Hairy vetch, (Vicia villosa), aka sand vetch or winter vetch, is the most winter-hardy of the vetches. Generally, it is grown for forage, consumed under direct or indirect grazing, or for green manure. Hairy Vetch is a cool-season cover crop that is known for a large amount of nitrogen fixation that it is able to accomplish. Soils can often be depleted in nitrogen. Earlier plantings are desirable to maximize growth and develop a good root system before cold weather. The remaining vetch helps to retain water in the soil. It grows so vigorously that it easily out-competes weeds. It has been reported to grow well on light soils that are too sandy for crimson clover. It is the only vetch species that can be planted in the fall and be mature the next summer and the only vetch that can be grown in the Upper Midwest. Of course, if you have nitrogen-poor soil, this might be the main reason for you to plant hairy vetch for cover. Hairy Vetch as a Crop Cover Benefits Hairy vetch is an annual leguminous cover crop that is winter hardy throughout Pennsylvania if established in a timely manner. While there are other plants that can offer many of the benefits that hairy vetch does, however the vetch has several advantages over these. It is only moderately sensitive to soil acidity. Hairy vetch grows well in poor soils, partly thanks to its ability to fix nitrogen for itself. Species occasionally grown in Canada (all of foreign origin), in decreasing order of winter hardiness, are hairy … Flowering date is an important trait that defines genomic variability in hairy vetch Flowering Winterhardiness Winter dormancy Late flowering –More winter hardy –More winter dormancy Early flowering –Less winter hardy Less winter dormancy . It grows quickly and well and is very hardy in cold weather. Ideally, hairy vetch seed should be planted at a depth of one to two inches. Hairy vetch can enrich your soil through a natural process called nitrogen fixation. AU EarlyCover is well adapted to the central and southern parts of Alabama and Georgia and areas of similar climate. Hairy vetch is best suited to be grown on well-drained, productive land suitable for summer row-crop production. In early spring, it fixes nitrogen and adds the element to the soil and also keeps down weed growth. Written by: MaryEllen Top Headline 5 Comments.WP-PrintIcon{margin-bottom:-3px} Print This Article. Eight Ways To Use Pumpkins That You May Not Already Know, Surprising Foods You SHOULDN’T Eat When You Have A Cold, Maximizing Your Solar Generator During Winter Power Outages. Do NOT follow this link or you will be banned from the site. You must have enough nitrogen or your plants simply won’t grow. This is an early flowering variety that can more nearly maximize the potential of hairy vetch in the South. Purple flowers form in early to mid summer. It can even be used as a companion plant in your smaller garden plot. To locate other sources of the seed, contact Southern Proprietary Seeds, Lake Oswego at (503) 636-2600. Hairy vetch seeds were counted and tested for germination in the spring. The plants flower 23 to 36 days earlier than commercial hairy vetch. Plant hairy vetch in the fall and let it take root over the winter. It also can be a superior legume companion with small grain that is to be cut for silage or hay. Hairy Vetch Seed. Lines and paragraphs break automatically. Hairy Vetch Seeds . You also may prefer a natural solution to spraying on commercial fertilizers. They then harvest the forage for hay or silage. Farm Progress is part of the Informa Markets Division of Informa PLC. Find the perfect hairy vetch stock photo. Hairy vetch can alter habitat structure and reduce the abundance of native plants through competition for space. In conservation agriculture, the use of HV as cover crop is increasing. Yet, it deteriorates quickly enough so that it does not create problems later in the growing season. In California, it has been evaluated as an invasive plant but its impacts in wildlands are considered minor Cultural Control . All rights reserved. 2/28/2012 4 Selected “populations” of hairy vetch Late flowering/more winter hardy •Nebraska common (derived from Madison?) Informa PLC's registered office is 5 Howick Place, London SW1P 1WG. It is used in the chlorophyll molecule, which makes plants green and takes in carbon dioxide and light to make food. A few can produce a high-quality animal feed that compares favourably with alfalfa, and in some parts of the world vetch is an important agricultural plant. Two insects may reduce hairy vetch seed yield in heavy infestations: the vetch weevil or vetch bruchid. As regards the broad bean, it is known to accumulate aluminum in its tissue; in polluted soils it may be useful in phytoremediation, but with one per mil of aluminum in the dry plant (possibly more in the seeds), it might not be edible anymore. It's important to inoculate the seed with fresh vetch inoculum just prior to planting. About 3.5 percent of the dry matter of hairy vetch is nitrogen, so a substantial amount of nitrogen is available in forage and roots when turned under prior to planting a summer crop. There are many different kinds of legumes, and many of them are great for increasing the amount of useable nitrogen in the soil. Nitrogen is needed by your plants more than any other element. It will fix nitrogen in early spring. Type: winter annual or summer annual legume Roles: N source, weed suppressor, topsoil conditioner, reduce erosion Mix with: small grains, field peas, bell beans, crimson clover, buckwheat See charts, p. 66 to 72, for ranking and management summary. Hairy vetch is a winter annual legume and one of the most productive at nitrogen fixation. Every gardener must look for the required information on this plant before planting it. HAIRY VETCH Vicia villosa. Common Vetch Seeds . Cover crops such as hairy vetch also attract beneficial insects to the garden. If a substantial seed bank is built up in the first year, the plant can regenerate in later years from residual hard seed, even during successive years of drought