Sorting Crotalaria names. [13] Toxicity resulting from excessive copper has also resulted in altered effects that have been found to affect the cellular and molecular levels of the plant. Feedipedia link Canna X generalis. [14] The structures of chloroplasts have been affected by the excess of copper, which ultimately resulted in decreased pigmentation levels of Crotalaria juncea. May–September. Puttupodarayarala – India (Telugu) Vallaris solanacea. Solid steadfastness in the material consciousness. [11] A highly applicable method of soil remediation known as phytoremediation has been specifically shown to be effective as when used in soils contaminated with heavy metals. [9] However, researchers in Brazil hypothesized that planting and incorporating Crotalaria juncea with animal manure could enhance the nutrient mineralization pattern for agricultural crops. Leal, M. A. D. A., Guerra, J. G. M., Peixoto, R. T., & de Almeida, D. L. (2007). Sunn Hemp is a many-branched species.The stems are up to 2 cm in diameter, cylindrical and ribbed.The leaves are spirally arranged along the stems, hairy, simple, oblong-lanceolate or elliptical in shape, 4-13 cm long x 0.5-3 cm wide. Puta-tanni-maram – India (Tamil) Careya arborea. Crotalaria in Africa and Madagascar 372. Phytoremediation has been demonstrated to be effective as for correcting Crotalaria juncea found in soils contaminated with herbicides. [9] This is because soils that consisted of this composition avoided immobilization of nitrogen while increasing the levels of phosphorus and potassium within the soil. Calyx c. 1.8–2.0 cm long, pubescent, teeth linear-lanceolate. Fl.Per. Crotalaria juncea is identified as a plant that is an important summer cover crop in southeastern United States. A kind of rare mushroom is found in Jharkhand. The ambiguity of whether sunnhemp is self-pollinated or cross-pollinated crop paved the way for our study. - may be Crotalaria juncea, but the habit makes some confusion. Utilization of organic compost as substrate for vegetable seedling production. [6] It is particularly beneficial because of its resistance to root-knot nematodes and is also a soil improving crop via nitrogen fixation. When the application of phosphate is coupled with the inoculation of Rhizophagus clarus, the result is a synergistic effect that allows copper toxicity levels to be reduced through various mechanisms. Crotalaria juncea is the fastest growing and most important species of the Crotalaria genus. More specifically, the vegetable seedling production of lettuce, beetroot, and tomatoes was measured by observing the shoot height, fresh mass production in shoots and dry matter, and leaf number. The presence of compounds that cause unpalatability, which are poisonous under some conditions, is typical of the genus Crotalaria. The valuable fibre is obtained from its long stem. 95:342-345. Fruit c. 2.5–3.2 cm long, sessile, pubescent, 10–15-seeded. [8] Furthermore, Crotalaria juncea’s allelochemical effect may have practical applications for weed management.[8]. As other species of the genus Crotalaria, it contains poisonous glucosides (pyrrolizidine alkaloids). The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Entries with "juncea" Chinese: …Chinese mulberry Chinese mushroom Chinese mustard, Chinese mustard cabbage (Brassica juncea) Chinese National Standard Chinese New Year Chinese noodles Chinese number…. Crotalaria has a were from plains of central Tamil Nadu south India wide tolerance of edaphic conditions. However, an excess of copper in plant tissues has demonstrated the potential of affecting both physiological and biochemical processes including photosynthesis. Chem. Herbarium Catalogue (17 records) Date Reference Identified As Barcode ... Kew Names and Taxonomic Backbone The International Plant Names Index and World Checklist of Selected Plant Families 2020. 1)..