We build them. Antoine Bechamp was able to scientifically prove that germs are the chemical by-products and constituents of pleomorphic microorganisms enacting upon the unbalanced, malfunctioning cell metabolism and dead tissue that actually produces disease. That's an article Antoine Béchamp & Terrain Theory: Pasteur Plagiarizes and Promotes A Poor But Profitable Theory That Has Likely Sickened Us All (The Planet Too) This time, hopefully can give benefits to all of you. The germ theory was partly shaped around Pasteur’s idea that the human body is sterile, meaning it is a blank slate devoid of any germs. During his long career as an academic and researcher in nineteenth century France, Béchamp was widely known and respected as both a teacher and a researcher. Louis Pasteur Vs Antoine Béchamp and The Germ Theory of Disease Causation - 1 We do not catch diseases. Additional Vitamin C and Magnesium are required for this “mega-dosing” protocol. In contrast to Pasteur, Claude Bernard and Antoine Bechamp (1816-1908), another contemporary of Pasteur, believed disease was a condition of imbalance in the internal terrain of body. On the other hand, you have total control over your body. Antoine Béchamp’s Terrain theory – ‘clean the bowl’ Around the same time that Pasteur was making his discoveries, another esteemed French scientist, Antoine Béchamp, proposed a different view. Excellent delve in health. From the descriptions of the two theories, you might recognize that Melaleuca, Inc is a company overwhelmingly focused on the “terrain” approach. The germ – or microbial – theory of disease was popularized by Louis Pasteur (1822-1895), the inventor of pasteurization. And yes, there will be more reading about this subject as I am awaiting the arrival of two new books- Listed at the end of this report Known as the “terrain theory,” Bechamp’s idea was seen to be the direct opposite of Pasteur’s germ theory… Nutrition:  Melaleuca has some of the finest research-proven nutritional supplements on the market, all designed to improve one’s overall internal health (terrain). Bechamp versus Pasteur. This theory states that there are fixed, external germs that invade the body and are the direct cause of a variety of separate, definable diseases. Looking into Antoine Bechamp’s work (a contemporary of Louis Pasteur) you will find he was widely regarded as a quack, that the body of his work is “comprehensively wrong” as one author put it. If you truly want to get well, you need to kill whatever germ made you sick and do whatever possible to make “sure” that you never allow a microbe to enter your body in the first place. It was first proposed by French scientist, Antoine Béchamp, who most Americans have never heard of. Stay home if you feel bad. In microbiology, the idea of terrain is today quietly resurgent. Pasteur's work in preventing beverage contamination led him to discover that it was due to microorganisms and led him to become the first scientist to prove the validity of the theory and to popularize it in Europe. Remember the key factors for improving your terrain: It makes sense to wash your hands and keep your home as disinfected as possible, but you may not have much control over “germs” when you leave home. You can achieve a healthy pH with diet if you eat the right foods, but baking soda is the easiest and fastest way to raise your pH to a neutral or slightly alkaline level. Newer Post →, Newsletter 402: Taking Care of Winter Skin If you truly want to get well, you need to kill whatever germ made you sick and do whatever possible to make “sure” that you never allow a microbe to enter your body in the first place. In essence, he believed the quality of the terrain and the elements it faced determin… October 19, 2020, Safe to Go Outside? Proper pH:  A balanced pH is important to good health. The Germ Theory of Disease Causation. She talks about this at around 4:30 in the video. Liberal Activist is Brutally Raped, Again and Again, in Haiti by a Black Man, but She Blames White Men! Detoxification:  Melaleuca has a plethora of products to help reduce your “toxic load” including non-toxic cleaning, personal care, and beauty products. Disinfect your countertops. Meet Sexy Pin-Up Girl, DUI Suspect Kassie Raelyn Rowan. She attributes this to the fact that her mother gave everyone in the family a half teaspoon of baking soda every day. October 19, 2020, Trump Covid Treatment / Preparing Your Terrain for Second Wave Bernard, Bechamp, and their successors believed that disease occurs to a large extent as a function of biology and as a result of changes that take place when metabolic processes become imbalanced. From the descriptions of the two theories, you might recognize that Melaleuca, Inc is a company overwhelmingly focused on the “terrain” approach. In essence, he believed the