in which little new seed is formed. In addition to enriching the nitrogen in your soil, hairy vetch can help stabilize banks and prevent erosion in unstable areas. You can even let animals graze on the vetch before turning it under and still expect to get a good amount of nitrogen into the soil. Sow your hairy vetch seeds at the end of the summer or in early fall in soil that is moist. The most common use of hairy vetch is as a green manure crop to be turned under a nitrogen source just prior to planting a summer row crop such as corn, cotton or grain sorghum, or an annual forage crop such as pearl millet or a sorghum-sudan hybrid. The site selected should not be subject to prolonged overflow, and excessively shallow soils should be avoided. Nitrogen is the most important element in soil in terms of gardening. The air is made up of nearly 78 percent nitrogen, so there is enough for everyone. They get food from the plants’ roots. The damage can be serious, and a cover crop can minimize the losses significantly by holding the soil in place. No need to register, buy now! There are many other elements that are important to have in your soil, many in trace amounts and others in larger quantities, but nitrogen is the number one, most crucial element. This symbiotic relationship benefits the bacteria too. It makes a good alternative to rotating crops throughout the space in your small plot. Hairy vetch shoots were incorporated to determine the effect of N and P added as green manure. Legumes are useful plants for many reasons. Vetch makes heavy spring growth that chokes out summer weeds. The main one is that they add beneficial nitrogen to your soil. The nitrogen in the air is in the form of the nitrogen molecule, which is simply two atoms of nitrogen. The Auburn University seeding recommendation for hairy vetch is 20 to 25 pounds of seed per acre if the seed is to be broadcast. In the deep South, hairy vetch can be planted from early September to mid-November, depending on location. 5 Long-Lasting Superfoods To Keep You Healthy All Winter, Starting Your Own Backyard Antioxidant Tea Garden, Using Wild Plants For Teas: Brewing Your Own Backyard Herbal Medicines, What A Simple Soil Test Can Do For Your Garden, How The Praying Mantis Skyrockets Your Garden Production. Hairy vetch displays high tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses If it is to be used for hay or silage, hairy vetch should be cut in the early bloom stage. Rotate crops to alleviate buildup of these pests (Sarrantonio, 1994). The main selection criterion during the three cycles of selection was early flowering date. Legumes are useful plants for many reasons. It grows slowly in the fall, but its roots grow throughout the winter and by spring, hairy vetch quickly grows into twelve-foot long vines. AU EarlyCover was shown to be an excellent cover crop because of its early growth. Hairy vetch is a hardy type of vetch suited to wetter soil and colder winters than other winter-active legumes. Hairy vetch will also protect a field from erosion by wind by covering the soil and keeping it from being blown away. It is important to remember that all legumes must have the associated Rhizobia present in order to fix nitrogen. Both cultivars produced seed beginning in late‐May, but most seed were not viable until mid‐June in Virginia. Plow or cultivate if you are starting with a new, grassy field or have soil that is very heavy and firmly packed. Something has to happen between the air and the soil to make nitrogen ready for plants, and that is nitrogen fixation. Hairy vetch can also be grazed or harvested as forage. We use cookies to personalize content and ads, to provide social media features and to analyze our traffic. Few legumes match hairy vetch for spring residue production or nitrogen contribution. The bacteria process this molecule and change it to ammonia and ammonium by adding hydrogen. ‘Off The Grid News’ is an independent, weekly email newsletter and website that is crammed full of practical information on living and surviving off the grid. of nitrogen per acre to a following spring crop. Plant Vetch as an Ideal Cover Crop. AU EarlyCover hairy vetch is being marketed by Seed South in Dothan, Ala. (1-800-633-7523). Later seeded vetch grown as a cover crop for green manure, will supply a smaller amount of N. Vetches are also grown for pasture. It can be a lot of biomass to deal with, but it is often worth the effort. Hairy vetch fixes large amounts of nitrogen (N) that help meet N needs of the following crop, protects soil from erosion, helps improve soil tilth, and provides weed control during its vigorous growth in the spring and when left as a dead mulch at the soil surface. Organisms in the soil like earthworms use nitrogen to break down carbon compounds, leaving a nitrogen deficiency for the plants. In such situations, producers cannot reap the full benefits from growing this legume. Vetch is more persistent where cattle rather than sheep are grazing. It will grow to about three feet tall unless it can be supported, and then it will climb. ... oats, cowpea, fodder radish, annual ryegrass, mustards, buckwheat, hairy vetch, and black mustard. Research has shown that hairy vetch mulch can increase main crop disease resistance and prolong leaf photosynthesis of the following crop. Hairy vetch (Vicia villosa Roth) is a winter annual legume that has become an important cover crop for sustainable production systems. Similarly, hairy vetch blossoms harbor flower thrips (Frankliniella spp. cover crop gardening hairy vetch legume nitrogen Off the Grid News. This site is operated by a business or businesses owned by Informa PLC and all copyright resides with them. Hairy vetch is a legume used primarily for soil improvement along roadsides and for bank stabilization. Higher values in plant height and number of leaves of turmeric were observed in the treatment with incorporation of hairy vetch than in that without incorporation (no-incorporation) throughout the growth periods.

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