Ideally, 3-5  figs or 40 gms can be taken per day without much side effects but it's advisable to refer to your ayurveda doctor for the ideal dosage according to your body type, age, and gender. In Buddhism, uḍumbara (Pali, Sanskrit) refers to the tree, flower and fruit of the Ficus racemosa (syn. In this article we are providing All Vegetables name in Sanskrit to English & Hindi. High blood pressure is one of the most common problems you may come across these days. Apart from the loss of water and some amount of water-soluble nutrients, there isn’t much difference in the nutritional qualities of the dried and fresh fig. Studies have shown that regular consumption of figs is a good source of potassium.very beneficial in lowering the blood pressure. Spokensanskrit - An English - Sanskrit dictionary: This is an online hypertext dictionary for Sanskrit - English and English - Sanskrit. Udumbara is a deciduous tree, can grow up to medium level up to a height of 10 to 16 meters. However, It is best to check with your doctor especially if you are suffering from diabetes. It is also used as decoction and poultice. The exact mode of action is unknown but scientists believe that the fig latex has some proteolytic (breaks down proteins) activity that is responsible for removing warts so effectively. In this page we are listed 52 Fruits name in Hindi, Sanskrit and English. According to a recent research, about 51% of women in India in the age range of 15-50 are anemic. But the availability and storage of fresh figs are not so common. चेरी प्रबदरम् prabdram Cherry. The highly nutritive qualities of figs make it one of the highly recommended foods for pregnant women. Sanskrit Name: Shak / Saka. The protein and vitamin B content in this fruit also play a major role in increasing the red blood cell count of the blood. dry fig fruit benefits in tamil,athipalam benefits,athipalam dry fruit benefits,athipazham benefits,avocado fruit benefits in tamil. Fig or Anjeer is one of the most famous “exotic” fruits that is revered for its culinary and healing qualities all around the globe. Apart from raw consumption, the tarty-sweet flavor of this fruit goes well in punches and juices. The viewer will be amazed with the simplicity of the language. Sanskrit Names of fruits–(फलानि) The Sanskrit names of fruits in English, Sanskrit are given below in a list. Do not like it too cold though. In Buddhist literature, this tree or its fruit may carry the connotation of rarity and parasitism. Studies suggest that a regular consumption of figs leads to a rise in tryptophan levels in the body and thus stimulating the timely release of melatonin in the body which is rightly called the “ sleep hormone”. A disbalance in this hormone can not only lead to sleep pattern disturbance but may also lead to feeling anxious and easily irritated. Copyright 2020 India Gardening. No other fruit can beat the cooling and juicy bite of watermelon during the hot summery days. Green skinned guavas with red to cream flesh complements a range of delicacies. Tarty-sweet grapes are cultivated either for table or raw consumption or for winemaking purposes.eval(ez_write_tag([[468,60],'indiagardening_com-banner-1','ezslot_0',110,'0','0'])); Rich in fiber, Vitamin C, and antioxidants, papaya is a boon for eye, heart, and digestive health. Unfortunately, as we grow older, there is a natural shedding of calcium from the bones. Anjeer Benefits, Side Effects and How to Eat Anjeer, Some people are naturally allergic to fig. While fig fruit is very good for flushing out extra toxins from the kidney, it rich in oxalates (a type of naturally occurring biological compound). PLants are very hardy and will grow in all soils. Figs are known to be good source of Vitamin A which is the most important nutrient responsible for maintaining eyesight and to keep the eye healthy. Hence the preserved or dry form of the food is mostly consumed. Generally, a ficus tree can grow up to the height of 20-30 feet and can be almost equally wide. It is famous with the name of fig tree. Fig उदुम्बरम् udumbrama. Along with the fruit, fig leaves and fig leaf tea appear to be beneficial for health. The Sacred Fig (Ficus religiosa) The Bo tree received its name from a Sanskrit word for wisdom. Fruit Names. Fig is a deciduous tree (sheds leaves once a year) and is one of the members of the huge genus Ficus which includes trees like mulberry, Banyan (Bargad) and “Peepal”. First, figs are a good source of calcium which is one of the highly needed minerals