics, serving as a platform for you to discuss your understanding and thoughts on material that you’ve been exposed to. This personal statement was really good and helped me structure my dtatement better! It is not a definitive guide, and the more original you can be within constraints of your personal statement the better. Great opening lines to a speech get us curious and can set the direction for a powerful talk. Thanks for this, i read through your statememnt and began to wonder if i had actually wrote it in my sleep lol, you seemed to have lead a very simular life to mine. Your statement has reminded me of things i did when i was growing up. I have enjoyed working on the neurology ward and in medicine for the elderly, learning many nursing skills, such as taking blood pressure and noting symptoms, as well as the administrative processes of nursing, keeping accurate notes, relaying information and the like. I worked with patients suffering from Alzheimer’s and came to understand their frustration at being unable to communicate effectively, and I also tended to the needs of terminally ill patients, learning in this way the emotional demands of nursing but also gaining a deep sense of reward from feeling that I had contributed to their welfare during their final weeks and days. thanx again. It is brilliant to use this for inspiration but write your own statment and don't be lazy. My commitment is total and I believe I have the qualities to become an excellent student. Check out our full guide to applying to Oxbridge. From a young age I have (always) been [interested in/fascinated by] Used by 1,779 applicants. By using this approach you are using your closing paragraph to summarise everything you have said. . Find a way to stand out. Did not know where to start with writing a personal statement - thank you for sharing yours, it has been a great help. You should be clear, confident and concise. Nursing personal statement. I really want to become a nurse but i've been ill for three years with a stress related illness which has stopped me getting much experience. Visit www.nursingpersonalstatement.co.uk for personalised help. I have read your statement and have noted a few lines of yours, hope you dont mind im not too good and writing. I am deeply passionate about nursing and I am already looking forward to a long and fulfilling career in this field. . "To me, fearless is not the absence of fear. After leaving school I worked for some years in customer service roles, which enabled me to develop communication skills and the ability to relate to the demands of other people, but it was when I took on a job as a care assistant at a nursing home for the elderly in 2008 that I discovered how satisfying such work could be and how it gave purpose to my life, both personally and professionally. As a matter of fact, you have done an incredible job by putting forward this piece of writing. What do I write in my personal statement? Brilliant! It's made writing my personal statement a lot easier. Thank you, i found this very detailed and useful, Very good but I still don't know where to start, Really great personal statement, thank you. Nursing is a profession that is diverse, and full of challenges. Blessed!!! Personal statement opening lines are a good way to differentiate between good and bad personal statements. In those first few seconds you have the chance to gain your audience’s attention, earn their trust, and persuade them you are someone worth listening to. I began an Access course in 2010 and have very much enjoyed the return to education, which has trained me in the essential academic skills such as essay writing and referencing. Your nursing personal statement is an individual piece of work which can really make a difference to course leaders and influence the decision-making process. In fact, starting your statement with things such as name, address, and born date has been out of date! In the nursing personal statement for a job, you also need to write your specific goals. 2. Example 10 - Inspire your Biomedical Science personal statement with our UCAS examples and learn from previous students who have already applied to university. Example 1 “My ambition from secondary school onwards has always been to become a practising nurse who makes a real and positive change to peoples lives. (Reshma Memon Yaqub, "The Washing." Read through our nursing personal statement samples to get a feel for the style of writing. In the future I may wish to pursue a career in Paediatric nursing and I feel that an adult nursing degree will be the first step in giving me this opportunity. As with the whole of your CV, your personal statement should be written in a simple clean font at around size 10-12 to ensure that it can be read easily by all recruiters and employers.. Keep the text colour simple, ensuring that it contrasts the background (black on white is best) and break it into 2 or even 3 paragraphs for a pleasant reading experience. Personal Statement Editing and Review Service, International Student Personal Statements, Personal Statement Frequently Asked Questions, Writing a Postgraduate Personal Statement, Platinum Express Editing and Review Service, Silver Express Editing and Review Service, UCAS