In the present age, people are so absorbed in mundane activities that it is not possible for them to read all the Vedic literatures. – Gita Mahatmya. All the Upanisads are like a cow, and the milker of the cow is Lord Shri Krishna, the son of Nanda. Because Bhagavad-gita is spoken by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, one need not read any other Vedic literature. The Glorification of the Bhagavad Gita from the Padma Purana as told by Lord Shiva to Parvati. We have to accept this fact and thus understand the historical significance of Bhagavad-gita, without misinterpretation, on the authority of Krsna. Traditionally devotees come to Kurukshetra (Dharmakshetra) and recite Bhagavad Gita from early morning until the next morning, perform arati to Bhagavad Gita and to Krishna and Arjuna upon the chariot, offer lamps ‘deep daan’ at Brahma Sarovar, shloka recitals, shobha yatras and seminars on the significance of the Gita today. 0 0 upvotes 0 0 downvotes. The Gita lucidly explains the nature of consciousness, the self, and the universe. Bhagavad-gita and its speaker, Lord Krsna. Every man is in difficulty in so many ways, and in the same way Arjuna also was in difficulty in having to fight in the battle of Kurukshetra. हिंदी श्रील प्रभुपाद लीलामृत - अक्रूर दास - चंडीगढ़। Prabhupada Lilamrita - Akrura Das The Bhagavad- Gita is considered by eastern and western scholars alike to be among the greatest spiritual books the world has ever known. This one book, Bhagavad-gita, will suffice, because it is the essence of all Vedic literatures and especially because it is spoken by the Supreme Personality of Godhead. You need to be a member of ISKCON Desire Tree | IDT to add comments! From Gita Mahatmya by Adi Shankaracharya. By drinking the Ganges waters of the Gita, the divine quintessence of the Mahabharat emanating from the holy lotus mouth of Lord Vishnu, one will never take rebirth in the material world again. gitadhyayana-shilasya, pranayama-parasya canaiva santi hi papani, purva-janma-kritani ca. The very purpose of Bhagavad Gita is to deliver mankind from the sufferings of this world. Explore All Books. To interpret Bhagavad-gita without any reference to TRANSLATION. Krishna gives assurance that He will save us from the effects of … But this is not necessary. A total of 8 times of 700 verses of Gita chanting will be made as an offering to Their Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishnachandra on the Hare Krishna Hill. One who, with a regulated mind, recites with devotion this Bhagavad-gita scripture which is the bestower of all virtue, will attain to a holy abode such as Vaikuntha, the residence of Lord Vishnu, which is … Therefore, ekam sastram devaki-putra-gitam: let there be one scripture only, one common scripture for the whole world, Bhagavad-gita. a) Because the battle was to take place at dharma-ksetra, which is a place of pilgrimage b) Because pandavas were virtuous by nature c) Both a & b d) None of these. gita su-gita kartavya, kim anyaih shastra-vistaraihya svayam padmanabhasya, mukha-padmad vinihsrita. Dec. 4, 2020, 11:50 a.m. Prabhupada Marathon Mahatmya with Adikarta Das. Show Filters Showing all 4 results-15%. Do not fear.” Thus the Lord takes all responsibility for one who surrenders unto Him, and He indemnifies such a person against all reactions of sins. One may cleanse himself daily by taking a bath in water, but if one takes a bath even once in the sacred Ganges water of Bhagavad-gita, for him the dirt of material life is altogether vanquished. karmapy ekam tasya devasya seva: and let there be one work only — the service of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Then you can start reading Kindle books on your smartphone, tablet, or computer - no Kindle device required. ... Bhagavad Geeta Mahatmya explained by Amarendra Dāsa - Duration: 25:10. Read Bhagavad-Gita online. Report an Issue | Terms of Service, © 2021 ISKCON Desire Tree | IDT Buy/Gift a Gita. Bhagavad-gita. 2 Steven J. Gelberg, ed., "Interview with Shrivatsa Goswami" in Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna: Five Distinguished Scholars on the Krishna Movement in the West (new York: Grove Press, 1983), p. 212. Krsna. By A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. In a very clear and wonderful way the Supreme Lord Krishna describes the science of self-realization and the exact process by which a human being can establish their eternal relationship with God. “This Gitopanisad, Bhagavad-gita, the essence of all the Upanisads, is just like a cow, and Lord Krsna, who is famous as a cowherd boy, is milking this cow. Answer. gita-shastram idam punyam, yah pathet prayatah puman. श्रीकृष्ण कथा की महिमा GITA MAHATMYA OF PADMA PURANA - गीता महात्म्य - The Glories of Bhagavad-gita: Chapter 2 ... Live from iskcon Rohini Delhi by HG keshav murari Das & team. Bhagavad Gita As It Is. 24:19. Arjuna is just like a calf, and learned scholars and pure devotees are to drink the nectarean milk of Bhagavad-gita.” (gita-mahatmya 6). “This Gitopanisad, Bhagavad-gita, the essence of all the Upanishads, is just like a cow, and Lord Krishna, who is famous as a cowherd boy, is milking this cow. Please check your browser settings or contact your system administrator. In this present day, people are very much eager to have one scripture, one God, one religion, and one occupation. 01. The purpose of Bhagavad-gita is to deliver mankind from the nescience of material existence. Uploaded by ... Lord Krishna. ekam shastram devaki-putra-gitameko devo devaki-putra evaeko mantras tasya namani yanikarmapy ekam tasya devasya seva. Bhagavad Gita. eko mantras tasya namani: and one hymn, one mantra, one prayer — the chanting of His Name: Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare / Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare. Then what to speak of a person who gira reads Bhagavad-gita? krishna Gita Mahatmya Recited. 