It will retain brushstrokes and can be used to create thick textures and impasto effects. Priming media (to prepare your surface for painting); Finishing media (to protect your finished painting from dirt, UV, etc. Golden's GAC Mediums are the raw materials from which other acrylic mediums are created. Create a smooth flow of color with Sargent Art Acrylic Pouring Medium. Mix it with acrylic colors or apply it st... Sargent Art Acrylic Pearlescent Mixing Medium. This medium has a gloss or matte finish with good flexibility. This package contains one 32 ounce bottle of matte gel. The difference is that additives don't contain acrylic binders (like mediums do) so you must follow the label and use them in correct proportions. It can be applied to both rigid and flexible surfaces including wood, cloth, canvas, and paper. Crack size increases with thicker application. This medium also increases transparency and depth while maintaining viscosity. Apply a thin coat of the acrylic gel medium with the brush, being careful to keep brush strokes smooth and even (unless you really want to build up the brush strokes and … They dry to a matt... Use these modeling pastes to create interesting, textured surfaces. Liquithick Additive adds incredible structure and thickness to your paint, allowing you to achieve a wide spectrum of viscosities. Applied over gessoed canvas for staining techniques and watermedia applicat... Golden Glass Bead Gel is a clear acrylic gel with small, densely packed glass beads. The acrylic medium dries ... Make cells appear in your paint pours. This is a heavy body, translucent gel that creates a matte, non-reflective finish. Use them to prepare painting surfaces, achieve effects such as tra... Golden Gel UV Topcoats retain brushstrokes while protecting prints, paper, and other materials from fading. Use Golden Matte Mediums to extend acrylic paints while promoting even flow and leveling, and maintaining the film's stability. I'm a member of Blick's affiliate program, which means if you make a purchase after clicking on one of these links, I'll receive a small commission (at no extra cost to you). This permanent, non- yellowing, flexible and water resistant gel has a slow drying time and enhances blending. This paste is formulated to have the least possible effect on color change from wet to dry. Create perfect paint pours with Tri-Art Liquid Glass Pouring Medium. wood), using a palette knife, trowel or roller. Colors stay true and won't mix together. Quick-drying Vallejo Acrylic Fluid Medium dries flexible and waterproof. White and Off-White. DecoArt Pouring Medium is a fluid additive specially formulated to enhance paint flow. Flexible support: Mix Acrylic Modeling Paste 50/50 with Gloss Gel Medium, Matte Gel Medium, Gloss Heavy Gel Medium, or Super Heavy Gel Medium. Gel medium is milky white in the jar, but dries completely transparent. Mix small amounts of acrylic paint with Pearlescent Mixing Medium. Add Wetting Agent to water to improve the absorption of acrylic colors into porous surfaces and achieve rich stains on surfaces such as watercolor paper and unprimed canvas. Winsor & Newton Flow Improver increases flow and workability on non-absorbent surfaces for flat, even color and hard edges. Gel mediums are available in different types, like gloss & matte, and also different textures, which I'll discuss below. Retarders can be added to acrylic paint to extend the drying time of the paint for increased workability and blending time. System 3's rich pigmentation assures the strong, clear color definition demanded by professional printmakers. It's available in Gloss, Matte, and Satin formula... With the help of mediums, Winsor & Newton Artists' Acrylics may be used in a fluid, gestural manner and in heavier applications. It has the same viscosity as the New Masters Classic Acrylics. Formulated with marble dust and polymer emulsion, Liquitex Modeling Paste dries to a stone-like texture with a matte, opaque finish. These 100% acrylic polymer liquid mediums also decrease gloss and increase translucency. These 100% acrylic pol... Grumbacher Artists' Acrylic Medium & Varnish. Create a myriad of unique, customized textures, finishes, and special effects with Lascaux Acrylic Mediums, formulated with the same dedication to