In many countries there are still pleasant trees that bear poisonous fruit. Some of us need to toss out TVs. Only as we meditate on God's Word (Psalm 1:2) can we have the right perspective. The violence, sex, and materialism on TV can make us insensitive to our calling as Christians to be salt and light in a sinful world. "This [is] a workshop to identify ACEs risks," Symmans wrote, adding that Horton "will be attending. Or, why then should I consider, or contemplate, or look curiously, or thoughtfully, or diligently? Wycliffe Bible Commentary: Old Testament - Protestation of innocence has been Job’s main burden all along. Don’t let it go! Oh, for the days when I was in my prime, when God’s intimate friendship blessed my house, when the Almighty was still with me and my children were around me, By the eye, the lust of the flesh is frequently excited: and our adored Redeemer hath set it down as uncleanness and adultery already committed, if a man so looks on a woman as to lust after her. Job made a personal covenant not to look lustfully at young women (Job 31:1). Cleanse your hands ye sinners and purify your heart ye double-minded." Job Chapter 31 אִיּוֹב א בְּרִית, כָּרַתִּי לְעֵינָי; וּמָה אֶתְבּוֹנֵן, עַל-בְּתוּלָה. From this verse we note the sanctity in the covenant, the sight in the covenant, the seriousness of the covenant, and the strength from the covenant. Sir. Do you have eyes that wander lustfully (Job 31:1–4) or feet that move deceitfully (Job 31:5–8)? TV and videos are greatly polluting people through the eye gate. Sir. 5:28, WUEST). Why, I trow you did not consent to her desires. (YLT). Shame and sense of honour might restrain him from soliciting the chastity of a beautiful virgin, but only grace and the fear of God would restrain him from so much as thinking of it. The need for warfare against the bombardment of visual temptation to fixate on sexual images is urgent. Had he not seen her bathing, he would not have committed this sin. "Chapter 31 is Job's Sermon on the Mount, for in it he touches on many of the same issues of spiritual ethics that Jesus covers in Matthew 5-7, including the relationship between lust and adultery (Job 31:1, 9-12), loving one's neighbor as oneself (Job 31:13-15), almsgiving and social justice (Job 31:16-23), and the love of money and other idolatries (Job 31:24-28)." The very thought of evil, and especially of such evil, is sin. 5. ", 2 Sa 11:1 Then it happened in the spring, at the time when kings go out to battle, that David sent Joab and his servants with him and all Israel, and they destroyed the sons of Ammon and besieged Rabbah. “All at once he follows her, as an ox goes to the slaughter” (Proverbs 7:22). The networks are not committed to portraying Christian values. 4) Job’s Ultimate Challenge--An Oath of Innocence which ‘Legally’ Calls God to Answer” 31:1-40 a) Job Has Not Lusted: 31:1-4 b) Job Has Not Lied or Deceived: 31:5-8 c) Job Has Not Committed Adultery: 31:9-12 d) Job Has Not Failed to Help His Slaves: 31:13-15 e) Job Has Not Failed to Help the Poor and Needy: 31:16-23 Confused and bewildered and puzzled by what is happening, he simply blurts out his thoughts. But this is unfounded. Job 30:1-31 Job is Sick at Heart. Have you treated others as God wants them treated (Job 31:13–23)? Fly, for this foe is not to be parleyed with. Ordinarily it is punished in this life (Num 25:6; 1Co 10:8). 2 For what portion of God is there from above? Free from adultery, which ought to be punished by the magistrate, Job 31:9-12. 1 I made a covenant with mine eyes; how then should I look upon a maid? Guard your eyes. “I have made a covenant with my eyes; Why then should I look upon a young woman? Why should we look on vanity? His imprecation against himself, if he spoke not the truth, Job 31:38-40. In simplest terms, this forbids a second look. Job 31:1 COMMENTARY Making a Covenant With My Eyes Updated September 10, 2014. Moreover, the havoc this has wrought goes far beyond the relational horrors of divorce, illegitimacy, and abortion to the very perversion of faith. Casting Crowns sings a song that is more that a song -- it is a description of a culture which has lost it's moral moorings, and sadly has slowly crept into the church, impacting especially the men! (Nelson’s annual preacher’s sourcebook - 2004), Kent Hughes comments - Proverbs 6:27 says, “Can a man scoop fire into his lap without his clothes being burned?” Many Christians are daily heaping fire onto