“பன்னி—panni” The most understood meaning of this word in Tamil is a ‘pig’.. Despite the prominence of crotalaria as green manure in recent years, studies are needed to evaluate the selectivity of herbicides. Crotalaria juncea is an annual erect shrubby herbaceous legume growing to a height of 1-4 m.It is strongly taprooted and has several lateral roots. English Summary: Crotalaria juncea: Potential Multi-Purpose Fiber Crop which will mprove soil fertility also [7] The current method of oil extraction is known as the soxhlet based extraction which has an oil yield of 13% in four hours at 37 degrees Celsius. Chromosome Number : 2n = 16. Zancheta ACF , Abreu CA, Zambrosi FCB, Erismann NM. Names of Plants in India :: Crotalaria juncea L. Showing 1-3 of 3 messages. {Synonym} Crotalaria sericea Willd. HortScience, 47(1), 138-142. Common Name: Sunn Hemp. To rectify this, animal manure is often used to supply agricultural crops with nutrients. Another meaning of ‘panni-பன்னி’ is that it is the name of a kind of plant called ‘Sunn-hemp- -Crotalaria juncea’—Commonly known as ‘Jute plant..’’SaNal-சணல்’ in Tamil..’shaNa-शण-ஸ (ஶ)ண’ is the Samskrit word.. ~~~25/08/19~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. The website also provides access to a database and images of plants photos and herbarium specimens found at … Sunnhemp (Crotalaria juncea L.) belonging to the family Fabaceae is having wide range of industrial utilization as fibre crop, fodder crop and green manure. Accessed: 2020 Nov 01. Hussey, G.J. Crotalaria sericea Willd. Tamil Name- Dikamalapi, Sinna kambil Telugu Name- Telbampa. Tamil Name Botanical Name English Name ... Brassica juncea கடுகு ... Crotalaria verucosa linn கிழுவை மரம்: Not Available கிளுவை Commiphora beryii கீரி: Pemphis acidula கீரி: Tamarix gallica linn கீரிப்பூண்டு: Ophiorrtrizza mangos linn. These mushrooms are found deep under the soil near the Sal trees. japonicaHerb 2 Ranunculaceae Anemone rivularis Buch.- Ham.ex DC. The crop is grown for green manure, as a soil improver and as a disease break in cereal or other crop rotations ( Tripathi et al., 2013 ). 2020. Habitat Throughout the plains of India, especially in South India. For documenting flora of India that is being discussed on efloraofindia google e-group along with supplementing the working of the group. Common names Cascavelle in French Grand Sonnette in French Grand Tcha-tcha in language. Crotalaria juncea L. Crotalaria juncea Willd. Pollination is the key mutualism between two kingdoms of organisms. International Plant Names Index. Botanical Name: Crotalaria juncea. Properties Sensitivity to water supply levels English Sun Hemp. Crotalaria juncea has many practical applications in the modern world. Crotalaria fenestrata Sims Crotalaria porrecta Wall. Thai Forest Bull., Bot. Our website has detected that you are using an outdated insecure browser that will prevent you from using the site. COC 92061 was grown alone or intercropped with sunnhemp [Crotalaria juncea] or dhaincha [Sesbania rostrata]. Milne-Redh. Canna – Français, Anglais. Silva, T. O. D., & Menezes, R. S. C. (2007). கீரை: Amaranthes gangeticus கீழாநெல்லி: Phylanthus An erect annual, up to 3.5 m tall.Laxly branched, depending on plant density: there may be a single stem in dense stands. Restriction recommendations in terms of hay to be offered to cattle vary between 10 and 45% of the animals' diet. (“Indian hemp”) or Crotalaria verrucosa Linn. The majority of (Table - 1). This tall shrub is cultivated throughout India, particularly in Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal and U.P. Sun Hemp in different Languages : Vakkunnar ( Tamil ), Gilaka ( Telugu ), Pundi ( Malayalam ), Chanaka ( Hindi ), Masina ( Kannada ), Sunn hemp ( English ) Many ascending branches are velvet-hairy. Gerhardt, Karen E., Xiao-Dong Huang, Bernard R. Glick, and Bruce M. Greenberg (2009) Phytoremediation and Rhizoremediation of Organic Soil Contaminants: Potential and Challenges. Industrial Crops and Products, 71, 89-96. The method of phytoremediation functions effectively in decontamination and remediation by using microorganisms and plants to remove, transfer, stabilize, or destroy harmful elements. Web. In fact, a process optimization method for the extraction of