HONG LEONG ISLAMIC BANK BERHAD (686191-W) Page 1 of 17 ... “Business Day” means a day on which HLBB/ HLISB is open for business in West Malaysia, ... OPERATION(S) OF ACCOUNT 6.1 The minimum age requirement for the subscription of HLTIA-i shall be no less than eighteen (18) years old. Current Accounts. 0000010845 00000 n Siam Legal makes it easier for you, by providing an assistance in opening a bank account in Thailand. 0000008791 00000 n 0000021448 00000 n Requirements to Open a Bank Account in Malaysia. Have deposit of HKD 200,000(or its equivalent in foreign currencies) or above. Now, generally, only local and known customers can open conventional Hong Kong bank accounts. Go to the nearest Chinabank branch in your area. 0000014898 00000 n There was a time when Hong Kong was one of the easiest places in the world to open a business account, with no limits on the transfer of international funds. 0000033910 00000 n ... BUSINESS INFORMATION REQUIREMENT. 0000013040 00000 n 0000001750 00000 n 0000036855 00000 n Open bank account now! Hong Leong Investment Bank Berhad (“HLIB”) takes a zero-tolerance position on bribery and corruption and is guided by our corporate values which call upon us to act professionally, fairly and with integrity in our business dealings and relationships. Get in touch with our SME Specialist at 1800 338 8338 Is there a minimum age to open a trading account? 0000014472 00000 n 0000002404 00000 n Funny parts with maybank account activated, sign few papers for cheque book all done at last notice by officer “ouch” system doesn’t recognise 13 digits registration number. Declare that all information furnished to Hong Leong Bank Berhad (HLB)/ Hong Leong Islamic Bank (HLISB) are complete, true and correct and will immediately inform HLB/HLISB of any changes to the same and authorize HLB/HLISB to verify and obtain any other information Last call on our 'Book Now, Travel Later' deals to Pahang, Penang, T... erengganu and more! Save for a better future. 85 0 obj <> endobj xref 85 36 0000000016 00000 n With over 100 licensed banks and a plethora of banking services, there are many types of accounts geared to your needs. details for productdetail page promotion, Savings Account Furnish the particulars required to open the account and declare that all the information is correct. The teller will provide you the application form. You are only required a low initial deposit of RM20 to open this account. Checkout today with your HLB Cards. A savings account to cater to your basic banking needs at minimal cost with lots of features and benefits. Open an account in minutes from your smartphone with Apply@HLB. 0000031109 00000 n 0000037308 00000 n Note: Please click here to see how to open DBS Account 1. ��ΏAد�����4���v`l4 K���ho�s_����A��U+�m��/���E��Y�E6��p��N�M���I���ex�ߗ�gm�)W�WsƢ�& Please click HERE for the exhaustive list of fees and charges. 0000006708 00000 n As we can only assist customers who have an existing HSBC Hong Kong relationship, you would need to first open an account within Hong Kong. Undertake to inform the Bank of any changes to your details. ��!r��ӍD��Bh�[�I(۠��IH��Y��B���q�6^to+�{���c �-����d��8������'e'�;#5M��� � ���(�m�a�ɝ$�5��/��`0B�-�r��Y��cM2�1t�"���\d,|�֙�V\� 8��t�� L)^ ����tj����'�����&2�+D�)�Ō�A�X �$H�8���/�@8N�ŭh�Q+���L���5���)! 0000014498 00000 n ... controlled or affiliated with or in any way related to Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited or any member of Standard Chartered Group ( the "Bank"). 0000002291 00000 n If I am not an HSBC Hong Kong customer, can you still help me to apply for an overseas account? Protected by PIDM up to RM250,000 for each depositor. 0000016836 00000 n 0000015867 00000 n Hong Leong Bank and Hong Leong Islamic Bank have become the first bank in Malaysia to offer online-only onboarding and account opening, following the introduction of e-KYC guidelines in the country. Open a fuss free, low-cost account from your mobile phone in minutes. *�u=)��{["�[�⠔'aA�l�9�cNQ���Y��vȑ�1o8�O��=.Ń�.vZm�:�� �^ic��3��R/i����I#����ٓ����ቚkrS�BЀBhP4!�]�����t���hil�l���@C���W�L���p��M��tm�L�@�٘����A#��D'�T p�\�fI ����3 Compared to some countries in the world, opening a bank account in Hong Kong is relatively easy and straightforward. 2. 0000015457 00000 n Edit here to enter Fill up the application form. The minimum requirement of DBS Account is to have deposit of HKD 200,000. A. HONG LEONG BANK HONG LEONG ONLINE BUSINESS 1. Min. While the actual requirements may vary, most of the documents you need to open a bank account in Malaysia are similar. Unfortunately, this is an account for non-residents, clubs, societies and associations. Malaysian citizens and permanent residents aged 18 years and above can open this account singly or jointly. If you already have your work permit, a non-immigrant B visa, a non-immigrant O-A visa, or a non-immigrant visa for business, then you should be eligible to open an account with most banks. 