themselves and are being profoundly scarred. There is a great beauty in Job’s expression in this verse, of having made a covenant with his eyes, to preserve, under grace, the chastity of the mind and body. Daniel resolved not to defile himself with forbidden food, even though from the king’s table (Da 1:8). I like the way they introduce Chalmer's sermon - "Let us reject moralism, and flee to the Gospel, which is our only hope in life and death." His just dealings, Job 31:5-8. Make a covenant with thine eyes (Job 31:1). Question: have you done that? Post a verse on your computer screen, television, or the dashboard of your car, and remember, “God did not call us to uncleanness” but to holiness (1Th. You can flex it with vehemence. This is what Job was avoiding. We need to take extreme measures if necessary. Psalm 119:37-note Turn away my eyes from looking at vanity, And revive me in Thy ways. If the coals do not burn us, they blacken us. Sanctity in the covenant. Arcadia operates a number of concessions in Debenhams stores in Brighton and elsewhere and has … But David stayed at Jerusalem (Note: David has no one to whom he is accountable and secondly is not doing what he should be doing which would have kept him out of harm's way!). Job wisely recognized that the eye is the main avenue for temptation (see Job 31:7, 9, 26, 27). Christ died to make you “zealous for good works” (Titus 2:14). We must stock our minds with the superior promises and pleasures of Jesus. In order to properly handle his sexual drives. Some say it is such a cardinal sin and avoidance of it bespeaks such a high level of purity that it comes first and ties in with God, who “sees my ways” (Job 31:4). He's not talking about a casual glance (cp Achan's look which turned to lust which ultimately cost him his life in Joshua 7:21ff) or an accidental viewing of a sensual woman (that would be virtually impossible in America… but it is possible to make certain provisions, enabled by the Spirit Ro 8:13-note and such provisions include not going to PG-13 movies or even PG ratings… they have all become too sensual as the moral compass of Americans, especially the media moguls goes due south, heading straight toward the abyss. As long as it takes. “Be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord” (1 Corinthians 15:58). Power, a wonderful human gift, can be used for great good or can through violence be used to dominate others. (Job 31:1.) Yet in the heat of the moment, you acted and later realized with regret that you had made the wrong decision? Deuteronomy 4:29, God says, "But if from thence thou shalt seek the Lord thy God, thou shalt find Him, if thou seek Him with all thy heart and with all thy soul." Develop the discipline of never taking that second look. This example is unique and unparalleled until the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7). For what is the allotment of God from above, And the inheritance of the Almighty from on high? v. 1a). Hammer a nail. Job proceeds to prove that he deserved a better lot. Show oneself attentive, consider diligently: Do you get the picture that Job is trying to convey? They lie. The הוּא, which gives prominence to the subject, means Him who punishes the unchaste. Job 2:3. Spurgeon - He had prayed about his heart, and one would have thought that the eyes would so surely have been influenced by the heart that there was no need to make them the objects of a special petition; but our author is resolved to make assurance doubly sure. The starting point for victory is realizing that when a sexual thought flashes into your mind, you must redirect that thought or replace it. I say “possible and reasonable” because some exposure to temptation is inevitable. indulge myself in filthy and lustful thoughts? It brings irreparable is grace (Pro 6:33). We are easily desensitized, and those impure things at which we laugh do not seem so bad the next time, and the last laugh will be on us. It’s the sort of email you should be proud of a newspaper publishing in an attempt to land a hit job on you. It was not merely his intention to lead a chaste life, and to avoid open sin, but it was to maintain a pure heart, and not to suffer the mind to become corrupted by dwelling on impure images, or indulging in unholy desires. The Bible never says that you should stand and fight sexual passion. Ignorance is defeated by knowledge. He would not so much as admit a wanton look. Saying “no” will not