— Unsigned comment by at 12:00 on 29 April 2012 You find afflicted that start the quest in a random encounter, the encounter only occurs level 10+. The Only Cure The Only Cure (Peryite) This mission can be acquired by either an encounter with a random Afflicted or by finding the Shrine of Peryite in the rough terrain southeast of Bthardamz. 0. Bthardamz ruins. This is about midway and a bit north of a line drawn between Markarth and the Statue of Meridia. "The Only Cure" Questbug - posted in Skyrim Technical Support: I finished the "The Only Cure" Quest but after some time Peryite talked to me again while I did other Quests and I couldn't cancel it (I had to Quit the Game with the Task Manager). The Only Cure Quest Sucks! In order to meet him again, type ResetQuest WEJS14 and go to a random encounter spot. A Deathbell Flower (These grow around Morthal a lot). The Only Cure - p. 3 TES V: Skyrim Guide. I only can load a 2 weeks old savegame, but after 2 hours the bug came again. Now when I load an earlier savegame Peryite talks instant to me! A Silver Ingot (Buy at a blacksmith shop/smelt down silver ore). The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim The Definitive Edition Surfaces in Retail Listing: Jun 07, 2016: Are Skyrim Remastered, Prey 2, Wolfenstein 2 and Evil Within 2 Headed to E3? Like quite a few other unmarked locations in Skyrim, this setting is a bit of a grim tableau for a sinister past deed. Post Comment. The Only Cure - p. 2 TES V: Skyrim Guide. Next The Only Cure - p. 3 Prev The Only Cure ... Open the world map and look for Bthardamz to establish that it's west from your current location (screen above). Peryite's quest: The Only Cure Walkthrough. A Khajiit named Kesh has offered to help me commune with Peryite. 1. Description. He asked me to acquire a deathbell flower, … Killing Orchendor, obtaining unique Spellbreaker Shield. 5. ... return down and head south. Skyrim Remastered: SPELLBREAKER Location (The Only Cure - All Daedric artifacts Oblivion Walker Achievement Guide)! The ingredients are: A Flawless Ruby (Buy at a shop/get in a mine). Mar 26, 2014: Massive Sale on EU PlayStation Store Features Assassin's Creed, Skyrim, Fallout, Dishonored and Dragon Age Savings: Jan 28, 2014 If only Stage 0 = 1 then this is the case. 0. It seemed so empty and the Afflicted enemies weren't that strong. The Only Cure is a Quest in Skyrim.. Is it just me or did anybody find the Bthardamz dungeon necessarily long and boring?

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