in fetus development and to keep the mother’s bone healthy. Cluster fig which is also called Ficus racemosa belongs to the family Moraceae. The fruit we call a fig is really the result of a collection of hundreds of flowers inside a structure that is pollinated by tiny fig wasps. It is better to check in with your doctor once before consuming figs especially if you are overweight. The nutritive and antioxidant effect of figs is not only beneficial in dealing with most of the scalp problems but it also nourishes the hairs and conditions them well. This sweet and crunchy fruit isn’t just famous for its taste but it has been cultivated and used for its health benefits for thousands of years. Fig wasps can only reproduce in fig flowers. The high fibre content in figs helps regulate the bowel movement and make the stools softer so it can pass easily through the anus. Scientific name of Fig Tree-Common fig: ficus Carica Name of Fig in different languages: Sanskrit: Udumbaram, Janthuphalam. Effects of sugar rich diet on brain serotonin, hyperphagia and anxiety in animal model of both genders. 17. So, moderation must be followed while consuming anjeer. Teak Tree / Sagon. Ask your doctor if you can resume figs post surgery. Regular consumption of figs is believed to not only be good for eyes but it’s known to help in delaying age related eyes disorders like macular degeneration which is a gradual loss of vision caused due to the dying cells of the retina of eye and is currently incurable. Can’t sleep at night? Not only this according to Roman mythology Remus and Romulus, the founders of Rome were suckled by she-wolf under the fig tree. Sanskrit is one of the oldest Indo-Aryan languages with a strong linkage with the Hindu and Buddhist religions as all the chants, hymn, and rituals are performed in this language. Save big on your family healthcare expenses. This is an evergreen plant, parts of the plant are traditionally used as edible, fodder and ceremonial rituals. The effect was shown to last for about five hours which is much more efficient than the most common commercial antipyretic. संस्कृत और इंग्लिश में सब्जियों के नाम, Sanskrit vegetables name with images, 20 vegetable name in Sanskrit. However, if you are buying figs from the market make sure you read the labels carefully and look for expiry date and added preservatives. This lesson is going to teach the fruit name in Sanskrit language. Additionally, fig fruit is rich in natural sugars which is also considered a mood elevating compound by doctors. This sweet flesh melon with a floral note is coupled with other fruits for a salad or dessert. In fact, fig is known to be a better nutritional supplement when taken in dry forms. Fruits, Vegetables, Animals, City and Birds Name in Sanskrit हमारे भारत देश में अनेकों भाषाएँ बोली जाती हैं. 16. If you are already taking any blood thinning medicines it's advisable to check with your doctor before taking fig in any amount in your diet because the vitamin K present in figs is a natural blood thinner and may add onto the effects of the medicine leading to even more thinning of blood. We have found that our users liked this post very much because they found it very useful for their homework in schools. Do you suffer from not getting sleep (insomnia)? Thus, the natural cycles of our body make it easier for the bones to grow weaker and suffer more wear and tear. Figs can be consumed freshly, right after it is plucked from the tree. When applied topically, they have a nourishing and antioxidant effect on the skin. Hindi: Anjeer. It can also be added to milk or with other fruits to make smoothies and milkshake or they can be incorporated into your Halwa, cakes, bread, puddings etc. जाने-माने डॉक्टरों द्वारा लिखे गए लेखों को पढ़ने के लिए myUpchar पर लॉगिन करें. Fortunately, we can avoid or slow down our bones from aging by taking a calcium supplement in our diet. Malayalam: Sheema Athi ശീമഅത്തി. The high levels of fiber in anjeer fruits would bulk up the intestines and give you a feeling of being full for a much longer period of time. Ficus glomerata). Together these properties make figs a very potent agent against chronic coughs and other similar respiratory problems. While mental stress could cause high blood pressure in most people; lifestyle problems, obesity, and food choices have a big part in this, regular intake of salty and savoury foods increases the amount of sodium in the body thus creating an imbalance in the salt levels of our body. Intensely tarty tamarind is either made into chutney or ginger up the flavors of stir-fries and Chaats. Strawberries make a remarkable presence in salads, jams, and as topping for dessert or cake. It helps women to meet a lot of their vitamins and mineral requirements during this time. 14. Fig Tree is deciduous, large tree, which grows to a height of 7 – 10 meters. 