The Layer List widget provides a list of operational layers and their symbols, and allows you to turn individual layers on and off. Dawit Kidane  Thanks for sharing this widget! Each set can have a predefined value to facilitate user interaction. The Grouped Layerlist widget is a widget for utilization within Esri's Web Application Builder for Developers. Store all assets in vector format to be able to easily r… Robert, I actually did a survey on the geonet, and among the results, I did not find anything really effective. Adding layers to a group layer—You can drag layers into group layers. We also have multiple slider options. //if (!layerInfo.isRootLayer())                    //{                    query("[class~='visible-checkbox-" + + "']", this.domNode).forEach                    (                        function(visibleCheckBoxDomNode)                         {                                      var visibleCheckBox = registry.byNode(visibleCheckBoxDomNode);                                //if (!layerInfo.parentLayerInfo.isVisible())                             //{                                                                        visibleCheckBox.check();                                    layerInfo.parentLayerInfo.setTopLayerVisible(true);                                layerInfo.setTopLayerVisible(true);                                                                    //}                        },                                 this                    );                    //}                                                    }            }        }        else        {            //Desmarcou o nó filho            layerInfo.setTopLayerVisible(false);        }    }        //if (ckSelect.checked)     //{                //layerInfo.setTopLayerVisible(true);    //}     //else     //{        //layerInfo.setTopLayerVisible(false);    //}    evt.stopPropagation();}. Adding a new group layer to a data frame—Right-click the name of the data frame and choose New Group Layer to add one. Note: I thought of something like this. Its rich feature set includes tile rendering from OpenStreetMap, Bing Maps, Google Maps, and other tile providers with marker support and shape layers with features like selection, legends, labels, markers, tooltips, bubbles, color mapping, and much more. The question is, should I really comment on line 273 of the widget.js file, which corresponds to "this.bindEvents ();". Robert, I was able to create the groups with the layers that I need, through the post that you gave me in your last answer. There are two types of layers: (1) base layers that are mutually exclusive (only one can be visible on your map at a time), e.g. Enabling the Mutually Exclusive Group option means you can make a group have only one layer visible at the same time. Only one widget can be selected for a placeholder. resolveRtl(ConstraintWidget widget, boolean isRtl) void: setPivotX(float pivotX) Sets the pivot point for scale operations. Below I include the function code that you need to change within the file "application folder \ widgets \ LayerList \ LayerListView.js". Innovate’s Grouped Layerlist widget addresses a common issue faced within the geospatial community and by Esri WebApp Builder users; it enables customized groupings of layers. In this sample there are two GroupLayers, one containing two basemap layers and the other containing four dynamic or feature layers. Selecting a set of layers to put into a group layer—Select a set of layers that you want to combine into a group layer, right-click one of the highlighted layers, then choose Group. I need to create layer grouping within the layerlist widget. I just do not know how to proceed, what points to change, etc. leaflet () %>% addTiles () %>% addMarkers (data = coffee_shops, group = "Food & Drink") %>% addMarkers (data = restaurants, group = "Food & Drink") %>% addMarkers (data = restrooms, group = "Restrooms") Unlike the method of using transparency which can result in a washed-out top layer, blend modes can create a variety of very vibrant and intriguing results by blending a layer with the layer(s) below it.. Is this possible. I am using version 2.2 of the web appbuilder. Almost every new lay user asks this. Your widget player's logo and background correspond to your Media Player profile. Ask Question Asked 4 years, 9 months ago.

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