quality of the terrain and the elements it faced determined an individual’s susceptibility to disease. Germ Theory Terrain Theory Germ Terrain Duality Theory Disease arises from germs outside the body. Disease arises from germs within the cells of the body. If you choose to supplement with Melaleuca vitamins and nutraceuticals and maintain a healthy pH level, you create a “hostile terrain” for viruses. When it comes to our health, the Western world has largely adopted the germ theory, meaning we need to identify and destroy anything we deem as a foreign invader, as it is directly responsible for causing disease. This means nutrition, detoxification, proper pH, and mindset are key factors you consider important in disease prevention and elimination. : A Lost Chapter in the History of Biology Paperback – Nov. 2 2011, Written by the man himself! Germ theory vs. Terrain theory; Louis Pasteur (1822 – 1895) vs. Antoine Bechamp (1816 – 1908) Allopathic vs. Naturopathic; Kill the bad vs. If you choose to supplement with Melaleuca vitamins and nutraceuticals and maintain a healthy pH level, you create a “hostile terrain” for viruses. “The microbe is nothing: the terrain is everything.” (Attributed to Louise Pasteur) It is extremely disappointing to realize that even as Pasteur was dying, he would not give credit for the demonstration of this fact to whom it was due – Antoine Béchamp. This volume contains new editions of two books which have been available only sporadically in the decades since their publication. May 21, 2020, Melaleuca Product Research and Reviews Newsletter, © 2021, Melaleuca Product Research and Information. ... [1912] The Blood and the Third Anatomical Element by Antoine Bechamp. It was not until Pasteur’s work became publicized in the 19th century that it gained widespread acceptance. CELLULAR THEORY (BECHAMP) ... Béchamp’s research revealed that the inner condition of a person’s cellular terrain determined whether disease would manifest or spread in the body. Source: Tuberose.com "Human beings, the potentially highest form of life expression on this planet have built the vast pharmaceutical industry for the central purpose of poisoning the lowest form of life on the planet--germs! He believed that the “terrain” or “internal environment” determined our state of health. The theory of Antoine Bechamp and others called pleomorphism (1). Her family was the only family in town that did not get the flu. Pierre Jacques Antoine Béchamp (October 16, 1816 – April 15, 1908) was a French scientist now best known for breakthroughs in applied organic chemistry and for a bitter rivalry with Louis Pasteur.. Béchamp developed the Béchamp reduction, an inexpensive method to produce aniline dye, permitting William Henry Perkin to launch the synthetic-dye industry. wired.com (excerpted) Powered by Shopify, Melaleuca Product Research & Reviews Newsletter, When it comes to our health, the Western world has largely adopted the. 1st- Bechamp or Pasteur? pH can be measured by using pH strips to test your urine or saliva. In 19th century France, while Pasteur was advocating the notion of germs as the cause of disease, another French scientist named Antoine Bechamp advocated a conflicting theory known as the “cellular theory” of disease. This approach puts YOU in control of your own health. As these photos show (this card is from 1964), he even had intermittent weight issu... By Reader-Researcher RC Liberal Activist is Brutally Raped in Haiti by a Black Man – Blames White Men June 8, 2014 by Jim Hoft ... Ballinger Commons By Diane Hettrick King County Housing Authority (KCHA) has purchased Ballinger Commons, the huge, multi-build... Bailey Reed   By Nicholas Stix SIUE stands for Southern Illinois University in Edwardsville. The following is a video of Mrs. Edna Boone, who lived through the Spanish flu pandemic of 1918. Germs then become symptoms that stimulate the occurrence of more symptoms, which eventually culminate into disease. In essence, he believed the quality of the terrain and the elements it faced determin… When the body is functioning in homeostasis, and immunity and detoxification is operating well, he claimed there was a healthy terrain which could handle various pathogenic microorganisms that inevitably are thrown its way. ), https://drsircus.com/general/viruses-are-ph-sensitive/. It makes sense to wash your hands and keep your home as disinfected as possible, but you may not have much control over “germs” when you leave home. Antoine Bechamp (1816-1908) had an incredible list of scientist appointments at French universities: Doctor of Science, Doctor of Medicine, Professor of Medical Chemistry and Pharmacy at Montpelier, Professor of Physics and Toxicology at … The terrain theory was initiated by Claude Bernard (1813-1878) and later built upon by Antoine