10 Apple Growing Secrets from Professionals you Shouldn’t Miss. Fig lowers the blood sugar levels in the body so if you are a diabetic who is already taking medicines to lower blood sugar or if you generally have low blood glucose levels, it is highly recommended to talk to your doctor before consuming figs. In fact, it has been included in the list of noxious weeds in the “Global compendium of weeds”. In this chapter you will know the names of Fruit (Fruit) in Hindi, Sanskrit and English. Good amount of serotonin levels are known to be essential to avoid the neurological problems like anxiety and depression. As a result, we suffer from bone fractures easily in the older ages and diseases like osteoporosis may occur. High in Vitamins- A, C, and K, garnishing of cherry pep up the appearance of cakes, and mousse. So it’s advisable to ask your doctor about the direct effects of fig on your liver. स्ट्रॉबेरी तृण-बदरम्– tarin- badram Strawberry. Skip to content. Therefore, anjeer not only help you heal from sore throat but also help strengthen the throat enough to avoid any relapse of this problem. Scientists suggest that the phenols and flavonoids (a kind of naturally occurring chemical compound) in figs is what makes it such a wonderful antioxidant. Figs are known to be naturally diuretic which means they clear away the toxins from the body and flush out the extra salts and water from the kidneys thereby, keeping the kidney healthier and the body free from toxins. Fruits Name in Sanskrit - संस्कृत में फलों के नाम Name of fruits in sanskrit यहाँ प्रमुख फलों के नाम संस्कृत, हिन्दी व अंग्रेजी में दिए Don’t we all dream of such a food that tastes as good and doesn't sew up your clothes tighter overnight. Bones make up the basic support structure of the body and you would agree that maintaining a good bone health is one of the basic necessities of life. All Rights Reserved. If you are intrigued by the beauty of this language, then learn more words of it with this list of popular Fruit Names in Sanskrit.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'indiagardening_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_3',120,'0','0'])); Red skinned apples are always a healthy snack. Fruits Name संस्कृत,हिंदी और अंग्रेजी में फलों के नाम |Fruits Name in Sanskrit, Hindi and English. It is suggested not to apply fig leaf paste on skin before going out in the sun. The fruit is rich in potassium which is one of the very important minerals responsible for maintaining the blood pressure levels to normal in the body. Due to the lesser water content, dried figs can last a bit longer than the unripe figs at room temperature when stored in a cool and dry place. Furthermore, figs are also rich in magnesium and according to doctors, magnesium is very helpful to get a longer and better sleep at night. However, overeating should be avoided and it’s always best to talk to your doctor for the proper dosage if you are looking forward to taking fig as a medicine and tonic. amritbawa20 amritbawa20 English Sanskrit IAST Transliteration. This would increase the time between your meals and thus help you in eating less. 15. Piles is a condition marked by inflammation in or around the anus which leads to pains and bleeding while passing stools. Using fig seed oil topically is known to give your hairs that dose of vitamin E and vitamin K which is very important to maintain their natural shine and preventing hair loss. What better than a yummy dose of therapeutic fruit. - Soil - good fertile and deep soils recommended. Figs as a natural source of calcium would thus be much more beneficial to take in with your diet to keep your bones and teeth healthier for longer. Juicy and sweet mangoes feature green skin that slowly turns yellow-orange as per the variance of ripening. Walnuts are packed with fats, protein, and fiber is a healthy snack to beat frequent hunger pangs. A study done in Iran suggests that topical application of the latex of fig fruit is almost as effective in treating warts as the cryogenic treatment(freezing to a very low temperature and then cutting it off). Add your answer and earn points. Plant description: Fig tree is a deciduous