performance and quality as Lascaux Acrylic Paints. Truly indispensable for optimizing the qualities of Sennelier Extra-Fine Acrylique Paints, these modeling pastes allow for the creation of coatings and relief. This 2-hour Acrylic Painting Basics course on Skillshare will take you through the fundamentals of painting with acrylics in a concise, step-by-step manner. Use Gloss Medium and Matte Medium to change the surface and finish of M. Graham Acrylics, or acrylic paints of other manufacturers. They can be mixed with Holbein Acryla paints or any good-quality acrylic to extend paint volume and improve flow. Our Acrylic Gouache paints are designed to be semi-opaque and opaque, so opt for a transparent Soft Body, Heavy Body or Acrylic Ink mixed with Ultra Matte Medium or Ultra Matte Gel. item 5 GOLDEN Soft Gel Heavy 16 Soft Body Matte Acrylic Medium Liquitex Art Supplies 4 - GOLDEN Soft Gel Heavy 16 Soft Body Matte Acrylic Medium … This medium also serves as an excellent glue for collage projects. Golden Retarder is an additive for slowing the drying (open) time of acrylic paints and mediums. Types of Acrylic Mediums. Gloss Medium - Maimeri Acrylic Gloss Medium is a milky fluid that increases the brightness of acrylic colors, improving their film resistance. Or when you hear mentioning about ‘heavy gloss gel, they mean that it’s a thick acrylic medium which has no matting … Sy... Golden Acrylic Silkscreen Medium is a waterborne system designed to blend with Golden acrylic paints for silkscreen application. Use System 3 Acrylic Screen Printing Medium in conjunction with System 3 Acrylics for a safe, solvent-free alternative to traditional printmaking. This thick, opaque medium cracks as it dries. When used to extend colour it will impart its self-leveling properties to other Tri-Art Acrylic products. (The printed papers I printed on curled up.) Heavy Structure Gel maintains a satin finish. 75 ml (2.5 oz) bottle. Acrylic mediums can be added to acrylic paint to give different effects. Golden offers glazing liquid in satin and gloss sheens. All New Masters gel mediums can be mixed with New Masters Classic Acrylics and other New Masters Mediums. They mix easily with Tri-Art colors and mediums, or those from... Tri-Art Re-Harvested Acrylic Mediums are made with the environment in mind. Chroma Atelier Traditional Mediums contain a traditional acrylic binder that tends to dry quickly and forms a tough, water-resistant skin. This glossy, transparent, non-yellowing fluid medium is ideal for use with acrylic paints and silicone oil, which creates cell-like effects in paint. 8-oz. Pebeo Phosphorescent Gel absorbs natural or artificial light and re-emits it when the lights are turned out. Heavy Gel (Gloss) - Gives acrylic colors a high degree of drag and density. Slow-Dri Gel gives softer edges and great color blends. Build up solid forms and high reliefs with Pebeo Modeling Pastes, which may be tinted with acrylics or overpainted after hardening. All New Masters mediums can be mixed with New Masters Classic Acrylics and other New Masters Mediums. Use this paste as a universal screen printing medium. Liquitex Acrylic Mediums are made from 100% acrylic polymer emulsion and form durable films when dry. These Artists' Acrylic Mediums meet the highest standards, and when used to alter paint characteristics such as flow, transparency, gloss, and drying time, allow you to create a virtually endless array of creative effects. Truly indispensable for optimizing the qualities of Sennelier Extra-Fine Acrylique Paints, these modeling pastes allow for the creation of coatings an... Use modeling paste for building up surfaces. Gel medium also enhances the adhesive properties of the paint, which makes it suitable for collage work. They mix easily with Tri-Art colors and mediums, or those from other acrylic manufacturers, to create a variety of effects. This translucent gel extends the drying time of acrylic colors. Liquitex String Gel creates viscous, honey-like strings of color and a consistency that dries to a textured form with a wet-shine gloss. Use it alone or over any acrylic paint for an exciting accent. They range in consistency from pourable to moldable with varying degrees of sheen and transparency. They come in a number of specialized formulas. These are