Flowers are small, white to red in color. Begonia rex-cultorum, often called rex begonia, has bold, multicolored leaves. There are different methods of propagating begonias based on their group category. Some Tuberous Begonia you might like: Dragon Wing series, Hanging Basket series. Rhizomes can be cut back. 7 Steps to Take How to Care for a Begonia 1. Many shrublike begonias grow upright and bushy, others are trailing and suitable for hanging baskets. Rex Begonia leaves also grow in purple, cream, pink, and silver. Begonia bowerae has small, deep green leaves with black edging; shell pink flowers bloom from mid-winter to early spring. These plants can bloom at any time of the year. Tuberous begonias are perfect for growing in pots, while fibrous rooted types are best for bedding displays and hanging begonias are best suited to hanging basket displays. The botanical name of wax or bedding begonias is Begonia semperflorens-cultorum. Flowers are salmon pink. Water regularly and feed weekly with a high potash fertiliser like tomato feed. They are particularly used indoors as potted houseplants or outside as container plants, hanging plants, or bedding plants. They do not require a lot of fertilizer. Prune old canes that have no leaves down to two leaf joints in early spring to stimulate new growth. Begonia plants from this group have leaves that vary in size and pattern and grow from rhizomes, hence the name. P 112. 2016. It has arching stems with shiny, crisp, deep green leaves with red undersides. “Edible Medicinal and Non-Medicinal Plants.” Vol 7. Cut rangy stems back to 4-inch (10cm) stubs. Oct 28, 2020 - Begonia plants have exceptionally beautiful leaves as well asl flowers and will grow both indoors and outdoors. *Photo by [email protected]/depositphotos. Begonias flower year-round, except some tuberous species (1). Begonia is a genus and common name of flowering plants from the family Begoniaceae. Some Rhizomatous Begonia you might like: Moonlit Snow, Autumn Twist, 50 Shades of Gray. They do best in situations with shade or morning sun/afternoon shade. Among the various types of begonias, the Begonia rex are some of the most beautiful and stunning plants. (2) Ellis B.W. Begonias also love high humidity. Keep the air around begonias slightly humid; set pots on a humidity tray. These plants are fibrous-rooted. They dislike dry air, so if you grow them indoors, provide humidity by putting the pots on top of some pebbles in a shallow tray of water. We participate in some affiliate advertising programs including Amazon Associates Program. Begonia ‘Medora’ has long stems with small green leaves with wavy edges and silver spots. Begonias thrive in standard indoor potting soil especially if you add a bit of extra peat moss to increase acidity. Begonia foliosa has a fernlike look with inch-long leaves growing on twiggy branches. Waxy white flowers appear in spring. They are perfect plants for both indoor and outdoor use. Begonia maculata has olive color leaves with white dots, crimson-colored undersides, red and white flowers. Cane-type begonias bloom spring through autumn though may bloom year-round. Since the roots are underground, exposure to these crystals is unusual, but caution should still be observed if you have children and pets (5). Because of their luscious foliage and spectacular blooms, begonias are now popular among gardeners and homeowners alike. Begonia ‘Cleopatra’ is an easy to grow “star begonia.” Star-shaped leaves have brown markings and chartreuse veins; the undersides of leaves are reddish. Most begonias available in garden centers are hybrids between wild types. (3) Lim T.K. These crystals are irritants and can cause inflammation of the mouth and throat when ingested. Some species of begonia are also used in folkloric medicine. The reason is it is easy to grow and care. Some Fibrous Rooted Begonia you might like: Brandy Cocktail, Vodka Cocktail, Irene Nuss. Their leaves can be damaged when exposed to direct sunlight. (6) Murphy D.M. All begonias like bright but indirect light, so find a partially shaded spot for your plant. Simon and Schuster. This plant is susceptible to fungal infections, mainly bacterial leaf spot. (4) Suresh M. et al. There are many types of begonias, with different leaf shapes, colors, and growth habits. Their single, double or ruffled flowers bloom in shades of pink, yellow, … Pink flowers bloom from winter through early spring. PP 39-41. Begonias are believed to have originated in Brazil, but some are also found earlier in Mexico and even China. In general, begonia plants can be placed in sunny areas with indirect light (6). Rex: Rex begonias are entirely their own class of begonia. Propagation by cuttings is done by obtaining a leaf, removing some veins on the underside, and placing them on a moist media such as sand (7). Since begonia plants are susceptible to root rot, it is important to use well-draining potting/growing media. Rex begonia plants have calcium oxalate, which is toxic to dogs and cats. Plants grow to 18 inches (46cm) in length. Flowers are about 2 inches (5cm) across; they appear spring through winter. Atlantic Publishing Company. There are around 1000 species, coming in … Begonias want soil that is evenly moist, not wet, and not dry. They should be kept in temperatures ranging from 75-85oF (23-29oC). Water only when the top inch (2.4cm) of soil is dry. There are, however, some consistent practices that ensure healthy begonias. Plants need indirect light in summer; avoid direct sunlight. The most popular types are are Cane, Rhizomatous and Tuberous Begonias. Begonia maculata is also known by other names, Clown, Spotted, or Polka Dot begonia. Penn. This plant can be difficult to grow. Cane-type begonias bloom spring through autumn though may bloom year-round. 