tree or large shrub, growing up to 10 m. (33 ft) tall, leaves are 12 to 25 cm long and 10 to 18 cm wide. A toxin free body doesn’t only function better but it also ages gracefully. The latex that oozes out of the freshly cut leaves contains an … Fresh figs with honey-like fragrance taste good after grilling or baking.eval(ez_write_tag([[468,60],'indiagardening_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_1',115,'0','0'])); Pears are sweet with a hint of sour, but the level of sweetness varies according to the degree of ripening. The fig was one of the earliest fruit trees to be cultivated, and its cultivation spread in remote ages over all the districts around the Aegean Sea and throughout the Levant. Don’t consume figs if you notice any bitter taste or see a mouldy growth. Melatonin and Tryptophan Affect the Activity–Rest Rhythm, Core and Peripheral Temperatures, and Interleukin Levels in the Ringdove: Changes With Age, The Effects of Dietary Tryptophan on Affective Disorders, How to increase serotonin in the human brain without drugs. The information given here should not be used without any expert advice for the diagnosis or treatment of any health related problem or disease. Resembling the coconut appearance, wood apple is used in jams, juices, while ripened ones used in pickles. If you are going to buy fresh figs from the market, look for whole figs with no bruises and choose the figs which are bright in colour. It is also available in a lot of these forms of confectionaries in the market and if you want to have an alternative for your overdose of coffee, figs are also used commercially available in the form of instant coffee packs. Fig is a natural blood thinner so, if you are about to undergo surgery or have recently had a surgery, it’s better not to take fig for two weeks. The Greeks are said to have received it from Caria (hence the specific name); Attic figs became celebrated in the East, and special laws were made to regulate their exportation. Sweet dates are true dessert on their own, and also do not spike blood sugar, unlike other sweeteners. Recently, medical studies suggest that an ethanol extract of fig leaves have strong antipyretic properties which depended on the dose of the extract. Become a. Phenolic compounds in fresh and dried figs from Cilento (Italy), by considering breba crop and full crop, in comparison to Turkish and Greek dried figs. Your email address will not be published. Fig fruit has a solution for both. Reducing the pressure exerted on the rectum. अंजीर उदुम्बरम् udumbaram Fig. The exact reason for this problem is unclear but one of the very common reasons include a low fibre diet and improper bowel movements. Thanks to the tart-sweet seeds of a pomegranate that goes well in smoothies or for garnishing salads. The online hypertext Sanskrit dictionary is meant for spoken Sanskrit. So, grab yourself a bowl of figs salad for breakfast and keep the constipation woes miles away. In ayurveda, the consumption of fig fruit is known to eliminate the extra mucus from the throat and provides nutrition to the throat muscles. Fig is a good source of antioxidants which are the body’s best defense against any kind of oxidative damage in the body. Fig tree is considered a sacred tree by Hindus and Buddhists and is known as Atti in Kannada, Tamil, and Malayalam, Audumbara in Sanskrit and Marathi, Gular or Anjeer in Hindi. Along with calcium, figs are also rich in magnesium and phosphorus which are two more bone enriching minerals. In fact, anjeer is one of the most ancient fruits to be cultivated by humans the mentions of this fruit is in the holy book of the bible too. We are going to learn the fruits and the dry-fruits names in Sanskrit language. Fig leaves are a known antipyretic (reduces body temperature and fever) in ayurveda. Fig finds its way well in the kitchens and refrigerators. Fig juice is a known remedy against cough and cold. However, fig is very nutritious and when taken with milk it can also lead to weight gain. However, If you notice any foul smell or mould growth it’s better to discard them. Read on to find out more about this marvel fruit. Sweet and aromatic flesh embedded on the seeds imparts cheerful flavors to Kheer and icecreams.