oil from Crotalaria juncea is being researched in order to utilize the fuel value in Crotalaria juncea. Crotalaria juncea L. appears in other Kew resources: IPNI - The International Plant Names Index. -> Crotalaria incana L. subsp. Host race status of 11 populations of Heterodera cajani from eight states viz. Media in category "Crotalaria juncea"The following 30 files are in this category, out of 30 total. Skinner, E. M., Díaz-Pérez, J. C., Phatak, S. C., Schomberg, H. H., & Vencill, W. (2012). We’re sorry, but GBIF doesn’t work properly without JavaScript enabled. Despite the high levels of copper in the soil of Crotalaria juncea, mechanisms have been determined which can reverse the toxic effects of copper and allow for growth of the plant. The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 85(6). Please enter your feedback regarding the status of this name in New Zealand. 70(4):737-744. Please send info., photos to Crotalaria juncea: Andana Hiriya--kuttu-Crotalaria laburnifolia,Crotalaria verrucosa (bird flower) Yak Beriya---A large, much branched herb Crotalaria pallida, Crotalaria spp: Andanagiriya--- Local names: Hindi: San, Sonai Manipuri: Chingenjhin Bengali: Shon, Sanpat Malayalam: Chanaka, Vakku Marathi: Tag Oriya: Sanpat Telgu: Gilaka, Shanama, Janumu Kannada: Pundi, Saab Tamil: Vakkunnar. 207.Vyagrapada = Gymnosporia spinosa (see Vikankata) 208.Vyamaka = costus specious (குரவம் in Tamil; Chengalvagoshu in Tel) 209.Sana = Crotalaria juncea = (Sanabu in Kan., Ayurvedic Shana, Shanapushpi, Malyapushpa. The Atlas of Florida Plants provides a source of information for the distribution of plants within the state and taxonomic information. The Sunnhemp Research Station of Uttar Pradesh further researched Crotalaria juncea’s genotypic impact on fibre yield. Crop Scientific Name Biomass Nitrogen percentage (Moist) Sunnhemp: Crotalaria juncea: 21.2: 0.43: Dhaincha: Sesbania aculeata: 20.0: 0.43: Dhaincha: Sesbania rostrata Common names are from state and federal lists. Chromosome Number: 2n = 16. Evaluation of sunnhemp (Crotalaria juncea) genotypes for high fibre yield. சணல். Crotalaria juncea is also being considered as a potential source of cellulosic ethanol for biofuel. Plan de travail parfait. [6] This genotype can even be used as a template for future breeding. Psychic tranquillity. Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo, 31(1), 51-61. Feedipedia, a programme by INRA, CIRAD, AFZ and FAO. This plant has no children Legal Status. Family Papilionaceae; Fabaceae. Application - has vernacular Full Name Sun hemp Name Id bcfe47a0-8dfe-4891-9c20-88977adacb5e According To NZFLORA (2012-) New Zealand Plant Names - Name based concepts. (“blue rattlepod”) from the Fabaceae or “legume” family of flowering plants, according to verse 4.66-67 of the 13th-century Raj Nighantu or Rājanighaṇṭu. Botanical Name: Crotalaria juncea L. Family: Papilionaceae. Cultivated soil high in copper levels has proven to be effective in increasing the growth of Crotalaria juncea. Rehm, S. 1994. Similar phrases in dictionary English Tamil. Annual herbs; stems erect, up to 130 cm long, ridged, appressed short-pubescent. (Western Weeds) LOCAL NAMES Bengali (shonpat,shon,ghore sun); English (brown hemp,sunn MEDICINAL USES OF SUNN HEMP (CROTALARIA JUNCEA LINN): A REVIEW ARTICLE Dr. Sandeep Malik*1, ... local names in different regions in India. [17] Phosphate uptake is significantly improved in the presence of AMF, which functions to effectively reduce the amount of available heavy metals. Source: WorldCat: Rāj nighaṇṭu. Synonyms: See "Status", "Confidence level", "Source" for definitions. ... Crotalaria juncea is an erect, laxly branched annual plant growing 1 - 3 metres tall with a strong and deep tap-root system[303. The species name juncea was given to this plant by Linnaeus because of its resemblance to Spartium junceaum L., the Spanish broom of the Mediterranean region with its green rush like, scantily-leaved branches. Crotalaria juncea. The species name juncea was given to this plant by Linnaeus because of its resemblance to Spartium junceaum L., the Spanish broom of the Mediterranean region with its green rush like, scantily-leaved branches. In addition, phytoremediation is effective in removal of copper, which has been identified as a metal strongly present in the soil of Crotalaria juncea. What does crotalaria juncea mean? [3], It bears yellow flowers and elongate, alternate leaves.