Those put to death by firing squad included three generals. But if the aim of the battle was what actually resulted and what all the Russians of that day desired--to drive the French out of Russia and destroy their army--it is quite clear that the battle of Tarutino, just because of its incongruities, was exactly what was wanted at that stage of the campaign. Alex didn't actually deny a relationship. of use in constructing new plant-tissue), others are apparently end-products of metabolism, in other words excrela, though they are not actually cast out from the plant-body. I then called in the favor she owed me from the bet I actually lost. Is there a system, or is it different for every preposition? The experiment was so far successful that, with incredible difficulty, the two vessels did actually reach Meskene, but the result of the expedition was to show that practically the river could not be used as a high-road of commerce, the continuous rapids and falls during the low season, caused mainly by the artificial obstructions of the irrigating dams, being insurmountable by ordinary steam power, and the aid of hundreds of hands being thus required to drag the vessels up the stream at those points by main force. Actually, Josh did ask her, but she had never answered. 4. That every natural series of beings, in its progress from a given point, either actually returns, or evinces a tendency to return, again to that point, thereby forming a circle. Hence this part of the country has a cold winter climate, so that while the mean summer temperature of Milan is higher than that of Sassari, and equal to that of Naples, and the extremes reached at Milan and Bologna are a good deal higher than those of Naples, the mean winter temperature of Turin is actually lower than that of Copenhagen. Federation at no time actually dropped out of sight, but it was not until thirtyfive years later that any practical steps were taken towards its accomplishment. Turkestan is a good wheat-producing country, cereals were actually imported from Russia and Siberia and cotton exported in exchange. 500, though the date at which they were actually committed to writing is very uncertain. Jackson wondered, is this guy actually going to try to hit me? Actually there was nothing sensitive about Russell Cade. Cade was actually kissing her - and very well. As they had not been actually colonized by England, the republic of Buenos Aires claimed the group in 1820, and subsequently entered into a dispute with the United States of America concerning the rights to the products of these islands. They actually had some horse manure boxed up and ready to ship. David walks over to his car, and Paul accidentally drops his car keys on the ground. As representing the pope, the suzerain of Henry, he claimed the regency and actually divided the chief power with William Marshal, earl of Pembroke. Actually, she only intended to ride along the forest line and see if there was any sign of deer. Tensions mounted all through the 1830s as militias were raised on both sides in what later came to be known as the Aroostook War, even though there was never actually a war or casualties. Actually, she had lost purpose in life then. All it takes is the resolve to stop - provided you actually want to stop. How To Use But Actually In A Sen In A Sentence? 2. I require of a visitor that he be not actually starving, though he may have the very best appetite in the world, however he got it. Actually, he had been contemplating her gift for quite a while before she took him to the mountain. This has no offline corollary and is economically empowering to so many people. I couldn't believe you actually left me – us. He never actually asked me but I was expecting it. It was the first time Carmen had seen Alondra actually laugh. If Ed could actually talk, she wouldn't be spending so much time pondering about Alex. She'd never seen his attention stay any one place for long, but today, he was actually calm. Of course, sentences can be much longer and more complex, and these will be covered on other pages. How to use actually in a sentence. : The roots of water hemlock, which resemble parsnips, are sometimes eaten accidentally by humans. This rate increases as the distance increases, but not in equal proportion; while the rates from large trade centres to other trade centres at a great distance are not higher than those to intermediate points somewhat less remote; if the law permits, there is a tendency to make them actually a little lower. Transition sentences draw logical connections between each point making your argument and paper read fluidly. How to use actually in a sentence. I discovered that my house actually had its site in such a withdrawn, but forever new and unprofaned, part of the universe. Actually, it was way too much house as far as she was concerned, but she wasn't buying it. If you are in doubt – put it at the end of the sentence – it is more likely to be right. Her first thought went to Evelyn's wedding, and another thrill went through her as she realized she could actually afford something nice for her friend. So far he hadn't done anything to make her think he would actually physically harm her. The adjective actualis usually found before a noun. Apparently she put it there. The illustrative strings and the orange stick representing the poles seemed so real that even to this day the mere mention of temperate zone suggests a series of twine circles; and I believe that if any one should set about it he could convince me that white bears actually climb the North Pole. It expresses a thought, statement, question, wish, command, suggestion, or idea. But these constitutions, several times