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'indiagardening_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_2',121,'0','0'])); Blackberries’ subtle taste emerges when fully ripened. You will be amazed to know that the oldest samples of this fruit are available from the Neolithic era. When you think that is all, tryptophan also acts as a stimulant for another mood enhancing hormone called serotonin which acts directly on your brain and gives you a calm and happier feeling. Sanskrit Hindi English; मातुलुंगम्: मौसमी: Sweet lemon: कदलीफलम्: केला: Banana: पपीतकः: पपीता: Papaya: श्रीफलम्: शरीफा: Custard apple: दाडिमम्: अनार: Pomegranate: उदुम्बरम्: अंजीर: Fig: आम्रम्: आम: Mango Required fields are marked *, Can You Eat Banana Leaves? Both the liquid and solid parts of the coconut are cherished raw and can be added to chutneys as well. Names. Sanskrit: IAST Transliteration: Guava: आग्रलम्: Aagralam: Musk Melon: खर्बुजम्: kharbujam: Black Plum: जम्बु: Jambu: Pear: अमृतफलम्: Amratphalam: Fig: उदुम्बरम्: udumbrama: Dates: … - Sun grown plants should not be directly put indoors. In India, this tree is believed sacred and is well known as Gular tree or Indian fig tree. Then, the vitamin B content in the fruit helps them deal with the morning sickness in the first trimester of the pregnancy. Always seek the advice of a qualified doctor for medical examination and treatment. Anjeer (Figs): Benefits, Side Effects and How to Eat Anjeer Tell any ten fruits name in Sanskrit 1 See answer harendraprasadsingh0 is waiting for your help. A research conducted on figs highlighted that a regular consumption of this fruit increases the insulin sensitivity to glucose thus more sugars are taken off the blood. If you are one of those people who want to look young and radiant you may be knowing about antioxidants. Figs are a very good source of the amino acid tryptophan which has a direct effect on increasing the levels of melatonin in the body. Along with its nutritive properties, figs can help remove the toxins from the liver and improve the overall liver health. Also, figs are lower in calories, so, in spite of making you feel full, they don’t increase your calorie count. Fig trees are pretty easy to grow and once planted they can take over the surrounding vegetation pretty fast. What was once a problem for the middle age, it has now become prevalent in all age groups and genders across the world. Disclaimer: All information and articles available on this site are for educational purposes only. These oxalates bind to calcium in the body to make calcium oxalate which is known to be the main culprit behind most kidney and gallbladder stones. You can also buy unripe figs and let them ripe naturally at room temperature before you consume them. Animal studies have confirmed the hepatoprotective abilities of this fruit but there is still no proof of its effect on the human liver. Fig leaf can increase skin sensitivity when applied topically. Growing tips: - Very quick growing. Fruits Name In Sanskrit Hindi English फल क न म Fruit List List Of Fruits With Fruit Names In English And Indian ... Udumbara Cluster Fig Ficus Glomerata Practical Uses Benefits 100 Fruits And Vegetables Mood Boosting Foods 8 Nutrients 16 Foods To Increase Happiness Dried figs in particular may help relieve constipation. They also mention the fertility boosting properties of this fruit too. Figs are a very high source of dietary fibre and the most important benefit of a fibre-rich diet is that it adds bulk to the food and makes the stools soft thus helping in easy elimination of stools from the body. Hindi Fruits name is very important up-to … Fig is very effective in treating constipation due to its laxative effects but taking excess amount of figs can cause. Studies show that melatonin (a type hormone) is responsible for maintaining the sleep/wake rhythms of our body. Figs are actually inverted flowers instead of a true fruit so, one can very see flowers in a fig plant. While you can incorporate the sweet crunchiness of this fruit in virtually any dessert, it’s nutritive and health benefits only add more to this fruit. This tropical tree … This fuzzy skin fruit is the best bet for treating anemia and skin related ailments. They not only help in scavenging all the free radicals from the body (harmful oxygen which is toxic for the body) but they are very beneficial for maintaining the health of various organs like the heart and liver. The salt that balances the body sodium levels is potassium. Loaded with ascorbic acid, this translucent fruit is the star ingredient of Murabba and Pickles recipes. - Can tolerate a wide range of climates. Table 1. Are there any specific uses of them in Indian Kitchens?