Personal Statement Editing and Review Service, Oxbridge Personal Statement Editing and Review Service, Postgraduate Personal Statement Editing and Review Service. Nursing Personal Statement. For example, in my personal statement, I wrote about how I actually did not have a traditional story that culminated in my pursuit of higher education. This is the typical goal of nursing, though. I am confident of embracing this challenge and to take advantage of these changes and opportunities and use them to further my career. As one of only two in4mers in East Lothian this role is very demanding. Plan your personal statement for nursing course applications by mind-mapping your strengths. Really was having a problem then read your statement and gained the courage to carry on. All rights reserved. hi guys this personal statement website is excellent for advising people about how to go about their personal statement but please please dont copy them as UCAS have the technology to to scan people's personal statements which can be linked to websites and can actually decline an application for plagiarism! It has greatly increased my confidence as I often have to talk to the girls in a group setting and this has developed my interpersonal skills. Formulate a basic timeline but realize that it’s not carved in stone. Use the ‘necklace approach’. Be warned future applicants; don’t fall into the trap by using these common phrases to begin your statements. Most common opening lines from personal statements 2015. It is a career that requires individuals who express reliability, practicality and are also meticulous. x. I wasn't sure on how to start my personal statement and if i even wanted to be a nurse but reading this has made be sure that this is the path i want to go down so thank you! I hadn't planned to wash the corpse. I am a young leader at Aberlady Rainbows and Guides and this is very valuable to me as I interact with the girls and participate in activities with them. Sample Nursing Personal Statement. You can believe us as each potential writer passes a complex test that shows their real level. Aspects of the Duke of Edinburgh involved working as part of a group, this has helped me become an effective team player which I believe will be useful in the nursing environment as it will be necessary to use this strength to communicate successfully with other health professionals to determine what level of care is best for a patient. Adult Nursing Personal Statement. A key academic skill at degree-level is being able to form a structured written argument, including a conclusion that summarises the key points (and does it with a punch). thanks for sharing ur statement i thought it was really good an gave me some great ideas for my own!!!!!!!! So, it is important you take care when writing the statement and give yourself plenty of time to create a personal statement that makes an impact on readers. Midwifery encapsulates everything that I love and is a role which I feel I was made for. The UCAS Personal Statement is the cornerstone of a UK university application. You might include hobbies, achievements, academic results, part-time jobs, voluntary roles, extra study or anything else you can think of. And if that sounds hard, it’s because it is. Explain how the nursing job could help you to reach what you aim for. Start with who you are. I am the first person in my family to pursue further education. The ‘necklace approach’ is a technique that links your opening and closing paragraphs which makes your personal statement cohesive and reinforces what you are saying. When I was young my elder sister was a nurse, and I had the utmost respect for her and her work. In 2010 I spent a month in India teaching English to young women, which was a great boost to my confidence and independence. Personal statements should look more like a record of your academic and personal achievements and less like a churning out of quotes from age-old philosophers! Your nursing personal statement should include a story or anecdote which illustrates how you became interested in nursing as a career. i was really worried bout ritin mine but uve helpd me loads hope you dnt mind if i tak bits out bt der too good not to!!!!! Fearless is having doubts. The whole experience was immensely rewarding despite the real difficulties it posed. Your personal statement needs to show off who you are, which is easy to lose whilst rattling off your achievements or quotes from others. At the same time I worked for an agency where I was given responsibility for the care of an adult with tetraplegia, who suffered from emotional and cognitive disabilities which sometimes manifested themselves in challenging behaviour. If you need help with personal statement writing then have a look at this Adult Nursing personal statement example and the other examples on this site. Nursing is a very challenging and demanding career, however I feel the rewards would be great and that I am ready to embark on this career. Instead, write something that tells the reader about your life. I also plan to work as a nursing auxiliary through the nurse bank next summer. Thank you for sharing. 