Bechamp (1816-1908). The terrain theory was initiated by Claude Bernard (1813 – 1878), and later built upon by Antoine Bechamp (1816-1908). Greg Guettler, Shorewood, top row center Photo by Ben VanHouten The Northwest Boychoi... Staub was known for his love of fine food and wine. The terrain theory was initiated by Claude Bernard (1813-1878) and later built upon by Antoine Bechamp (1816-1908). Melaleuca Product Research and Information. When the body is functioning in homeostasis, and immunity and detoxification are operating well, he claimed there was a healthy terrain that could handle various pathogenic microorganisms that inevitably are thrown its way. Historically, however, variations of the germ theory had been around for hundreds of years but had never taken hold. The theory, that Dr. Robert Young believes in, is called “terrain” theory.. Let’s look into each theory a bit further to determine which theory we should adopt when trying to be healthy, especially during this Coronavirus pandemic. Pasteur was a stronger debater, a better salesman for his point of view and his theory won out, becoming the standard theory used by the modern Western medical community today and the foundation of our mainstream understanding of germs. Anything else is basically fruitless. What is the Terrain Theory, also known as the Cellular Theory? But focus on your internal “terrain” with the following simple steps from experienced practitioners of the “terrain theory” and I believe we can all get through this just fine. The terrain theory was initiated by Claude Bernard (1813-1878) and later built upon by Antoine Bechamp (1816-1908). SIUE Alumna Insists of Man Who Had Sex with Her in Her Dorm Room, “He knew he didn’t have consent and he did it anyways”, From the Mugshot Hall of Infamy: See This Gorgeous, Young Murderer Smile for the Jail Photographer, From Tom Wolfe’s 1976 essay, “The Intelligent Coed’s Guide to America”, John Jackson: One Nation Under Drones - on Midrats. This “inner terrain” model was echoed by two of Pasteur’s most critical contemporaries, French scientists Antoine Bechamp and Claude Bernard. Then what? Remember the key factors for improving your terrain:  nutrition, detoxification, and proper pH. The germ theory of disease holds that “specific microscopic organisms are the cause of specific diseases,” a statement that is so pervasive today that it seems self-evident. The Blood and Its Third Element Paperback – Dec 23 2016 by Antoine Bechamp (Author), David Major (Editor), Defending His Mother’s Racist Rapist: Amanda Kijera’s Son Speaks, 90 member Northwest Boychoir presents A Festival of Lessons & Carols. If you think about everything you touch and everyone you get close to, you will quickly see that avoiding germs altogether is impractical. "His medical discoveries provided direct support for the germ theory of disease and its application in clinical medicine. May 26, 2020, Immune Support That Works He believed that the “terrain” or “internal environment” determined our state of health. Antoine Bechamp was a contemporary of Pasteur, and he had an altogether different take on the cause of disease. But experts are predicting that doctors and hospitals could be overwhelmed. Disease arises from germs sometimes within and sometimes without [outside] the cells of the body In essence, he believed the quality of the terrain and the elements it faced determin… I’m going to leave wired’s propagandistic terminology out of this report- no name calling. When the body is functioning in homeostasis, and immunity and detoxification is operating well, he claimed there was a healthy terrain which could handle various pathogenic microorganisms that inevitably are thrown its way. Terrain Theory. Bechamp proposed an alternative to the germ theory, the terrain theory of disease, which states that a person's poor internal "terrain" (essentially, the state of health of the human body's cells, tissues, and immunity) allows germs to invade and propagate, thereby culminating in disease. In essence, he believed the quality of the terrain and the elements it faced determined a… He believed that the “terrain” or “internal environment” determined our state of health. So, if you closely follow the germ theory, you need to be vigilant against various types of infections through prevention (primarily vaccinations), and destruction (antibiotics, surgery, radiation, chemotherapy) of any external microbe that ever attempts or succeeds to get inside our body. Bechamp was an advocate of the pleomorphic tendency of microbes to change from one type to another according to … So, if you closely follow the terrain theory, you may make yourself aware of various external microbes that could be harmful to our health, and the gentle non-toxic removal of them, but your focus is on building and maintaining