mediums without thickener for increasing the fluidity of acrylic paint. They can be used to create glazes, extend paints, and change finishes. They improve the fluidity of colors and create either a gloss or matte finish. Liquitex Slow-Dri Fluid and Gel Additive increases transparency and slows drying time by 40% without affecting color opacity, so you can work with acr... Maimeri Acrylic Retarder is a translucent gel that increases the drying time of acrylic colors. All mediums are acrylic-based and can be safely mixed together. Nepheline Gels are semi-transparent mediums used to create flexible, granular textures. No reduction in color strength occurs when mixed with Winsor & Newton Artists' Acrylic. This is a universal pearlescent gel. Use Golden Molding Paste Mediums to add textured relief to paintings. They alter the handling characteristics, appearance, or volume to produce an infinite variety of effects. There are mediums for oil paints, but they're smelly, toxic, and you have to be careful about how you use them or you risk paint cracking. Use on a variety of surfaces to create stunning pearlescent effects. Liquithick Additive adds incredible structure and thickness to your paint, allowing you to achieve a wide spectrum of viscosities. Mix with acrylic color or apply over the top of dry color to give a unique effect of "light interference." Acrylic mediums are yet another reason why I prefer acrylics over oils. This glossy, transparent, non-yellowing fluid medium is ideal for use with acrylic paints and silicone oil, which creates cell-like effects in paint. This is an ideal medium for use with New Masters... Add to Sennelier Extra-Fine Acrylique Paint to improve the fluidity, luminosity, and depth of the colors, and to create gloss glazes. Modeling Paste can be used to create a textured ground for painting, for collage, for relief sculpture, etc. Truly indispensable for optimizing the qualities of Sennelier Extra-Fine Acrylique Paints, these acrylic fluid mediums create a wide variety of effects and have an adhesive property that adapts well to collage and inlay work. Matte acrylic mediums provide a rougher surface to work on than gloss medium, but they may dry cloudy. Dries to a high gloss finish. Liquitex Matte Gel Medium is a heavy body, translucent gel that create a matte, non-reflective finish. Formulated to meet the unique needs of metal point artists, Golden's Silverpoint/Drawing Ground offers a metal receptive ground, applicable to a range of drawing supports. Gesso can be applied as a ground to any surface to improve the adhesive qualities of acrylic paint. Grumbacher 531 Acrylic Transparentizer Gel is a full-bodied acrylic painting medium designed to increase the transparency of semi-transparent and tran... Holbein Acrylic Gel Mediums offer professional quality at an affordable price. It has a high viscosity, good for achieving stiff peaks and crisp, rigid texture. Polymer mediums are translucent when wet, and they dry to a clear, flexible film whi... Tri-Art UVFX UV Reactive Mediums react under black light with glowing brightness, but remain virtually invisible in normal light. It increases the paint’s transparency and dries clear without diminishing its consistency or adhesive properties. The bottle cap has an attached dropper for precise application. Mix as much of this medium as you like into acrylic color to create your desired viscosity and transparency — the more you add, the thinner and more transparent your color will become. For use with Blick Artists' Acrylic paints. Kroma Crackle is a versatile, semi-opaque, acrylic gel medium that develops amazingly unique, organic textures as it dries. Formulated to meet the unique needs of metal point artists, Golden's Silverpoint/Drawing Ground offers a metal receptive ground, applicable to a range... Gel mediums produce a variety of textural and impasto effects. Take your learning further with these practical video courses from Skillshare and The Great Courses Plus. Make cells appear in your paint pours. Colors will dry to a matte finish. Truly indispensable for optimizing the qualities of Sennelier Extra-Fine Acrylique Paints, these acrylic fluid mediums create a wide variety of effect... Utrecht Illuminating Medium is a light-bodied acrylic medium that increases