0000019747 00000 n %���F˥ٔe NZ�"XӼ*V�����d��Q J ��� :�=M��P�T��!����A�3AF�Ɲ�(����P5 ��!�1����+f<5:��iq��xq��gS���9�n� �v^$a�@ybg�`�b!Kd蓲�Ev�X&|��Y�V\A���k��۹��2� J-?�q�KU-���m���*F�EAm�����a�`4�,���RD��:@�i`.� Pu��X��--��B1 Keep track of your finances with monthly e-statement that is accessible 24/7 via Connect online / mobile banking. %PDF-1.5 %���� To open an integrated account through the HSBC HK Mobile Banking app as an existing customer, you have to meet the following criteria: Reside in Hong Kong; Be between 18-65 years old; Hold at least 1 sole deposit account or joint account (either to sign) with HSBC; Not hold a sole integrated account with HSBC Interest is calculated daily and paid half-yearly. However, there are still many banks which will allow you to open a current account without one, such as Bangkok Bank which is a main bank in Thailand. All designed to cater for the different needs and lifestyles of the customers. 0000033828 00000 n Able to open a savings/current account in one of the biggest bank … H�TWKn-� �{��{"R%�3�2���d`x��ªb���ˢ~d�H��Ѯ=��5�|��~���������]������=�4�~��?r�߿?���j�c�Kӽ.ۯ�f���F�?~�W�������� �s�8������~p�� ����'�FF�L �V�y����e7�\�;L�G�i�˹h�V����p�ě3�p���M��99�`g�8�dvdw�y�Mó�7�뗽����R&�4l�c��l�\z:m Access and manage your account through Hong Leong Connect online and mobile banking app, ATMs and branches nationwide. 1. 0000027980 00000 n Yes, the minimum required age is 18 years old. Personal or joint, aged 18 or above. Hong Leong Bank Savings Account Interest Rate 0% to 0.05% p.a. �1��E�`���u��ڹ1]֕���tت�˭�$�0c2M�������՝���p�A�Z^v&�� Em)�;��:֩�M��J��ځyHC��vӦT�����v���fT�p���=81�}���;�� ߀�BS;��-[C�tw�E 5�V�S�1:�w�K�UС��^������q���� pC;�'�g��Wf7?�͂~��)fQC��� `��&��)������5\�=!ӱ��%����8=͆�T"T ����]�Q�$$ Benefits. 0000017530 00000 n 3 Easy steps to open savings account in Chinabank. 0000037132 00000 n >, Reservation of Intellectual Property Rights. Hong Leong Bank with you 24/7. FOREIGN ACCOUNT TAX COMPLIANCE ACT (“FATCA”) DECLARATION Select one of the following: For Office Use: Make sure to bring the requirements listed above. Hong Leong Bank Basic savings account allows you to deposit money, keep it safe, and withdraw funds, all while earning interest. Current Account. Accountholders can be single-named or joint. Do I need to apply online if I am already a client of Hong Leong Investment Bank? Savings Account. Instilling savings habits at a young age. 0000014077 00000 n We wish to remind you on our terms on the use of links, Disclaimer and Reservation of Intellectual Property Rights. Hong Leong Finance provides deposits, loans and corporate finance for SME & Corporate in Singapore. Open a Basic Savings account online in 3 simple steps now! Provide the Bank with all such documents/forms, as may be prescribed by the Bank, together with your specimen signature for sighting/verification by the Bank's authorised officer. D�h��k��������B~Gm�*���'���&���R�TC��]�B��y�4t��cА�3撝�r��Q��O@��ﱶ�'��lk�ZѰ�C�ƛ65�]��mG�t �9����X%�;"^�VtL��o�@�#�{������Y3�~4%����J�>�v+��5� I@�����d{@ 0000002255 00000 n Letter of Approval from the Ministry of Commerce (MOC) Annual Tax Declaration. BOCHK helps maximise your wealth potentials with innovative, professional and diversified services, striving to become Your Premier Bank. 0000001813 00000 n HL Bank Singapore offers a host of personal financing products and services ranging from loans, savings / current accounts, online banking, mobile banking and more. Fixed Deposit. The only exceptions are children under 18 years old who apply for US, Australia and Canada accounts. Required documents to open Business Current Account: Cambodian National IDs/Passports of the authorized Signatories and Board of Director (s) Certificate of Incorporation. Hong Leong Investment Bank Bhd (via email/ phone call) dividend will be credited into your trust account within 7 days 3. “THAT approval be and is hereby given for the Company or its successors in title to apply for the services and / or facilities described as “Hong Leong Online (Business)” and such other services Open a bank account online via Hang Seng Personal Banking mobile app or make an appointment now. 0000001016 00000 n Go to the new account section and advise the teller you’re going to open a savings account. Hong Leong Bank Berhad 193401000023 (97141-X) Hong Leong Islamic Bank Berhad 200501009144 (686191-W) Our Artificial Intelligence Advisor is ready to assist you Chat with Us 12. 0000033758 00000 n 4. 0000042579 00000 n Min. Deposit RM200; Hong Leong Islamic Saving Account-i Profit Rate 0.15% to 0.8% p.a.
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