suffice. Job 31:2. The picture, therefore, is that of the covenant vassal protesting his faithfulness to the various stipulations laid upon him, dumbfounded that his sovereign has visited him with the curses rather than the blessings of the covenant (cf. When talking with the opposite sex, one should always maintain eye contact. Don’t be fatalistic. Guys, you must make a covenant with your eyes (Job 31:1), so that you stop checking out every attractive girl who walks by. Do you have such a wholehearted desire for purity? Job's blameless record as a neighbor and city official (Job 29:12-17; 31:16-23), including pure inward motivations (Job 31:1-2,24-25,33-34) and attitudes (Job 31:1,7,9,26-27,29-30) toward God and neighbor, are lofty ethical standards to emulate. Note, Those that would keep their hearts pure must guard their eyes, which are both the outlets and inlets of uncleanness. (Poor Man’s Old Testament Commentary, Vol. (Study Notes on the Holy Scriptures), Mark it down dear reader - When the wrong images are allowed in through the eyes, it will not be long until they find their way to the heart. In form, this is a retroactive oath of covenant allegiance (cf. And even more tragic, immorality has invaded the church at every level, from teenage to mid-life, so that no age group is untouched. He rose one night, walked on the rooftop, and looked on the houses below. (Amplified), I made a covenant with mine eyes; why then should I think upon a maid? (Pictures from Pilgrim's Progress: A Commentary on Portions of John Bunyan's Immortal Allegory). “CHR. Furthermore, watching TV makes us passive observers rather than active participants in solving life's problems. In the Bible, Job had such a plan in order to maintain his purity. It's the second glance that ties your hands as darkness pulls the strings, For it's the little feet behind you that are sure to follow, It's a slow fade when you give yourself away, It's a slow fade when black and white have turned to gray, Thoughts invade, choices are made, a price will be paid, When flattery leads to compromise, the end is always near, For empty words and promises lead broken hearts astray, For the Father up above is looking down in love, See John Piper's - "ANTHEM" - Strategies for Fighting Lusts, The English of the Lxx reads something like - I (myself - middle voice) made a covenant with my eyes that I will absolutely not (Greek uses "ou" not "me" the latter being less definite negation) understand. Job made the decision to stop this process at its inception. Sweep a room. And the reason you will not have victory is you are half-hearted rather then whole-hearted. “I will put no unclean thing before my eyes,” the psalmist declares (see Ps 101:3). (2.) Hence we read of wanton eyes (Isa. LOG OUT. He asserts his guarding against being allured to sin by his senses. Jesus says, “If your right eye causes you to sin …” Not anyone else’s eye, but your eye. Job’s Summary Defense. The prayer indicates our greatest need, — more life in our obedience. It is, indeed, almost a shame to speak of it; yet the purest and most heavenly-minded, being still in the body, have to confess that this temptation has crossed their path. "If I do this or do that or don't do this or don't do that!" Monologue de Job (5 e partie) Job proclame son innocence en justifiant sa conduite passée. If you do not flee, you will fall. ‘Our thoughts are the fabric with which we weave our character and destiny.’ (The Stain that Stays: The Church's Response to Sexual Misconduct of Its Leaders), The thoughts of our heart are the real litmus test of our character. I'm telling you, if you don't say that and mean it in today's society you are going down without that determination. “The very passage of an impure thought through the mind leaves pollution behind it;” and the out breaking crimes of life are just the result of allowing the imagination to dwell on impure images. Don't just biopsy it! Would they avoid sin who present themselves to the opportunities of it? “Why then should I think upon a maid?” The thought in this last sentence in the verse is that the covenant gives strength to overcome temptation. 8. According to Chesterton, fallen humanity is in such a state. We know our weaknesses and what triggers them. Should I think upon, i.e. Job 31:1-8. Mt. No muscles in his neck to turn the head? Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers, Keil and Delitzsch Biblical Commentary on the Old Testament. Seeing I was obliged, and accordingly took care, to guard mine eyes, I was upon the same reason obliged to restrain my imagination. Not only the principle of purification, but principle number two, the principle of determination. As in the twenty-ninth chapter, he showed his uprightness as an emir, or magistrate in public life, so in this chapter he vindicates his character in private life. Paul is careful to tell us, “but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live” (Romans 8:13). Refuse to feed any tendencies that draw your imagination into wickedness. We live in an age of extreme sensuality. Job 30:31 : Job 31:2 >> The Berean: Daily Verse and Comment Sign up for the Berean: Daily Verse and Comment, and have Biblical truth delivered to your inbox. John MacArthur - Avoid evil attractions. “Resist the devil, and he will flee from you” (James 4:7). Fix a faucet. 5:28. Joseph's exclamation, Genesis 39:9); Schultens correctly: est indignatio repellens vehementissime et negans tale quicquam committi par esse; the transition of the מה, Arab. They say, “I tried to push it out, and it didn’t work.” I ask, “How long did you try?” How hard did you exert your mind? MANAGE MY ACCOUNT. / Bible Study Tools / Bible Commentary / Bible Commentary: Job 31:1-32:1. Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary. (Comp. KJV Bible Commentary - Covenant with mine eyes conveys the truth that lustful acts are preceded by lustful looks and thoughts. Like Job, make a covenant with your eyes (Job 31:1)—or with your ears, or with whatever sensations lead you into evil thoughts. Job 28:12-28 Where is Wisdom Found. Some would move it closer to Job 31:9, which addresses adultery. It was not merely his intention to lead a chaste life, and to avoid open sin, but it was to maintain a pure heart, and not to suffer the mind to become corrupted by dwelling on impure images, or indulging in unholy desires. BILLY GRAHAM'S SECRETARY SAYS - I have always appreciated, from a moral point of view, how the men have been in their attitude toward the secretaries. The Spirit is in us, continually giving us the "desire" (the will) and the power to walk in a manner pleasing to our Father. SUBSCRIBER DEALS VIEW. One must cut something out, but another may be under no such obligation… we must recognize the absolute necessity of the ministry of the Holy Spirit. There are books and magazines we must discard. If we toy with it, we do so at great risk dear (male) reader (I know as I am also a male). This is accomplished through highly sensitive microphones that are so small they can easily be hidden. So Job is saying don't stare at her because if you do Jesus says you've already committed adultery in your heart! 3:16) and eyes full of adultery, 2Pe 2:14. Years ago, Martin Luther painted a graphic picture with words to this effect, “You can’t keep the birds from flying over your head, but you can keep them from making a nest in your hair.” You are the only one who controls how long you will entertain a thought—how long you will dwell on it. And then you say by God's grace I will stay clean. Jesus said, “Everyone who is looking at a woman in order to indulge his sexual passion for her, already committed adultery with her in his heart” (Matt. That is why we must guard our eyes at all times. See what Job says: ‘I made a covenant with mine eyes, that I should not think of another’s wife.’ Thus well does he know the power of abuse. He makes a covenant with his eyes. Commentary on Job 31:1-8 (Read Job 31:1-8) Job did not speak the things here recorded by way of boasting, but in answer to the charge of hypocrisy. Because the eyes lead the heart and the mind, and these in turn lead the whole person. I wonder if the police would not forbid it, fearing that the whole country would become mentally deranged if it were used.” Kierkegaard’s words have come true. 4 Doth not he see my ways, and count all my steps? 