revised, actually served only as a theoretical standard for the proprietors and were abrogated altogether in 1693, and the colonists were governed by instructions which granted them much greater privileges. A third radical method of redistribution is called land reform, which is actually a polite term for taking land from one person and giving it to another. We normally put adverbials after the verb:. He secured the back of the van, looked around, and actually smiled back at the camera. How to Use Therefore in a Sentence. In his arms, with his warm breath on her cheek and the smell of his cologne surrounding them, it was actually an exciting experience. As this is not the incorporation of either into the living sobstance, but is only its manufacture into the complex substances which we find in the plant, it seems preferable to limit the term assimilation to the processes by which foods are actually taken into the protoplasm. Of the seven Verrine orations only two were actually delivered; the remaining five were compiled from the depositions of witnesses, and published after the flight of Verres. 12- He hasn't actually been to America. 7- actually, it was only a rumor. The women looked frightened, Faust actually ducked, and David Dean moved to the cover of a nearby boulder, pulling his wife along with him. Expressions of time go at the end of a statement. If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above. Wait... what if I have a sentence starting like this? From the month of May 1790 to his death in April 1791 Mirabeau remained in close and suspected, but not actually proved, connexion with the court, and drew up many admirable state papers for it. Her eyes actually were filled with tears. Who would have thought he would actually clip the umbilical cord? 3. Not until January 1786 did he actually serve as junior lieutenant. The investigations of both authors must have been proceeding simultaneously, and it matters little which actually appeared first. He actually sought them out to spend time with them, as he had on this last trip. The lawfulness of Church Establishments with due qualifications is perhaps generally recognized in theory, but there is a growing tendency to regard connexion with the state as inexpedient, if not actually contrary to sound Presbyterian principle. 1. Was it possible that he actually cared for her? She was actually feeling better until that last remark. Seducing him was something she thought would be difficult, but it was actually enjoyable. : Accordingly, she dropped her fork accidentally on purpose and gasped with false surprise. I believe it should be put as the second word, e.g., "She actually thought it was true!". Only one of the four analogies is actually given by Napier, the other three being added by Briggs in the remarks which are appended to Napier's results. Actually, there was nothing wrong with the route and normally she would have accepted his request without comment. Occasionally they ran across small herds of cattle and she began to realize how large his ranch actually was. when actually lifting at full speed the mechanical work of lifting represents about 72%° of the electric energy put into the lifting motor. Actually, 250 combined pounds would be a fairly accurate figure. 4- What did she actually say? Actually, Dulce had been disrespectful with every look and word. Yes, "actually" in sentence initial position is grammatical. Yes, he professed a desire to know what happened but actually seeing it was another matter. At this time they were speaking Oscan as well as Greek, and two of three Oscan inscriptions in Greek alphabet still testify to the language spoken in the town in the 3rd century B.C. Ritschl appears to confine Metaphysic to the category of Causality.) In September of the same year the see of Durham fell vacant, and the king overruled the choice of the monks, who had elected and actually installed their sub-prior, Robert de Graystanes, in favour of Aungervyle. Also, when you follow up this sentence by saying "it doesn't hinder others to do as they want", it still implies that people who do it the other way are ignoring a rule. If, however, Mache's views were correct, we should expect a much closer connexion between I and A than has actually been observed. Of those who might, only some 50 to 65% actually register. Her visions were all over the place this night, and she wasn't sure what she'd initially thought was the right path would actually turn out well. So with your sentence it can be either in the mid position or the end position: I've already been playing with it for a few hours, but still no luck. Do you need a comma before the word 'actually' at the end of a sentence? Example sentences with the word actually. Though he was not actually defeated, his death in the pass of Muradel in the Sierra Morena, while on his way back to Toledo, occurred in circumstances which showed that no man could be what he claimed to be - "king of the men of the two religions.". 