[5]. We suggest you upgrade to a modern browser. Searchable World Wide Web Multilingual Multiscript Plant Name Database (MMPND) (on-line resource). (Papilionaceae) in Thailand. Additionally, other research also observed Crotalaria juncea’s potential in being used as an organic compost. You better refer the revision on genus Crotalaria by Dr. A. Learn how and when to remove this template message, "The Plant List: A Working List of All Plant Species". Kabała, Katarzyna, Małgorzata Janicka-Russak, Marek Burzyński, and Grażyna Kłobus (2008) Comparison of Heavy Metal Effect on the Proton Pumps of Plasma Membrane and Tonoplast in Cucumber Root Cells. [14] Excessive copper levels can ultimately result in depletion of necessary nutrients. [18] The symbioses with AMF and soil supplementation of phosphate allows for the promotion growth of Crotalaria juncea. [2], It is now widely grown throughout the tropics and subtropics[2] as a source of green manure, fodder and lignified fiber obtained from its stem. Preferred Name Crotalaria juncea (In use by NZOR) No subordinate taxa. Radiat. Meaning of crotalaria juncea. Assessor: Chuck Chimera Data Entry Person: Chuck Chimera WRA Score 1 Crotalaria tenuifolia Roxb. Sunn hemp is locally used as fodder ( Sarkar et al., 2015 ). Porcher, M. H. et al. Family: Fabaceae. Status C. juncea is an introduced species in the United States and the genus Crotalaria is listed as a noxious weed in Crotalaria radiata Merr. Title … Crotalaria viminea Wall. A revision of the genus Crotalaria Linn. Small undershrub found in Low-country areas. An Crotalaria juncea in uska species han Magnoliopsida nga ginhulagway ni Carl von Linné.An Crotalaria juncea in nahilalakip ha genus nga Crotalaria, ngan familia nga … [6], Another practical application of Crotalaria juncea includes fuel. The report will display the kingdom and all descendants leading down to the name you choose. Rugra. Sunn hemp is also being looked at as a possible bio-fuel. -> Crotalaria juncea L. Crotalaria pubescens Moench -> Crotalaria incana L. Crotalaria purpurascens Lam. Fodder: C. juncea is widely used as forage in Sri Lanka and southern Africa. The species name juncea was given by Linnaeus referring to the plant's green, rushlike, scantily leaved branches resembling Spartium junceaum, the Spanish broom of the … Cite this page: Amitié avec le Divin. Sinhala and Tamil names unidentified. Botanical Name : Crotalaria juncea. FAMILY BINOMIAL HABIT 1 Ranunculaceae Anemone hupehensis Lemoine ex Boynton var. Sun hemp is a rapid growing crop that is used for fibre production in Indo-Pakistan. Heuzé V., Thiollet H., Tran G., Lebas F., 2018. [4] It can be an invasive weed and has been listed as a noxious weed in some jurisdictions. The Crotalaria kanchiana is morphologically resembling with C. juncea but differs in having 2–6 flowers in inflorescence and 2–4 seeds in a pod. Ethnobotany C. juncea has been grown as a fiber crop in India since 600 BC (Treadwell and Alligood, 2008) and is still used for fiber production in India and Pakistan (Wang and McSorley, 2009). Liberation. Definition of crotalaria juncea in the dictionary. Amitié supramentale avec le Divin. Organic fertilization of potato with manure and, or, Crotalaria juncea: II-soil N, P, and K availability throughout the growing season. Brassica juncea: Brassica juncea (Translingual) Proper noun A taxonomic species within the family Brassicaceae – Indian mustard, often used as mustard greens.,,,,, Svenska kärlväxtnamn (2011) Databas levererad av Thomas Karlsson 2011-06-16. Process optimization for the extraction of oil from Crotalaria juncea using three phase partitioning. Description. Pedicel c. 3–7 mm long. JUN-kee-uh -- rush-like ... Dave's Botanary. In field studies at Cuddalore, Tamil Nadu in 1994-96, sugarcane cv. Sun hemp seeds (Crotalaria juncea) Common names: Sun hemp, Indian hemp, Madras hemp. Crotalaria juncea L. – sunn hemp Subordinate Taxa. Some of the … Species Crotalaria juncea L. – sunn hemp P Enter a scientific or common name at any rank. Crotalaria juncea L. Common Name: Sunn Hemp: Habitat: ** Associated Ecological Communities: ** Growth Habit: Herb: Duration: Annual: Category: Vascular: USDA Symbol: ** Plant Notes: Sunn Hemp is an introduced herbaceous annual in the Bean Family (Fabaceae). Tamil-lexicon. stem ming. comes from the sound made when their pod-like fruit is shaken, causing the seeds to “rattle” around inside. Bract minute; bracteoles 2, below the calyx. wjpmr, 2020,6(11), 31 … Sanskrit Synonyms of Nadihingu: Janthuka- Effective against intestinal worms Pinda- It can be rolled to bolus form after collection Ramatha, Palasha, Vamshapatra, Venupatri, Hingushivatika, Hingupatri, Pindahva, It is to be noted that Nadi hingu and Hingu are different herbs told in Ayurveda. Crotalaria juncea Answer Corchorus is a genus of about 40–100 species of flowering plants in the family Malvaceae , native to tropical and subtropical regions throughout the world. Crotalaria incana: SHAKESHAKE: Crotalaria juncea: SUNN HEMP: Crotalaria lanceolata: LANCELEAF RATTLEBOX: Crotalaria ochroleuca: SLENDERLEAF RATTLEBOX: Crotalaria pallida var. along with discussion & documentation of Indian Flora. Noxious Weed Information; This plant is listed by the U.S. federal government or a state. Information and translations of crotalaria juncea in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. 11:135. Efloraofindia (earlier Indiantreepix) is the largest Google e-group in the world in this field & largest nature related in India devoted to creating awareness, helping in identification etc. Crotalaria juncea in Kew Science Plants of the World online. We delivers 500+ medicinal plants with pots, seeds & … ADVERTISEMENTS: 1. Being grown as a cultivated crop in Brazil Photograph by: Secretaria de Agricultura e Abastecimento. Ciscato, R. Valcke, K. van Loven, H. Clijsters, F. Navari-Izzo (1997) Effects of in vivo copper treatment on the photosynthetic apparatus of two Triticum durumcultivars with different stress sensitivity. View Show abstract Ânanda dans le corps physique. [12] Crotalaria juncea found in soils contaminated with herbicides revealed high phytoremediation capacity. Its cultivation begins during the onset of monsoon season as its productivity grows in the course of this season. VIETNAMESE: Cây mung, Suc sat, Luc lac. Herb 3 Ranunculaceae Aquilegia vulgaris L. Herb 4 Ranunculaceae Clematis gouriana Roxb. Crotalaria juncea, known as brown hemp, Indian hemp, Madras hemp, or sunn hemp,[2][3] is a tropical Asian plant of the legume family (Fabaceae). 4. It is generally considered to have originated in India. This plant has no children Legal Status. Sunn hemp is an annual, about a meter or more tall. Noxious Weed Information; This plant is listed by the U.S. federal government or a state. Crotalaria juncea L. – sunn hemp Subordinate Taxa. jute, hemp, flax, Crotalaria juncea References [ edit ] Johann Philipp Fabricius (1972) , “ சணல் ”, in Tamil and English Dictionary , Tranquebar: Evangelical Lutheran Mission Pub. Another effective approach in decreasing the levels of copper in Crotalaria juncea is with the use of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). Crotalaria juncea. Crotalaria juncea Fabaceae - Papilionoideae L. Photography courtesy of Western Weeds CD-ROM. [17] Phosphate has been demonstrated to be effective in reducing the level of toxicity in Crotalaria juncea, resulting in promotion of plant growth. [7] Furthermore, the optimization factors that were identified include ammonium sulphate and butanol, pH, and temperature, and these factors impact the oil yield. [17] This ultimately allows for the increased growth of Crotalaria juncea in spite of having been cultivated in high levels of copper. Sunn hemp is not related to industrial hemp or marijuana. Family : Fabaceae. [9] Field and greenhouse experiments were used to test this hypothesis. Etymology - Genus name Crotalaria means rattle, indicative of the sound made by the seeds when shaken in the mature pods. Similarly, Crotalaria juncea can be used to improve nutrient patterns in agricultural plants. Petiole c. 1.2–2.5 mm long; stipules almost absent. Crotalaria. Buy 500+ Medicinal Plants, Seeds in online at Medicinal Live | Largest Medicinal plants supplier in india - First, it is a source of natural fibre. Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Gujarat, Haryana, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Punjab, Tamil Nadu and Uttar Pradesh, was evaluated. The name ‘rattlebox’ for Crotalaria spp. Common names are from state and federal lists. Cousens, J. Dodd and S.G. Lloyd. After measuring the amounts of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium in the soils, it was discovered that Crotalaria juncea along with only half the usual dose of goat manure produced the best results. Toxicity. Important data that was collected across the plant genotypes include height (cm), basal diameter (mm), green biomass weight (q/ha), fibre weight (q/ha), and stick weight (q/ha). Published online. (1) sunhemp (crotalaria juncea) சணப்பு, சணற்பை. Researchers in Brazil looked into the best composition of organic compost using various combinations of Crotalaria juncea and Napier grass. {Synonym} Crotalaria tenuifolia Roxb. Accessed Nov 01 2020. Canna indica. The major significance of Crotalaria juncea lies in its valuable bast fibre, which makes up abo ut 8% of the dry stem weight. It is used for cordage, fishing nets, ropes, and more. Crotalaria juncea L. kroh-tuh-LAR-ee-uh -- Greek krotalos; refers to sound, dried pods make when shaken ... Dave's Botanary. Ferreira, Paulo Ademar Avelar, Carlos Alberto Ceretta, Hilda Hildebrand Soriani, Tadeu Luiz Tiecher, Cláudio Roberto Fonsêca Sousa Soares, Liana Veronica Rossato, Fernando Teixeira Nicoloso, Gustavo Brunetto, Juçara Terezinha Paranhos, and Pablo Cornejo (2015) Rhizophagus Clarus and Phosphate Alter the Physiological Responses of Crotalaria Juncea Cultivated in Soil with a High Cu Level. Studies have also shown that phosphate and Rhizophagus clarus are capable in altering the physiological responses of Crotalaria juncea that is found in soil high in copper levels. The Alabama Plant Atlas is a source of data for the distribution of plants within the state as well as taxonomic, conservation, invasive, and wetland information for each species. [8] Crotalaria juncea, reduced both the germination and seedlings of various crop species (bell pepper, tomato, onion, and others). Phys. Sunn hemp (Crotalaria juncea). Stem ridged and pubescent, up to 2 cm in diameter.Leaves are simple; oblong-elliptical, 4‒13 × 0.5‒3 cm, pilose; petiole up to 0.5 cm long. {Synonym} The website also provides access to a database and images of herbarium specimens found at the University of South Florida and other herbaria. A. Ansari for the confirmation. I think C. juncea is an erect plant and in the picture it does not seem to be erect. 2020. THAI: Po thueang, Po tuang. Hana in Sinhalese Indian-hemp in English Klapperbælg in Danish Krotalyariya Sitnikovaya in Russian Madras-hemp in English Sanhanf in German Sannai in Hindi Sannai in Hindi Sonnette in language. Sunn Hemp Shows Promise as Biofuel Source. Crotalaria juncea L. Accepted Name Bengal Hemp Plantae > Tracheophyta > Equisetopsida C. Agardh > Fabales > Fabaceae > Crotalaria > Crotalaria juncea L. The record derives from ILDIS (data supplied on 2010-07-14) which reports it as an accepted name (record 6022 ). ex DC. C. juncea for shelter and food. Journal of Plant Physiology 165.3: 278-88. Four different genotypes of Crotalaria juncea were observed for three years to determine which genotype would yield in a high fibre yield. Leaf simple, c. 2.5v10.5 cm long, c. 6–20 mm broad, linear or oblong, obtuse or subacute, apiculate, pubescent on both sides, hairs appressed, silky. {Synonym} Crotalaria fenestrata Sims {Synonym} Crotalaria ferestrata Sims {Synonym} Crotalaria porrecta Wall. The allelochemical activity in Crotalaria juncea was in the leaves and remained active for 16 days after harvest. Polhill, R. M. 1982. Chaudhary, B., Tripathi, M. K., Bhandari, H. R., Pandey, S. K., Meena, D. R., & Prajapati, S. P. (2015). 