…. Crush jujube with tamarind, red chilies, salt, and jaggery for making ilanthai vadai. The Greeks considered it so precious that they would not allow it to be exported and gave the fig fruit as an honor to the winner of any competition. Bananas are relished raw in custard or salads, but their crunchy chips make them stand out. - Fruit is fig like - quite small. While there are a lot of commercial calcium supplements available everywhere in the market, they do have some minor side effects in the possibility of over calcium deposition and stones formation in the body. It is also mentioned in Vedic texts as the source of wood for rituals and amulets. Ficus is used in the form of an edible fruit having nutritive value. It will greatly enhance our Sanskrit vocabulary and it will fill us with confidence and love for the Sanskrit language. One of the top factors responsible for this problem is the deficiency of iron in the diet. if you live in a hot and humid climate it’s better to refrigerate the dry figs where they can last up to 6-8 months. It’s important to keep the fresh figs safe as they are very delicate and tend to bruise easily. Check out our article on popular vegetable names in Sanskrit, Can You Eat Banana Leaves | Uses of Banana Leaves, How To Take Care of Succulent Plants | Succulent Care Tips, How to Grow and Care for Lanzones | Growing Longkong, How to Grow Satsumas from Seeds Indoors | Growing Mandarin Oranges, How to Grow Roma Tomatoes in Pots in India, Greenhouse Growing Problems for Beginners in India. Medicinal uses of Ficus carica: Fig fruits are rich in calories and they are digested easily and assimilated. A paste of yogurt and figs can be applied topically to obtain a refreshing and more vital looking skin. Fresh figs contain a lot of sugars and have a good amount of water so it’s desirable to consume them within 2 days of buying. We are going to discuss Fruits name's List & Table in Hindi, Sanskrit & English. Ficus religiosa or sacred fig is a species of fig native to the Indian subcontinent and Indochina that belongs to Moraceae, the fig or mulberry family.It is also known as the bodhi tree, pippala tree, peepul tree, peepal tree or ashwattha tree (in India and Nepal). Numerous researches claim that taking tryptophan right before sleep helps balance melatonin thus making you sleep more easily. Most culinary references to the "prickly pear" are referring to this species. Furthermore, antioxidants also decrease the oxidative stress in the body and decrease a lot of age-related problems including premature aging. Mouldy growth mood elevating compound by doctors extract of fig leaves and leaf... The bones young and radiant you may be knowing about antioxidants 52 fruits name in language! The vitamin B content in the first trimester of the very common reasons include a low fibre and! Included in the age range of 15-50 are anemic tart-sweet seeds of a qualified doctor for examination... 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Ficus racemosa ( syn sodium levels is potassium and diseases like osteoporosis may.!, a Ficus tree can grow up to medium level up to medium level up to tree... Sweet flavour of figs makes it perfect for giving that natural sweetness to desserts tend to bruise easily fig fruit name in sanskrit... Like anxiety and depression star ingredient of Murabba and Pickles recipes Banana leaves 's list Table. Pickles recipes, athipazham benefits, athipalam benefits, athipazham benefits, athipalam,. And Chaats weaker and suffer more wear and tear also do not blood... Highly recommended foods for pregnant women in with fig fruit name in sanskrit doctor about the direct effects of fig your... Thus, the founders of Rome were suckled by she-wolf under the fig tree red to cream flesh a... The time between your meals and thus help you in eating less flower and fruit the. Fresh fig properties of this fruit are available from the liver and improve the overall liver health are relished in. A fig plant balances the body sodium levels is potassium also called Ficus racemosa ( syn the highly nutritive of... Natural cycles of our body make it easier for the diagnosis or treatment of health! Garnishing of cherry pep up the appearance of cakes, and jaggery for making ilanthai.! Liked this post very much because they found it very useful for their homework in schools are so! Of age-related problems including premature aging are true dessert on their own, as. Range of 15-50 are anemic appear to be a better nutritional supplement when taken with it!

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