the integrity of your inner terrain so that any external microbe that you may ingest does not morph into anything with serious implications for your health. Safe to Go Outside? The last work by Antoine Béchamp, a man who should be regarded today as one of the founders of modern medicine and biology. Here are some resources to study this empowering paradigm. Baseball Great Rusty Staub Dead at 73; was It AIDS? The terrain theorywas initiated by Claude Bernard (1813 – 1878), and later built upon by Antoine Bechamp (1816-1908). When the body is functioning in homeostasis, and immunity and detoxification are operating well, he claimed there was a healthy terrain that could handle various pathogenic microorganisms that inevitably are thrown its way. or Another Lockdown Coming? A weak terrain is naturally more vulnerable to external threats, so it needs to be built up through nutrition, detoxification, and by maintaining a proper pH or acid/alkaline balance. On the other hand, you have total control over your body. On the 16th of October, 1816, at Bassing, in the department of Bas-Rhein, (France, since ceded to Germany), was born a child by whose name in the nineteenth century came to be known as Antoine Béchamp, He should have been recognized in the same way as Copernicus, Galileo and Newton. Germ theory denialism (GTD) is as old as germ theory itself, beginning with the rivalry of Pasteur and Béchamp. As you can see, host theory and germ theory are two radically different views of how people acquire disease. Below is a comparison of the doses in the Orthomolecular Medicine protocol and doses of Melaleuca’s Peak Performance Pack plus one pack of Activate-C plus one Vitality D3 daily. R. Pearson’s Pasteur: Plagiarist, Imposter was originally published in 1942, and is a succinct introduction to both Louis Pasteur and Antoine Béchamp, and the reasons behind the troubled relationship that they shared for their entire working lives. Bernard and Bechamp emphasized the context or environment in which germs lived and not the germs. However, there is another theory called the terrain theory, which believes that it is not the “germ” that determines disease, but rather, the state of our internal health and its ability to maintain homeostasis in the face of “unfriendly” organisms. Typically when you get sick you go to see your doctor. This theory states that there are fixed, external germs that invade the body and are the direct cause of a variety of separate, definable diseases. When the body is functioning in homeostasis, and immunity and detoxification are operating well, he claimed there was a healthy terrain that could handle various pathogenic microorganisms that inevitably are thrown its way. Viruses and some bacteria are pH sensitive, and cannot survive in an alkaline environment. ... response to the imbalanced biological terrain. ... something Bechamp apparently took advantage of with his polarimeter. This is because it was the “Terrain theory”, proposed originally by Antoine Béchamp, that was the correct theory. (Note: Some additional Vitamin C and Magnesium will be required for this "mega-dosing" protocol. With this theory comes Western medicine and its tools and technology that treats the symptoms of an unfriendly microbe rooting itself in the internal environment, through things such as drugs, surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. The current mainstream “theory” of disease, that has been instilled, taught and permeated throughout the western World’s population, is called “germ” theory. He believed that the “terrain” or “internal environment” determined our state of health. So what happens if you do get infected with the Coronavirus? No one listened to Pasteur’s colleagues Claude Bernard and Antoine Bechamp who promoted the Law of the Terrain. Bechamp’s perspective allows us to step back from tight focus and see the loose threads of the germ theory amidst a harmonious and astounding pattern of the … To do this, you would likely have to lock yourself inside for the duration. His ‘Terrain theory’ developed into the opposing paradigm of the germ-based doctrine. In essence, he believed the quality of the terrain and the elements it faced determined an individual’s susceptibility to disease. ← Older Post [Re: “Haiti: Liberal Activist is Brutally Raped, Again and Again, by a Black Man, but She Blames White Men!” ]   By Jerry P... Enrique Garcia, Shorecrest, top row left. Louis Pasteur Vs Antoine Béchamp and The Germ Theory of Disease Causation … Bechamp’s cellular theory is almost completely opposite to that of Pasteur’s. The germ – or microbial – theory of disease was popularized by Louis Pasteur (1822-1895), the inventor of pasteurization. “He knew he didn’t have consent and... Kidnapping, robbery, and murder victim, Charles “Randy” Dutton   Her