2011. This type of begonia grows to a height between 6 and 12 inches with a width spanning between 18 and 24 inches. Growers grow at home a huge variety of types of begonias, and all of them need to be cared for when cultivated at home about the same. The is a large group of outdoor growing begonias. All do well under artificial light, needing 14-light hours daily. The American Begonia Society groups begonias according to their growth habit; growth habit often determines care requirements. Allow air to circulate around begonias; this will help prevent mildew and gray mold, two diseases begonias are susceptible to. Begonias are prized for their texture, multicolored foliage, and colorful flowers. The leaves are shaped like elephant’s ears and may be smooth or textured. There are begonias that flower year-round; there are shrubby begonias that bloom seasonally, and there are begonias grown primarily for their foliage. Begonia ‘Joe Hayden’ has small satiny dark green leaves with red undersides; it has red flowers in winter. A mixture of peat with a small amount of gardening soil and perlite would be perfect for begonias. Begonias are annuals or tender perennials that need filtered shade and rich, fast-draining soil. A half-strength mixture of general fertilizer applied every two weeks would be enough (6). Another species, B. cucullate, is reported to have anti-inflammatory, antimalarial, and diuretic properties (3). Flowers are shades of red, pink, and white. Begonia ‘Irene Ness’ has large dark green leaves with drooping clusters of fragrant coral pink flowers; blooms from mid-spring to mid-winter. The care requirements are quite similar, but each will have a little difference that you need to be aware of and respect for a successful long term relationship. Fibrous-rooted begonias are annual plants that have round and waxy leaves and small flowers. “The Complete Guide to Growing Windowsill Plants: Everything You Need to Know Explained Simply”. The more than 1,000 species of begonia are part of a complicated classification system based on flowers, method of propagation and leaves. Cane Begonias The name “Begonia” was given by a Franciscan Monk who named it after Michel Begon, a former governor of Haiti (1). This group includes begonias once classified as “angel wings” so named for their paired leaves that resemble extended wings. Begonia ‘Irene Ness’ has large dark green leaves with drooping clusters of fragrant coral pink flowers; blooms from mid-spring to mid-winter. Most variegated plants have white markings on green leaves, but the Charm variety of begonia has vivid yellow splotches on bright green leaves, giving it a psychedelic effect. Begonia masoniana, commonly called, iron cross begonia due to the pattern on its leaves. (1) Hvoslef-Eide A.K., Munster C. “Begonia”. Begonias grow best in temperatures between 65° and 75°F (18°-24°C). Begonia: a description of the types and secrets of home care Begonia (lat. Plants reach about 40-45cm (16-18in) high through into October, and don’t need deadheading. 2007. Sometimes called painted-leaf begonias or fancy-leaf begonias, these plants are known for their showy, sometimes jaw-dropping leaf coloration. Place the pot on a humidity tray or mist the plant frequently. B.e. Begonias are beautiful, sturdy, and come in a wide variety of colors and types. Stems can arch or droop to 3 feet (.9m) long. This is a begonia that has bright red blooms that will attract hummingbirds to your garden. They are one of the most common ornamental begonias because of their prolific flowering which makes them perfect bedding plants. Different Types of Begonias. Most houseplant begonias are fibrous-rooted or rhizomatous, but there are some tuberous varieties. Begonias want bright filtered light. This series of cascading Begonias comes in a wide range of colours. Begonias have gained much popularity because of the striking foliage and equally amazing flowers. Pink flowers appear from spring through autumn. Begonia ‘Illumination’ series. Make this begonia the focal point of your flowering containers. Springer, Dordrecht. Flowers appear on erect stems above the foliage. Begonia, grown at home, needs constant. Aside from their use as ornamental plants, begonias also have food and medicinal value. They can take morning direct sun, but not mid-day or afternoon sun. (7) Wyman D. “Wyman’s Gardening Encyclopedia”. There are more than 1,000 species of begonias. This group of begonias can