8- He is actually not the manager. Did Josh and Lori actually love each other? She had been familiar with most herbs and their uses since she was a child, due to her father's business, but she had never actually seen the herbs growing. Word suggestions (4): Use, Actually, Actual, Actuality, › Epicuren [ˌepəkyəˈrēən, ˌepəˈkyo͝orēən], © 2021 While most of the people present had actually graduated from the same school, a few had moved away before they graduated. Cranmer was put to death as a heretic. eBay is actually a little like direct trade. To pay his debt to Rome he was compelled to resort to extraordinary methods of raising money; he actually met his death (187 B.C.) The place of meeting, Elvira, was not far from the modern Granada, if not, as Dale thinks, actually identical with it. It was perhaps after this that an inroad of Scythians (q.v.) The Mandaeans are strictly reticent about their theological dogmas in the presence of strangers; and the knowledge they actually possess of these is extremely small. (You should not sleep In actually, she was accepted because she was Josh's wife. When Justin announced that he would be out of the state for a few days on business, she wondered if he was actually going back to talk to her father. Actually, it could stand a good washing and a paint job, but surely he didn't expect her to do that. Even identical twins, thought until recently to have identical DNA, actually have slightly different DNA. In spite of the fact that she was now 32, she actually looked like a teenager. For a moment he actually looked remorseful. So far as we can see, on the other hand, Basilides appears actually to represent a further development of Iranian dualism, which later produced the religious system of Mani. above sea, and modern researches tend to prove that in the central portions of the Gobi (about Lop Nor) it may be actually below sea-level. This appears actually to be the case in the period of the First Dynasty of Babylon and also in the 7th century in Assyria, where early Babylonian customs were kept up conservatively. Beddard) the funnels of the pronephridia disappear except in the genital segments, where they seem to be actually converted into the genital funnels. The primary circular divisions of every group are three actually, or five apparently. : Somehow, possibly accidentally on purpose, this festival seems to have managed to almost totally exclude the student body. 1- What actually happened? They had a better relationship now than they ever had, and she was actually getting to know him better. He is indeed careful to keep right with the orthodox doctrine of creation by saying that he does not believe the world actually arose in this mechanical way out of the three kinds of elements which he here supposes, but that he simply puts out his hypothesis as a mode of conceiving how it might have arisen. No, I'm not her boyfriend. I'm not going to put up with this! For example: Wir gehen heute nicht einkaufen. Howie broke out in a sweat when he thought about actually witnessing a killing. Actually, the suit is comfortable enough - the oxfords, not so much. For one brief instant, he looked at Adrienne as if he actually saw her. I don't know if he is actually trying to hide things, or simply doesn't know how to initiate the subject. “Yet” can help you provide more information about a subject or event that may be contradictory or ironic. 138+7 sentence examples: 1. Actually, she had never considered having a cat – or a dog, for that matter – not as a pet. A trench was first excavated to the proper depth, then the side walls and arched roof of brick were put in place, earth was filled in behind and over the arch, and the surface of the ground restored, either by paving where streets were followed, or by actually being built over with houses where the lines passed under private property. Actually, Gerald's intent was probably to ward off an attack, rather than chastise Alex. Nicht will be positioned right before an infinitive or infinitives that are part of a verbal combination. Transition sentences used in … ); if it did not actually touch Judah, the advent of the people of the north appears to have caused great alarm (Jer. She thought it was at the time, but an independent person never actually wanted someone else to make all the decisions. All rights reserved | Email: [email protected], They always say time changes thingssentencedictcom but you, Men and women use their brains differently[http://sentencedictcom/actuallyhtml] but that their brains may, I can testify to the foregoing since I was, This new technique of artificially growing cells copies what, You might think your mom would be thrilled to open a birthday present and find a live rabbit, but, Used in speaking to emphasize a fact or a comment, or that something is really true What did she, Use By Date Definition. The experimental proof, however, was still lacking, and though several experimenters had come very near its discovery, Hertz was the first who actually succeeded in supplying it, in 1887. He admitted that he actually went because he had connections - heritage. Well, actually she could, but he didn't need to know that. What’s more, a sentence combines words in a grammatically correct way. Experiments of this kind were actually tried by Graham Bell in 1882, with boats on the Potomac river, and signals were detected at a distance of a mile and a half. In doing what he did, Descartes actually exemplified that reduction of the processes of nature to mere transposition of the particles of matter, which in different ways was a leading idea in the minds of Bacon, Hobbes and Gassendi. And experience tells us that power is not merely a word but an actually existing phenomenon. He opened the door quietly. The earth, or other planet, does not actually move round the sun; yet it is carried round the sun in the subtle matter of the great vortex, where it lies in equilibrium, - carried like the passenger in a boat, who may cross the sea and yet not rise from his berth. Were those words actually coming from Denton's mouth? Moreover, Professor Lilljeborg's scheme, being actually an adaptation of that of Sundevall, of which we shall have to speak at some length almost immediately, may possibly be left for the present with these remarks. Actually, I never gave it much thought until I found the window open. (It does not depend on the way we WRITE the following word, it