3 THEN the LORD said, "My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, because he also is flesh; nevertheless his days shall be one hundred and twenty years. He that feareth the plague must not go into an infected house. Making a covenant in our own strength is tantamount to placing one's self up under the law and simply cannot be kept! On the contrary, his confession, which he lays down in this third monologue, coincides remarkably with the ten commandments of piety (el-felâh) peculiar to the dı̂n Ibrâhı̂m, although it differs in this respect, that it does not give the prominence to submission to the dispensations of God, that teslı̂m which, as the whole of this didactic poem teaches by its issue, is the duty of the perfectly pious; also bravery in defence of holy property and rights is wanting, which among the wandering tribes is accounted as an essential part of the hebbet er-rı̂h (inspiration of the Divine Being), i.e., active piety, and to which it is similarly related, as to the binding notion of "honour" which was coined by the western chivalry of the middle ages. Enter into your rest.”. Since I had made such a covenant, why should I not keep it? 5:5.) Determination. And would give its life, give its life rather than defile itself. 29 And Job again z took up his discourse, and said:. (cp Heb 13:4-note; Job 31:9 =“If my heart has been enticed by a woman, Or I have lurked at my neighbor’s doorway 10 May my wife grind for another, And let others kneel down over her.). See Job 31:8, 10, 22, 40). KJV Job 31:1 I made a covenant with mine eyes; [why/how] then [should/could] I [think upon/gaze at/entertain thoughts against] a [maid/virgin]? On the other hand, if we would be full of life as to the things of God we must keep ourselves apart from sin and folly, or the eyes will soon captivate the mind, and, like Samson, who could slay his thousands, we may ourselves be overcome through the lusts which enter by the eye. The prayer is not so much that the eyes may be shut as "turned away"; for we need to have them open, but directed to right objects. 31° 1/13/2021 Good Evening. Lust is the first step toward sin, and sin is the first step toward death (James 1:13–16). So much for Wanton’s assault on Faithful. Job 31:1 - “I have made a covenant with my eyes; Why then should I look upon a young woman? That is how enslaving this sin can be… it requires radical surgery and complete extirpation! It never says to stay and pray about it. The awareness that they might be overheard is sure to make them think twice before they speak. Joseph’s views of this subject was similar to Job’s, that wickedness is against God. 1 I made a covenant with mine eyes; why then should I think upon a maid? The exclamation, Job 31:1, is spoken with self-conscious indignation: Why should I... (comp. If you have made a covenant with your eyes, consider how Scripture might help you keep this pledge. ", Job comes from the dawn of civilization, and yet Job in the world of his day knows that in order to keep clean (holy) before God he has to be careful about what he sees (cp 2Cor 7:1). (NET), I made a covenant with my eyes not to look lustfully at a girl. As in the twenty-ninth chapter, he showed his uprightness as an emir, or magistrate in public life, so in this chapter he vindicates his character in private life. 39 If I have eaten the fruits thereof without money, or have caused the owners thereof to lose their life: # fruits: Heb. (Sermon on Ps 119:9-16 = "Guard Your Heart"). 4:12–13); and He will judge both. GodRules Store: Bargains; New Releases; Best Sellers ; Your Own Online Business News/Reviews: World News ; Movie Reviews ; Book Search Are you a Christian? I made a covenant with my eyes. I knew the temptations that every young man knows. His purpose to lead a pure life, and to keep a pure heart, had been so settled, that it was impossible that he could have offended in that respect. A maid; which is emphatically added, to show that that circumstance which provokes the lust of others had no such power over him, and that he restrained himself from the very thoughts and desires of filthiness with such persons, wherewith the generality of men allowed themselves to commit gross fornication, as deeming it to be either none, or but a very little sin. Give it more unopposed time than that, and it will lodge itself with such force as to be almost immovable. Hold it. At times, I thought they were going a little too far, that it wasn't necessary, but I'm glad they did it, especially today. I have always respected the way they have handled that. Edit/Verify bash profile to include the following line (using your favorite text editor): The second step in sin is to think about what is being seen. You need to be careful what you see (see Job 31:1). –R W De Haan, There is no time of day or night, No place on land or sea That God, whose eye is never dim, Does not see you and me. mâ, to the expression of negation, which is complete in Arabic, is here in its incipient state, Ew. v. 92, &c. (u) Aelian. See Php 2:12-note = our responsibility and Php 2:13-note = the Spirit's provision - in Php 2:12 we "work out what God has worked in." To say "NO" in our own power will put us under the law and the flesh actually rises up under the law - Romans 7:5. 