the chromatic intensity of acrylic colors of all opacities. No color shift occurs when mixed with Winsor & Newton Artists' Acrylics. Mix it with Sargent Art Acrylics and other scholastic and student acrylics. Once fully cured, it ca... Winsor & Newton Artists' Acrylic Modelling Paste. This gel is ideal for use with acrylic color to create moderate to heavy impasto structure. They can be used to create glazes, extend paints, and change finishes. I’m a paying subscriber to both of these platforms and happily recommend them as a cost-effective way to take your painting to the next level. Texture gels imitate certain textures, such as sand, ceramic stucco and glass beads. Gel medium alters the consistency of paint, adding sheen and volume, and making texture from brush and knife marks more visible. Create fun and easy paint pours and fluid paintings with Chromacryl Pouring Medium. Use it to create a grainy, sand-like finish with acrylic paint. It increases the work... Old Holland New Masters Acrylic Silk Screen Medium. Liquitex Palette Wetting Spray slows the drying time of acrylic color on palette or canvas. Always mix in the medium after you've mixed the colors together. Add to Winsor & Newton Artists' Acrylics to build thin layers of glowing, brilliant color, achieve maximum transparency, or to improve flow. This medium thins acrylic paint to the ideal consistency for po... Use Demco Acrylic Silicone Oil to make cell effects in your next acrylic pouring work. All New Masters gel mediums can be mixed with New Masters Classic Acrylics and other New Masters Mediums. Apply it to canvas, wood, cardboard, plaster, concrete, masonry, and other surfaces. It's useful for "wet-in-wet" techniques and for reducing skinning on the palette. Create perfect paint pours with Tri-Art Liquid Glass Pouring Medium. Fredrix Powdered Marble Dust can be used to make acrylic modeling paste, glue base gesso, and all water and oil dispersed paints. Create puddles, drips, ribbons, and more with Chroma Atelier Pouring Medium. Build up solid forms and high reliefs with Pebeo Modeling Pastes, which may be tinted with acrylics or overpainted after hardening. Use acrylic mediums to add texture to paint, including crackling, stucco, sand, and glass bead effects. Acrylic liquid dries to a porous, paper-like surface with high absorbency. Hollow acrylic microspheres work to scatter light and radically increase hiding power. Use Slow Drying Medium in a maximum ratio of 1:1 to increase drying time up to twice the normal time. It will... Winsor & Newton Artists' Acrylic Gel Mediums. Silicone Oil Cell Medium creates cell shapes when mixed with Vallejo Pouring Medium and Vallejo Acrylic Artist Fluid Colors. Developed for students and artists who require dependable quality at an economical price. Most mediums can be added to the paint in any amount until you've the achieved the desired effect, but it's possible for additives to weaken the color and adhesion of the paint when overused. They use re-harvested particles from other manufacturing processes to crea... Utrecht Pumice Stone Gel Medium is a heavy-bodied texture medium. Flow improver, sometimes called "wetting agent" or "flow aid" (depending on the brand), is another additive you must use sparingly. Ideal for creating rigid textures and 3D forms, it is fully intermixable with any Liquitex product, readily accepts paint or stains, and can be carved or sanded once dry to achieve your desired shape. It can be mixed with acrylic colors in any proportion. All photos, images and text are copyright protected. Texture gels are granular paste gels containing additives to create special textured effects without affecting color stability or permanence. REEVES-Liquitex Matte Gel. Use Holbein Acrylic Modeling Pastes to build up richly textured surface forms on canvas, board, or other painting substrates. They use re-harvested particles from other manufacturing processes to create beautiful textural mediums. Just add a few drops this acrylic painting medium to a mixture ... Golden Pouring Medium is a low-crazing extender for creating acrylic pours and puddles. Crack size increases with thicker appli... Kroma Crackle is a versatile, semi-opaque, acrylic gel medium that develops amazingly unique, organic textures as it dries. Choose from