trail or be trained upright. Angel Wing Begonia Growing And Care Guide – All You Need To Know by Max - last update on October 28, 2019, 10:08 am Angel Wing Begonias produce beautiful flowers in a range of colors from white, pink, orange, and red, but they also require plenty of water and warm temperatures. Some species, such as wax begonias, can tolerate direct sunlight, but some, like tuberous begonias, prefer more shade. In the wild, they can either grow in stems, rhizomes, or in tubers. They can be a focal point when planted in mass and are excellent specimens for container combinations. Begonia ‘Lucerna’ is a tall, easy-to-grow plant; it produces rose-red flowers in … Begonia is one of the largest genera of flowering plants with over 1900 species. Begonias of the semperflorens group (or wax begonias) are frequently grown as bedding plants outdoors. It does not do great in high heat, so direct sunlight is not the best option for this plant. Begonia) belongs to the begonia family, the genus begonia, is used to decorate garden plots, squares and parks. Rex Begonia Features: An Overview. PP 16-17. 1996. Begonia ‘Million Kisses’ series: features plants with a semi-trailing habit and which are ideal for hanging baskets and containers. Begonias can also be propagated directly through seeds. Flowers appear in shades of pink, red, white, and peach. “The Organic Gardener’s Handbook of Natural Insect and Disease Control: A Complete Problem-Solving Guide to Keeping Your Garden and Yard Healthy Without Chemicals”. Begonias are especially sensitive to cold temperatures. CRC Press. These plants grow best in moist soil, but they are susceptible to root rot with too frequent watering. This group includes the so-called “star” begonia, name for the shape of its leaves. Remove faded blossoms and withered foliage immediately. Their leaves are large and asymmetric with various patterns and prominent venation. The parts are used in spread, dips, and salads (3). Required fields are marked *. Find out which species your begonia belongs to. Begonia ‘Richmondensis’ grow to 2 feet tall. Ideal begonia care requires well-drained soil that has been amended by the addition of organic matter, such as compost and peat moss. To avoid this, watering should be done regularly once the top inch soil is nearly dry (6). (eds) “Flower Breeding and Genetics”. She is passionate about creating sustainable green spaces in the city and writing about interesting flowering plants of the world. Begonia x tuberhybrida is a tuberous begonia; it has erect or trailing growth clusters of 2 or 3 summer flowers in shades of white, pink, red, yellow, or orange. Some species, such as wax begonias, can tolerate direct sunlight, but some, like tuberous begonias, prefer more shade. Color and characteristics of popular types: Wax begonias have succulent stems; shiny, rounded, green or reddish-brown leaves and grow in a mounded habit. Let’s get started with a quick summary of begonia maculata care. This beautiful plant is trending now. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Tuberous and rhizomatous begonias can be propagated through their tubers and rhizomes. 1(6). Begonia is a large and diverse group. They bloom with 1-1/2-inch single or double flowers in shades of red, pink, or white. Begonia plants have distinct foliage. Their leaves can be damaged when exposed to direct sunlight. Tuberous begonias are frequently used as container plants. It is the most striking of all foliage begonias. If water collects in the saucer below the pots, empty it immediately. After flowering, prune the plant back. These plants are grown from rhizomes. Known as wax begonias or bedding begonias, annual begonia plants (Begonia semperflorens) grow quickly and easily fill in spaces in the garden that will benefit from attractive foliage and frilly flowers. Plant grows 8 to 10 inches tall with lustrous green, red, bronze, or variegated leaves. It can be finicky about water and humidity. To care for a begonia, figure out if your type thrives best indoors or outdoors—if you aren't sure, ask someone at your local nursery! (5) Knight A. The Royal Begonia(Begonia rex) are unmatched among all types… This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Duea A.W. Angel wing: Also known as cane begonia, this type has long stems with "joints" on them. Begonias contain oxalate crystals in their roots and some on the stem. The flowers have tepals that vary in color depending on the variety. If you are interested feel free to send me an e-mail. Get the best gardening tips straight into your inbox! They are noted for their beautiful foliage. Thank you for your support! It’s a houseplant that is likely to turn heads in your home, and thankfully it isn’t too difficult to care for. Begonias can be propagated by seed, division, or leaf cuttings. Explore different Begonia Types and add colors in your home decor and gardens with beautiful blooms and variegated foliage!. Prune old canes that have no leaves down to two leaf joints in early spring to stimulate new growth. 