4:23. Abound in work. (x) Tertullian. It darkens a man’s judgment and understanding Hos 4:11). Job 31:1 Context. There the mulaqqin (Souffleur), who says the creed into the grave as a farewell to the buried one, adds the following words: "The muslim is my brother, the muslima my sister, Abraham is my father (abı̂), his religion (dı̂nuh) is mine, and his confession (medhebuh) mine." Why? While you think how to resist the attack of the serpent, you are caught in its folds. Any charge of that kind, or any suspicion of it, he would repel with indignation. Job openly acknowledged the power of sexual appetites. If acts of immorality are becoming a problem among Christians, the thoughts of immorality are a much greater problem. Do all that you can to protect yourself from being seduced by temptation to be immoral. Deut. There is a high regard for the lack of any kind of privacy where a boss and his secretary are involved. You are half-hearted. Attack the promises of sin with the promises of Christ. Job 31:1-23 Job Asserts His Integrity. Keep holding it! Not covetous, nor idolatrous, which ought to be punished by the magistrate, Job 31:24-28. This is what's happening. Should I think upon, i.e. Daniel 1:8, "But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself." Evil is earnest; and if we are going to defeat evil, we will have to be earnest in opposing it. Evil is a kind of subverted echo of goodness and spirituality. Commentaries, history books, and more are linked to this page. “CHR. - In this age of electronics, we have all become aware of bugging devices. There is no way of escape from this sin save by flight. COMMENT: The Israelites were to add tassels to their garments as a reminder to obey the commandments of God and to live holy lives before Him, and as a reminder of God's deliverance from the bondage of Egypt. Job said in Job 31:1, "I made a covenant with my eyes that I would not look upon a maid." What we must not meddle with we must not lust after; and what we must not lust after we must not look at; not the forbidden wealth (Pr. And being forewarned is to be forearmed. He not merely did not so, but put it out of the question by covenanting with his eyes against leading him into temptation (Pr 6:25; Mt 5:28).He protesteth his continency and chastity; God’s providence, presence, and judgments; his motives, Job 31:1-4. They promise more than they can deliver. Such was his sense of the importance of this, and of the danger to which man was exposed, that he had solemnly resolved not to think upon a young female. Jon Courson - Job begins by declaring he has not been guilty of lust. Opinion Commentary. Our friend’s “reminder verse” is a quote from Job, and it continues, “Why then should I look upon a young woman?” Like many of us, Job had promised himself to stay free of lust. So rather than defile itself, the ermine refused to enter and instead would turn around and face the dogs, in effect giving its life, rather than suffering defilement! Say it out loud if you dare. We need to be like Job, who said, “I made a covenant with my eyes not to look lustfully at a girl” (Job 31:1). KING JAMES BIBLE (KJV) - JOB 31 Job 30 - Job 32 >> - HELP - FB - TWITTER - GR VIDEOS - GR FORUMS - GR … The outlook for Debenhams – and the rescue talks – worsened yesterday as Arcadia, the company that owns Topshop, went into administration. No entry exists in Forerunner Commentary for Job 31:1. Well, neighbour Faithful, tell me now, what have you met with in the way as you came; for I know you have met with some things, or else it may be writ for a wonder. So I shut mine eyes, because I would not be bewitched with her looks. ACTIVATE MY ACCOUNT. Another word is legalism. It has been beautifully done. (The New International Commentary on the Old Testament). M – MOVE into a useful activity away from idleness and other vulnerable behaviors. “FAITH. Job found his temptation in his own breast; Daniel found his in his particular circumstances. Have you fought for joy? This daily newsletter provides a starting point for personal study, and gives valuable insight into the verses that make up the Word of God.

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