gloss or matte finish formulas. This gel is ideal for use with acrylic color to create moderate to heavy impasto structure. Used for making textures or grounds for drawing, Golden Pumice Gel Mediums dry to a hard film. The technical and plastic qualities of each medium let artists create new materials and textures. Golden Acrylic Silkscreen Medium is a waterborne system designed to blend with Golden acrylic paints for silkscreen application. Use them to modify the working characteristics and appearance... Golden Gloss Medium is a general-purpose liquid polymer for creating thin, fast-drying glazes, extending colors, enhancing gloss, and increasing film integrity. It's available in Gloss, Matte, and Satin formulas and comes in plastic bottl... Self-leveling Vallejo Pouring Medium is ideal for techniques of dripping, pouring, and direct application on large surfaces. Mortars can be applied directly or mixed with acrylic color for tinting, to create reliefs and coatings. This fun acrylic glaze goes on clear and dries clear to reveal iridescent glitter. For bes... Pebeo Phosphorescent Gel absorbs natural or artificial light and re-emits it when the lights are turned out. Golden Clear Leveling Gel is a thick, fluid acrylic medium designed to produce an even film with excellent clarity. Its thin, water-like consistency prevents brush marks. All mixable with other acrylic brands. Utrecht Acrylic Gel Mediums are fully intermixable with all brands of acrylic paint. Matte medium is the most transparent of them all. Acrylic-painted surface. A medium of intermediate viscosity, quick-drying Vallejo Medium is flexible and waterproof when dry. Achieve amazing textures and patterns with Golden Crackle Paste. It comes in plastic bottles. It is helpful for an artist to learn how to use acrylic mediums in your painting. It can be tinted with acrylic paints before application or painted over once dry. Milky and translucent when wet, Opacifying Medium dries to an ... Use polymer mediums for extending any viscosity of acrylic paint. It retains brush strokes and extends paint volume. In the examples above, the ultra matte gel has the cloudiest appearance, followed by clear gesso, and matte gel. Without getting too technical, it was initially an acrylic substance used to build texture in paintings by mixing with acrylic paint. Natural sand lends a granular effect to Pebeo Studio Acrylics Sand Texture Gel - pre-tinted in your choice of colors so you can spend less time mixing... Nepheline Gels are semi-transparent mediums used to create flexible, granular textures. These artist-grade acrylic mediums can be used to alter paint characteristics such as flow, transparency, gloss, and drying time for a virtually endless array of creative effects. This is a great product for those with limited budgets. Liquitex Matte Gel Medium. Formulated with glittering mica, Liquitex Iridescent Medium can be used to give your acrylic colors a smooth, iridescent finish while increasing trans... Old Holland New Masters Classic Pearlescent Tinting Gel Medium. Imported. I love acrylic mediums because they make acrylic paints so versatile! Golden Wetting Agent is a concentrated additive that reduces the surface tension of water to improve wetting and increasing the flow of acrylic paints... Increases the flow, absorbency, and blending of any water-based paint, ink, or dye, while minimizing brush strokes. You can also mix gloss and matte mediums together in equal parts to achieve a kind of semi-gloss. ); Working mediums (my own term for all those acrylic mediums we use while painting our actual art). All New Masters mediums can be mixed with New Masters Classic Acrylics and other New Masters Mediums. Add to Sennelier Extra-Fine Acrylique Paint to improve the fluidity, luminosity, and depth of the colors, and to create gloss glazes. Add to paints... Old Holland New Masters Acrylic Gel Mediums. It is opalescent and extends the drying time of colors. The more you add, t... Liquitex String Gel creates viscous, honey-like strings of color and a consistency that dries to a textured form with a wet-shine gloss. Mediums can thicken or or thin paint, make it dry slower, add a glossy sheen or give your painting an interesting texture. It also improves color blending. Gel medium – Golden and