2013. Begonia rex-cultorum ‘Helen Teupel’ has bronze-red and silver-green leaves; foliage is showier than the pink flowers. ‘Bunchii’ has lettuce-like frills and ruffles on leaf edges. Begonia erythrophylla, often called beefsteak begonia; has roundish leaves, dark green on top, and deep red on the underside; clustered flowers are pink. They are characterized by multiple stems that are soft and green, not bamboo-like as in the cane-type group. Begonia solananthera has glossy light green leaves and fragrant flowers with red centers. Get the best viral stories straight into your inbox! Within the rhizomatous and cane type begonias, growing requirements – particularly with regard to levels of sun exposure – will vary. Below are just some of the types of begonias people choose for their home or office. Your email address will not be published. They are rhizomatous, meaning they typically grow horizontally and with shortened stems. “A Short review on Ethnomedicinal uses, phytochemistry and pharmacology of Begonia malabarica Lam.” International Journal of Botany Studies. Flowers bloom winter through summer. Do not wet leaves as the plant is susceptible to mildew. Begonia maculata, or Polka Dot begonia as it’s often called, is a splashy show-stopper that looks fantastic with it’s olive green leaves and contrasting spots. Springer Science and Business Media. Begonias are monoecious, which means the flowers are unisexual with both male and female flowers blooming separately on the same plant. They also don’t need direct sunlight to grow well and in fact, they should be planted in semi-shade conditions. The rex begonia is a native of Southeast Asia. Plants can tolerate direct light in winter. Tuberous begonias are known to have edible leaves and flowers. Begonia ‘Ellen Dee’ has green leaves and orange flowers. Shrublike begonias have both interesting foliage and colorful flowers. Make sure the soil is rich, fertile, and well-draining, since begonias are susceptible to root rot. This type of begonia is probably the most widely grown begonia and in some parts of the country is called "wax type" because of the waxy look to the leaves. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases (at no extra cost to you). Learn how your comment data is processed. Depending on the variety, they can be of different leaves of different shapes. General Care: Pinch back leggy stems and deadhead spent flowers to keep your begonias in top shape. There are hundreds of begonia species and varieties. ‘Helix’ has spiraled leaves. In India, one species of Begonia, B. malabrica, is used by tribal communities as a cure to arthritis and common joint pains (4). Begonia care: how to care for your begonia. Cane-type begonias bloom profusely—clusters of white, pink, orange, or red flowers. “A Guide to Poisonous House and Garden Plants”. Rex begonias are rhizomatous. Don’t let the roots touch the water. There are beautiful flowers with decorative leaves – from the most beautiful leaves in houseplants group. Ornamental begonias can be foliage or flowering and are categorized in the following groups based on their root structure. This plant bears profuse clusters of rose-pink flowers in spring and summer. Begonia ‘Orange Rubra’ grows to 4 feet (1.2m) tall; it has silver-dotted green leaves and clusters of orange flowers. In: Anderson N.O. Indoors or in warm-winter regions, they can produce small flowers continuously from spring through early autumn. Like reiger begonias, the tuberous types thrive in cool conditions and tend to sulk in especially hot-summer areas. Hiemalis begonias are also known as “Rieger” or “Elatior Rieger” begonias. Begonia Soil and Water Needs. It will require regular water when the soil is dry to the touch, and it prefers to grow in full shade to partial sun. Care of begonia plant outdoor and at home. Begonia antsiranensis I have a big collection of Begonias and I look forward to exchanging them with other enthusiasts as well as selling them. Begonia ‘Lucerna’ is a tall, easy-to-grow plant; it produces rose-red flowers in spring and summer. Feed begonias regularly with liquid all-purpose indoor plant food. Cane-type begonias grow erect on multiple stems and can grow to 5 feet (1.5m) tall. B.e. Begonia blancii Begonia blancii variegata Begonia bowerae Begonia brevirimosa Begonia carolineifolia Begonia chloroneura Begonia crassicaulis Begonia dichotoma Begonia dregei Begonia emeiensis… The choice of the type of begonia if we want it to grow indoors is important. 1986. Most varieties grow best in a mild temperature range, between 15°C and 26°C, though tuberous begonias need it a little cooler to perform at their best. Growing begonias not dry growing begonias placed in sunny areas with indirect light ( 6 ) deeply!: Pinch back leggy stems and can cause inflammation of the largest genera of plants... Are unisexual with both male and female flowers blooming separately on the variety know what begonias look like think! In dappled sunshine to partial shade Genetics ” from this group of outdoor growing begonias two leaf in! Like angel wings ” so named for their texture, multicolored leaves many types of,. 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