depends on the way we SAY it.) "Therefore" is a conjunctive adverb that you can use as a transition word in sentences and paragraphs. He hadn't actually done anything and he was a customer. Grammarians do not all agree on what is or is not a sentence. Longhorns – they aren't actually native American wildlife, are they? Actually is an adverb and actual is an adjective. Well, actually Sam and Ron went with them, so it's a foursome. Just bit his … actually, it was his arm, right in the middle of his forearm. Actually, all she wanted to do was alert him that she was nervous about it, but if it made him feel better to know she was willing to discuss intimacy with him now, then she would listen. For a moment Dulce actually looked sympathetic. Actually, I've had to have some replacement parts specially made. Later, when the west was better explored, it was found that tin actually came from two regions, north-west Spain and Cornwall. Were they actually making plans for a lifetime together? Samuel Peters, in his General History of Connecticut, ascribed to New Haven were much confused with the laws of the other New England colonies and some were mere inventions, yet many of them, and others equally "blue," were actually in operation as enactments or as court decisions in New Haven. "I'm actually learning from him, Sirian," was Rissa's arch response. On the other hand, Alex needed to be in a position where he was forced to actually talk to his father. The light actually emitted laterally is thus the same as would be caused by forces exactly the opposite of these acting on the medium otherwise free from disturbance, and it only remains to see what the effect of such force would be. in an attempt to loot the temple of Elymais. Between 40,000 and 50,000 species of Diptera are at present known, but these are only a fraction of those actually in existence. : Actually listening to the record does little to dispel these feelings of disappointment. I can’t make it tonight, actually. Despite being able to bench press two of her, the men actually listened. Fortunately, he was good at reminding her what kind of …creature he actually was. "Actually," he replied, "It is that simple. The Marquis Lodovico Gonzaga of Mantua had for some time been pressing Mantegna to enter his service; and the following year, 1460, was perhaps the one in which he actually established himself at the Mantuan court, residing at first from time to time at Goito, but, from December 1466 onwards, with his family in Mantua itself. It seemed to Herschel that he was thus able to view the actual changes by which masses of phosphorescent or glowing vapour became actually condensed down into stars. Yeah; that's public information, but something tells me that only works if he actually registers; you think? Should I put "actually" before or after "have "...? I would like to ask you about two questions : what’s the meaning of ‘tag’ and on the other hand as far as I remember TAG sentences are always taught as a construction closing any statemente. Yeah, well... actually I wanted to talk to you. Of all the things Eden might've said to him, this one actually stung. Legend has it that Sarah was put to death for practising witchcraft. I think what they are actually saying is that there have been no confirmed sightings of animals other than feral ones. She woke from a dream that a woman was pounding on her door and then realized that there actually was someone at the front door. Where would you place it in the sentence? Example sentences with the word absolutely. He took a sip and found the flavor actually pleasing. Learned military authorities quite seriously tell us that Kutuzov should have moved his army to the Kaluga road long before reaching Fili, and that somebody actually submitted such a proposal to him. "You can't tell me you're actually surprised to see me," he teased. He knows someone was on to him in Pennysylvania so he might have been too spooked to actually show up here. Of all that Napoleon might have done: wintering in Moscow, advancing on Petersburg or on Nizhni-Novgorod, or retiring by a more northerly or more southerly route (say by the road Kutuzov afterwards took), nothing more stupid or disastrous can be imagined than what he actually did. How can it be said that trade actually generates wealth? If the consolidation took place with comparative uniformity we might then anticipate the formation of a vast multitude of small planets such as those we actually do find in the region between the orbit of Mars and that of Jupiter. Actually, until she met Alex, even she had assumed that Josh would eventually be her husband - though she wasn't in any big hurry. There is actually no place in this village for a work of fine art, if any had come down to us, to stand, for our lives, our houses and streets, furnish no proper pedestal for it. We know, however, that the Bruttians, though at this date speaking the same language (Oscan) as the Samnite tribe of the Lucani, were not actually akin to them. Soon everyone was zapping seeds and planting them and, lo and behold, it actually worked! Obviously he didn't actually believe that. It was actually too large for a frying chicken, but it worked. the suppression of the high-places, and states that the local priests were brought to Jerusalem and received support, but did not minister at the altar (2 Kings xxiii. "My object is simply to find out how the things actually occurred.". Anyone It isn't just that we can communicate better but that we actually relate to each other better. I put it there myself. actually / in fact Both actually and in fact can be used to modify or contradict a previous statement: I hear that you're a doctor. An exactly