03 Jul 2020,, Crotalaria Juncea - Sunn Hemp - Grass Seed (PDF papers), Crotalaria Juncea - Sunn Hemp - Basic Information Paper,, Articles needing additional references from January 2017, All articles needing additional references, Wikipedia articles incorporating a citation from the New International Encyclopedia, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 4 September 2020, at 17:10. Published on the internet. Horticultura Brasileira, 25(3), 392-395. Materials and methods [10] The various compounds that were observed include, 100% Crotalaria juncea, 66% Crotalaria juncea with 33% Napier, 33% Crotalaria juncea with 66% Napier, 100% of Napier, 33% Crotalaria juncea with 66% Napier where 5% of the mass is cattle manure, Crotalaria juncea 33% with 66% Napier which includes 100 liters of 5% dilute Agrobio (biofertilizer), and finally, 100% Napier which also includes 100 liters of 5% dilute Abrobio. [15] There are, however, studies that have indicated that Crotalaria juncea has a high tolerance to copper concentrations in the soil and root systems which are beneficial traits for phytostabilization programs.[16]. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the tolerance of Crotalaria breviflora, C. juncea, C. ochroleuca and C. spectabilis to pre and post-emergence herbicides. Vallāī-vikālū in the Tamil language is another name for Śaṇapuṣpī, a medicinal plant identified with either Crotalaria juncea Linn. Crotalaria juncea is the fastest growing and most important species of the Crotalaria genus. [10] The objective was to find the mixture between Crotalaria juncea and Napier grass that would yield the highest vegetable seedling production. Keighery, R.D. Species on this page ( A = names approved by most authorities, s = approved as synonyms) : ... Crotalaria porrecta Wall. Dutta, R., Sarkar, U., & Mukherjee, A. Putokputukan – Tagalog (Malay) Crotalaria juncea. Sun Hemp in different Languages: Vakkunnar ( Tamil ), Gilaka ( Telugu ), Pundi ( Malayalam ), Chanaka ( Hindi ), Masina ( Kannada ), Sunn hemp ( English ) Introduction. Scientific Name: Crotalaria L. (Fabaceae) juncea L. Related Plants. Description Top of page. Automatic translation: sunhemp. Sunn hemp ( Crotalaria juncea L.) is a multipurpose tropical and subtropical legume grown in many countries, notably India, mainly for its high quality fibre. obovata: SMOOTH RATTLEBOX: Crotalaria pumila: LOW RATTLEBOX: Crotalaria purshii: PURSH'S RATTLEBOX: Crotalaria retusa: RATTLEWEED: Crotalaria rotundifolia: RABBITBELLS: Crotalaria … [9] In other words, Crotalaria juncea was able to improve the overall nutrient mineralization pattern for agricultural crops. purpurascens (Lam.) Souza LCF, Canteras FB, Moreira S (2014) Analyses of heavy metals in sewage and sludge from treatment of plants in the cities of Campinas and Jaguariuna, using synchrotron radiation total reflection X-rayfluorescence. However, a novel three-phase partitioning based extraction shows an oil yield of 37% in two hours at 37 degrees Celsius. Formative faculty in the mind. Corolla bright yellow. For instance, soil fertility in Paraiba, Brazil is generally low. Crotalaria juncea holds a relatively high fuel value. Animals are reported not to eat C. juncea when it is green; forage should be dried. [10], Although reported to contain antinutritional factors such as alkaloids, sunn hemp is grown for fodder to feed cattle, mainly in India.[2]. 4. Puulā – India (Tamil) Bombax ceiba. Sanskrit synonyms. It is generally considered to have originated in India. Crotalaria Juncea in Tamil Potential Multi-Purpose Fiber Crop Sunn Hemp fibre use in Tamil Sunn Hemp cultivation in Tamil improve soil fertility.

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