name is Midiyuana Huber, 22, of Oklahoma City   Midiyuana H... Re-posted by Nicholas Stix [See also, at WEJB/NSU : “Tom Wolfe was Our Zola, Our Trollope, and … Our Mencken: An Appreciation.” ]   F... How are unmanned systems and the increasing use of robots from the kitchen to the battlefield impacting how our personal, professional, and ... Rowan’s January, 2017 mug shot ( The Smoking Gun mistakenly filed this under “cleavage,” even though Rowan, with all due respect, has ... Antoine Béchamp & Terrain Theory: Pasteur Plagiarizes and Promotes A Poor But Profitable Theory That Has Likely Sickened Us All (The Planet Too), “People realized that [the microbiome] wasn’t some quirky, beautiful thing in biology, but was functionally crucial,”. History can be cruel and rewritten a hundred times over to fulfill the needs of those in control. Please read these articles to learn more: Alkalize the Body with Baking Soda,  21 Questions About Sodium Bicarbonate by Dr. Mark Sircus. To do this, you would likely have to lock yourself inside for the duration. Please read the following news release entitled Vitamin C Protects Against Coronavirus from the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service. When the body is functioning in homeostasis, and immunity and detoxification is operating well, he claimed there was a healthy terrain which could handle various pathogenic microorganisms that inevitably are thrown its way. There was another line of thinking working in tandem back in the 19th century. King County Housing Authority buys Ballinger Commons, Is Bailey Reed This Year’s Jackie Coakley? He believed that the “terrain” or “internal environment” determined our state of health. He believed that the “terrain” or “internal environment” determined our state of health. Antoine Bechamp, 1883 [Medical Doctor and Pharmacist] (Table 1) [1-13]. Back in the day when Louis Pasteur proposed the Germ Theory and applied it to wine making to kill off the germs to create a sterilized product, no one questioned what it might do to the body. Yes, wash your hands. June 26, 2020, Your Eyes—The Window to Your Soul June 05, 2020, Gut Health and Immune Function Antoine Béchamp & Terrain Theory: Pasteur Plagiarizes and Promotes A Poor But Profitable Theory That Has Likely Sickened Us All (The Planet Too) Germs seek their natural habitat – diseased tissue – rather than being the cause of diseased tissue.” - Antoine Béchamp I’m going out on a limb here to explain my theory about viral spread. Conventional medicine is almost exclusively based on the “Germ Theory.” That’s why their response to Coronavirus is … “Wash your hands, and if you get sick stay home.” That is about it. Another analogy that is helpful in understanding the terrain theory, is to imagine a deer that fell over in the forest and died of a natural cause, such as old age. With this notion in mind, we could conclude that we have to combat germs all the time in every way possible and that preventative measures through things like nutrition are basically useless. (Pasteur was not the first to have the idea, and scientists such as Girolamo Fracastoro (who had the idea that fomites could harbor the seeds of contagion), Agostino Bassi(who disc… theory? A Brief History of Germ Theory vs Terrain Theory: 19th Century Pathologic Discoveries While Antoine Béchamp was a brilliant scientist with a remarkable mind, Louis Pasteur was very well-connected. Pasteur invented pasteurization and vaccines for rabies and anthrax and discovered that many diseases are caused by invisible germs. He believed that the body’s “terrain,” when weakened, attracted disease. The terrain theory was initiated by Claude Bernard (1813 – 1878), and later built upon by Antoine Bechamp (1816-1908). or Another Lockdown Coming? As a leading academic, his work was well documented in scientific circles. This approach puts, Please read the following news release entitled, 21 Questions About Sodium Bicarbonate by Dr. Mark Sircus, Newsletter 402: Taking Care of Winter Skin, Trump Covid Treatment / Preparing Your Terrain for Second Wave. well, see you in posting other articles. seeking to replace antimicrobials, such as vaccines, antivirals, and antibiotics, used to fight infections with the beneficial microbes in our guts for “damage-control therapeutics.”, (which holds that science advances as “paradigms” are overthrown when they no longer explain the world). Reducing the idea of disease to a si… If you think about everything you touch and everyone you get close to, you will quickly see that avoiding germs altogether is impractical. Heard of books which have been available only sporadically in the history biology. A leading academic, his work was well documented in scientific circles to Pasteur ’ s susceptibility to.! 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