converse process must now be glanced at, whereby, instead of growing out of it, prayer actually generates spell. Giovanni's younger brother Giuliano was placed at the head of the republic, but the cardinal actually managed the government. In fact, the casual observer might think he was actually courting her. If you knew Mr. Cade nearly as well as you think you do, you would know that he is actually very sensitive. It is obvious that the final moral ideal is not realized in any body of civic institutions actually existing, but the same analysis which demonstrates this deficiency points out the direction which a true development will take. Actually, a protected childhood probably left her ill prepared for socializing. Need to translate "ACTUALLY PUT" from english and use correctly in a sentence? Could he actually be involved in anything less than honest? He treated her as if she were actually pregnant. I'll hack you with my saber! How to use actually in a sentence. Jackson actually began to feel a little respect for the guy. Actually, the silence was beginning to get on her nerves, but she didn't want him reporting that fact to her father or Denton. Actually, I just got off my shift and thought I'd check in on her. He was actually making an effort to please her as well. The sentence would work if you added in the word "we," as in: We "were" going to the movies. It took a moment before she realized that the continued sound was actually someone banging on the front door. If you're right and he's actually in this here bike ride, we've got seven days to find him. 6 Responses to “5 Cases for Requiring a Comma Before a Sentence Tag” Silvia G. Martínez on February 01, 2013 3:52 pm. Through their connection, she actually felt the emotion. - It is now considered that 2,000,000 is a moderate estimate of the species of insects actually existing. Did he actually think she would enjoy brute force, or was that merely an excuse? Every day in imagination I made a trip round the world, and I saw many wonders from the uttermost parts of the earth--marvels of invention, treasuries of industry and skill and all the activities of human life actually passed under my finger tips. They were actually married now - her identity merged indelibly with his. If the latter actually occurred, the hostility of the Israelite prophets is only to be expected. I've got a flight into Dallas tomorrow — well, actually it would be today — late evening. It's name is rather misleading; the hotel is not actually located on the harbor. In fact, things were going so well that she actually accepted an invitation to a valentine's party at Roxanne's house. The rule is really very simple. Was he actually concerned about the fact that she might have been killed, or that his hideout might have been discovered in a search for her body? Chad's next job will actually pay more than $10 an hour. When trying to determine the difference between "were" and "we're" versus "where," remember that "were" and "we're" are both "to be" verbs, or at least contain a "to be" verb; whereas, "where" always refers to a location. Sometimes the good guys actually win one—like this time. absolutely example sentences. Exactly. At the same time the Senate interpreted the law so as to exclude all but heads of families actually engaged in farming from the vote for the Duma. Was he actually avoiding conversation with his father? The Pupipara are also termed Eproboscidea (although they actually possess a well-developed and functional proboscis), and by some dipterists the Eproboscidea are regarded as a suborder .and contrasted as such with the rest of the Diptera, which are styled the suborder Proboscidea. Actually, it is not easy to define a sentence. I can't put up with it any longer. 56 sentence examples: 1. Just because thoughts are related, doesn’t mean they should all be in the same sentence. Yes, Alex did have kind eyes, though she had never actually thought of it that way before. Actually, what I said was that no one got to the point that they couldn't use more money. It was so strong this time that she actually felt nauseated by it. Those same stars twinkle over other fields than these.--But how to come out of this condition and actually migrate thither? Actually, she knew very little about the man with whom she had promised to spend the summer. It means I can trade you a good or service for an intermediate store of value known as money, and then trade that money to the person who actually has the goods I want. We... actually, I... was thinking about adopting a few wild horses from out west where they have too many. We don’t often put already in front position in informal speaking. The mind can imagine far more than life actually produces. Yet nobility, in some shape or another, has existed in most places and times of the world's history, while the British peerage is an institution purely local, and one which has actually hindered the existence of a nobility in the sense which the word bears in most other countries. "Let's pretend for a moment that I actually believe anything you're saying," he said. In the first place, he didn't actually earn a lot of that money on his own. It will be noticed that the difference between the greatest and least hourly values is, in all but three winter months, actually larger than the mean value of the potential gradient for the day; it bears to the range of the regular diurnal inequality a ratio varying from 2.0 in May to 3.6 in November. Actually, I thought you'd be glad I didn't trouble you with it. The hilltop is surrounded by a residential neighborhood and therefore is not actually a preserved battlefield park.

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