Liquitex are my favorites; choose whether you want a matte or glossy finish. This thick, opaque medium cracks as it dries. Create a myriad of unique, customized textures, finishes, and special effects with Lascaux Acrylic Mediums, formulated with the same dedication to per... Use Gloss Medium and Matte Medium to change the surface and finish of M. Graham Acrylics, or acrylic paints of other manufacturers. Extenders, flow enhancers, and pouring mediums are great for creating acrylic pour artwork. Utrecht Acrylic Gel Mediums offer acrylic painters an array of options for altering the luminosity, texture, workability, and sheen of their colors. Created for Bantock’s book Pharos Gate (the fourth volume of his Griffin & Sabine series), this work contains approximately sixty collage fragments attached with matte medium, together with acrylics (impasto and glaze) and chalk pastels bound with matte gel and finished with a 50/50 mix of matte and gloss acrylic varnish. Formulated from 100% pure acrylic polymer emulsion, it is white when wet, and d... Utrecht Acrylic Gel Mediums offer acrylic painters an array of options for altering the luminosity, texture, workability, and sheen of their colors. How to use Acrylic mediums and gels to improve your painting techniques. It is made from pH neutral basic calcium carbonate. Create unique designs by mixing this marbling medium with acrylic craft paint. It retains brush strokes, Dries transparent and is permanent, non-yellowing, flexible, and water resistant when dry. Ranger 1/ 2 oz Multi Medium Matte Acrylic Gel. Modeling paste, sometimes called molding paste, is like gel medium but thicker and harder. translucent by the addition of a clear medium such as Nova Color #204 Matte Medium, #205 Matte Varnish, #206 Gloss Medium & Varnish, or #216 Exterior Varnish, or by mixing with transparent colors. It also improves adhesion to chalky surfaces. If you'd like a more in-depth course, this 24-lecture How to Paint course from The Great Courses Plus will teach you all you need to know about painting. Combine it with fluid acrylics to create exciting effects and even flow and suspension. Mix into Heavy Body Acrylic to extend volume and maintain viscosity Mix into Soft Body or Acrylic Ink to extend volume and thicken This is semi-opaque when wet, transparent when dry - when used very thickly it may dry semi-opaque Apply with a brush as a collaging glue and fixative This medium has a gloss or matte finish with good flexibility.... Golden Clear Leveling Gel is a thick, fluid acrylic medium designed to produce an even film with excellent clarity. If you sign up for a free trial via the links below, you’ll get instant access to the course, and I’ll receive a small commission that helps support this site. item 4 Reeves Liquitex Matte Acrylic Gel Medium-8Oz 5321 3 - Reeves Liquitex Matte Acrylic Gel Medium-8Oz 5321. Not to be used without permission. Ideal for canvases, wood panels, and other flat art su... DecoArt Pouring Medium is a fluid additive specially formulated to enhance paint flow. Mix with acrylic color to increase gloss, transparency, an... Winsor & Newton Galeria Texture Gel Mediums. The Fine Modeling Paste has a creamy consistency and can be used to build up textural effects. Slow-Dri Fluid Mediums slow drying time by 40% while increasing transparency, allowing you to work with your paints for longer and create great color ... Liquitex Slow-Dri Gel slows drying time for 40% and increases surface gloss, color depth, and transparency, so you can work with your paints for longer. This medium adds texture and luminous effects similar to condensa... Used for making textures or grounds for drawing, Golden Pumice Gel Mediums dry to a hard film. Create puddles, drips, ribbons, and more with Chroma Atelier Pouring Medium. Mix it with colors and mediums at up to 15% concentration to increase open time and allow for greater manipulation. It can be intermixed with other Liquitex products to achieve unique effects. It's available in Gloss, Matte, and Satin formulas and comes in plastic bottles. Grumbacher 531 Acrylic Transparentizer Gel is a full-bodied acrylic painting medium designed to increase the transparency of semi-transparent and transparent acrylic colors while maintaining the consistency of tube colors. Shake well before use. All New Masters gel mediums can be mixed with New Masters Classic Acrylics and other New Masters Mediums. 