814 views. Please understand that the first five chapters are My five heads, the next ten chapters are My ten Arms, and the Sixteenth Chapter is My stomach. With search engine, art gallery, original Sanskrit, word meanings and purports. The Bhagavad-gita is universally renowned as the jewel of India's spiritual wisdom. Bhagavad Gita is Krishna's battlefield discussion with Arjuna. In the present age, people are so absorbed in mundane activities that it is not possible for them to read all the Vedic literatures. Every man is in difficulty in so ma… paathe'asamarthah sampoornam tato'rdham paathamaacharet; If one properly follows the instructions of Bhagavad-gita, one can be freed from all miseries and anxieties in this life and one’s next life will be spiritual. maline mocanam pumsam, jala-snanam dine dinesakrid gitamrita-snanam, samsara-mala-nashanam. In other words, by devotionally reciting the Gita, the cycle of birth and death is terminated. Therefore, let there be one scripture only-Bhagavad-gita. Spoken by Lord Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead to His intimate disciple Arjuna, the Gita's seven hundred concise verses provide a definitive guide to the science of self realization. The last two chapters are My lotus-feet. You become the authority of understanding Bhagavad-gita." One need only attentively and regularly hear and read Bhagavad-gita. “One may cleanse himself daily by taking a bath in water, but if one takes a bath even once in the sacred Ganges water of Bhagavad-gita, for him the dirt of material life is altogether vanquished.” (gita-mahatmya 3), Because Bhagavad-gita is spoken by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, one need not read any other Vedic literature. Mahatmyas make up a genre (Gita Mahatmya, Mathura Mahatmya, etc. Glories of Chanting Bhagavad-gita. Now here is a direction that Bhagavad-gita is especially instructed to Arjuna, the devotee of … COMMENTARY: This is to test and confirm the faith of the reader in the Bhagavad Gita, which is not a mere philosophical book but the word of God and should therefore be studied with great faith and devotion. The messages contained in the Bhagavad Gita are universally applicable to all, irrespective of their country or religion. Get your copy of now. ), and there are other Bhagavata Mahatmyas besides the one referred to in this article. Arjuna is the calf, the beautiful nectar of the Gita is the milk, and the fortunate devotees of fine theistic intellect are the drinkers and enjoyers of that milk. Oh Lord, now I long to hear from You the glories of Srimad Bhagavad-gita, which was spoken by Lord Krishna, and by hearing which, one’s devotion to Lord Krishna increases”. 18:26. Srimad Bhagavadgita Mahatmya Sahit Code 16 Sanskrit Hindi (Hindi Edition) Enter your mobile number or email address below and we'll send you a link to download the free Kindle App. Bhagvat Gita Mahatmya (Glories) by Adi Shankaracharya. Arjuna is just like a calf, and learned scholars and pure devotees are to drink the nectarean milk of Bhagavad-gita.” (Gita-mahatmya 6) Telugu. So you, you take it and you distribute it. “If one reads Bhagavad-gita very sincerely and with all seriousness, then by the grace of the Lord the reactions of his past misdeeds will not act upon him.” (gita-mahatmya 2) The Lord says very loudly in the last portion of Bhagavad-gita (18.66): “Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me. Bhagavad-gita is a transcendental literature which one should read very carefully. Bhagvad Gita As It Is – Telugu ₹ 351.00 ₹ 299.00 Add to cart-15%. Glories of Bhagavad Gita Chapter 3. Krishna Lila. One need only attentively and regularly hear and read Bhagavad-gita. sarvopanishado gavo, dogdha gopala-nandanahpartho vatsah su-dhir bhokta, dugdham gitamritam mahat. Describing the Mahatmya of the Thirteenth Chapter of Gita titled ‘Kshetra Kshetragna Yoga’, Maha Deva told Devi Parvati that on the banks of River Tungabhadra in the Southern part of Bharata Varsha, there was a popular Kshetra called Harihara Nagar where Vedic Brahmana Hari Dikshith lived. BG; Gita Mahatmya; The Glories of Chapter […] Past time. Bhagavad-gita is the essential nectar of the Mahabharata, and it is spoken by Lord Krishna Himself, the original Visnu.” (gita-mahatmya 5) Bhagavad-gita comes from the mouth of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and the Ganges is said to emanate from the lotus feet of the Lord. TRANSLATION Why Dhrtarastra had the fear of losing the battle? Free Shipping! The Glorification of Bhagavad-gita: Gita-mahatmya. It is the essence of India’s spiritual wisdom, the answers to questions posed by philosophers for centuries. গীতা মাহাত্ম্য পাঠ বাংলা কথা gita mahatmya and importance of reading bhagavad gita in our daily life. Bhagavad Gita teaches us the right way to lead our life. gItAyAH paThanaM kRtvA mAhAtmyaM naiva yaH paThEt| vRthA pAThO bhavEttasya zrama Eva hyudAhRtaH||21|| Chapter wise summary of the Bhagavad Gita, ISKCON Book Distribution (Web store) Sankirtan Department, ISKCON Temple, Hare Krishna Land, Juhu, Mumbai, Maharashtra, 400049. Srila Prabhupada began a magazine called Back to Godhead.He wrote many books which you can buy at The Gita Mahatmya generates this devotion in one’s heart. (gita-mahatmya 4), “One who drinks the water of the Ganges attains salvation, so what to speak of one who drinks the nectar of Bhagavad-gita? gita-shastram idam punyam, yah pathet prayatah pumanvishnoh padam avapnoti, bhaya-shokadi-varjitah. by The Hare Krishna Movement in Chapter 1: Observing the Armies on the Battlefield of Kuruksetra Tags: A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, As It Is, Battlefield of Kuruksetra, Bg.
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