1. A lot of students worry about their opening sentence(s). something ive struggled with for over 12 months!!!! I could not bring out in writing a good personal statement but after, I read yours, there was a great solution. Another activity I find rewarding is performing in-class support with a second year science class. thanks, Thanks letting me see an example of a personal statement, it was a great help :) thanks. Putting together a high quality nursing personal statement can be difficult, but we’ve broken it down into manageable sections below to give you some ideas of how to get started. you have really helped me compose my satement. It also requires an individual who can develop relationships and trust with new people. Thanks so much for sharing this, it's a really good personal statement and I learnt from it! I'm the Personal Statement Advisor for nursing and allied health courses, please feel free to PM me with your questions and I'll do my best to help. Start with why you chose it.'. My ambition to become a nurse, and particularly a nurse for elderly patients, has developed out of my own work experience and a growing sense that my own personal fulfilment lies in serving those who are most vulnerable. 'Start with a short sentence that captures the reason why you are interested in studying the area you are applying for and that communicates your enthusiasm for it.'. It is a worthwhile career for which I am passionate. thanks! Making a Connection with Your Personal Statement. . A personal statement is an integral part of your application. But sometimes you just get caught up in the moment. This has been incredibly beneficial for my confidence and my planning and organisational skills. Think of your personal statement like a football team — even if you have the best goal scorer in the world, if you have a dodgy defence or mildly-interested midfield, it’s not a great recipe for success. It has gave me a few ideas of what to write, thanks for sharing =) xXx. Thanks. Thank you again. This personal statement was written by laura257 for application in 2008. I worked in his home and managed to build a mutually trusting relationship with him, helping him to manage a degree of independent life. Nevertheless, this goal is relevant to the job you’re applying to. This is because you’ve probably been told that the first few lines of your personal statement need to grab the attention of the admissions tutor. It is your first point of introduction to your potential employer or institution. 3. It’s good to think of a memorable way to kick things off but don’t overthink it or spend too much time on your opening; it’s not the be all and end all. I am applying for this course because… Thanks x, heya i copied ur first paragraph but ima changing a bit a8 fanks alot, aw hi thanks alot dot was pure class!!!! Adult nursing is attractive partly because of its variety and the range of options it opens, though I know both from my own experience and from talking to the professional staff I have worked with that the job is very demanding and calls for a greater level of personal commitment than many other occupations, but I believe that my experience has informed my decision and made it realistic and mature. Thanks for donating you personal statement! My ambition to become a nurse, and particularly a nurse for elderly patients, has developed out of my own work experience and a growing sense that my own personal fulfilment lies in serving those who are most vulnerable. What are you proud of? © 2021 Copyright Studential Ltd. 20-22 Wenlock Road, London, N1 7GU. You may start the narration with an interesting personal statement opening line like a citation (but not overused) or a statistics, slight humor or another type of opening hook for writing that should not sound too cheezy. just a tip. I'm worried now i won't excepted but thank you for letting me see your example it was a great help! I am versatile and adaptable and enjoy being challenged, and I work hard and am very dependable. I wish to have the joy of being an advocate for women, supporting, enabling and empowering them during the most incredible time in life. I have found it extremely difficult to find a starting point to my personal statement but after reading yours it has really helped me to begin and it just started to flow when i knew what to write. Number 7346594. Good luk wid nursing n ope u go on to get da job u want. I have been trying to write mine for weeks now and yours gave me the inspiration to finish it off and know i was on the right lines. thank you, thank you for shairng your personal statement as i want to a follow a career in midwifery and this sent my mind racing with ideas as to what to include in mine, so thanx very much x, Was a great help, shame there aren't more! So well done on this attempt!! General Tips on Making a Personal Statement Application. I perform learning support once a week with a girl with additional support needs. x. this is a great personal statment! Thousands of applicants to nursing programs write that they have "always wanted to go into nursing", sometimes even in their opening line. x, thank you for sharing this wonderful personal statement....it really helped me a lot in my career..thanks Godbless, A really good personal statement!

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