500 ml jars. Golden Acrylic Gel Mediums offer artists many ways to build texture. It is water soluble and dries rapidly to a transparent, water-resistant finish. Convenient one-step formula. It has a unique resinous, stringy consistency resulting from the leveling property. Matte Medium Because acrylic paint is already naturally glossy, matte medium is handy when a more subtle, non-reflective finish is needed. They are best applied with a painting knife. Milky and translucent when wet, Opacifying Medium dries to an optically opaque matte finish. Clear and non-yellowing. When used to extend colour it will impart its se... Add Tri-Art Liquid Glass Cell Flow Medium to dirty paint pours to create mesmerizing cell-like shapes in the paint. It has a unique resinous, stringy ... Liquitex Pouring Medium creates even puddles, poured sheets, and flowing applications of color without crazing or cracking. This flexible medium thickens color and allows artists to build up depth in layers after allowing each to dry. Make sure you don't buy glazing medium that contains oils because it's not compatible with acrylics. Gel medium is a white, paste-like gel that will thicken your paint so that it retains brushstrokes, which is great for impasto techniques. Create a smooth, high-end finish for your acrylic paintings with DecoArt Clear Pouring Topcoat. REEVES-Liquitex: Matte Gel. No reduction in color stre... A highly economical medium, Winsor & Newton Galeria Extender increases the volume of paint and maintains opacity. Just add a few drops this acrylic painting medium to a mixture of pouring medium and fluid acrylics, and pour the mix onto your painting surface. When mixed with acrylic paints, they give you a myriad of different way... Add texture, adjust paint flow, and alter the working properties of your Basics Acrylic Colors and other student-grade acrylic paints with Liquitex Basics Acrylic Mediums. They are... Golden Interference and Iridescent Heavy Body Acrylic Paint. They're fun to experiment with and can really enhance certain artworks. Winsor & Newton Flow Improver increases flow and workability on non-absorbent surfaces for flat, even color and hard edges. The Coarse Modeling Paste features a fantastic gritty feel and good, even application. It is water solu... Winsor & Newton Artists' Acrylic Glazing Medium. Mi... Old Holland New Masters Acrylic Glazing Medium. This medium thins acrylic paint to the ideal consistency for pouring, without sacrificing adhesive properties or slowing the drying time. These fine products from Chroma allow you to gain control over the painting process. Matte Medium is ideal for large projects where transparency is not desired. Use modeling paste for building up surfaces. Mix as much Liquitex Iridescent Medium as needed into acrylic colors to create the iridescence and viscosity you desire, or use alone to add shimmering highlights. Certified AP non-toxic. Utrecht Iridescent Tinting Medium is a medium-bodied acrylic base used to create a smooth, pearlescent, metallic-like effect when mixed into acrylic colors. Mix them with acrylic mediums and paints, such as Golden acrylics, to create thick impasto layers. Liquitex Palette Wetting Spray slows the drying time of acrylic color on palette or canvas. Polymer mediums are translucent when wet, and they dry to a clear, flexible film which has excellent resistance to water and ultraviolet radiation. Acrylic Gel Medium Gel Medium is a great multipurpose medium that is mostly used to add body to paint for impasto techniques, so that it retains brushstrokes, as well as extending color volume and adding transparency without compromising the consistency and adhesive properties. : Usually you will have a matte or glossy finish without crazing has the same viscosity the! Surface and finish of M. Graham Acrylics, or Standard Gel whether you want enhance... Pouring Topcoat, heavy-bodied acrylic emulsion used to create gloss glazes which I 'll discuss below non-toxic and! Gloss or matte finish medium dries to a hard film in your paint will achieve above I demonstrate matte gel acrylic medium and... 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